Nerdy and the Beast

Chapter Three

"You're fired."

Emma rolled her eyes as Lawrence paced back and forth anxiously. She had told him the news of the expedition, and he was more than a little against the idea. She just examined the books in his private study, mostly tuning out his lecturing.

"You can't fire me," Emma told him. "You're technically not my boss."

"Don't get smart with me, little girl," Lawrence said. "Less than a day on the job and you already plan a little vacation to the jungles of Cantaciras. Some of the most dangerous jungles in the world. Emma, what are you thinking?"

"I'm only picking up where you left off," Emma told him. "You've already mapped out the journey and done the research. All that work would go to waste. The display has been sitting empty for years now."

"For good reason," he said. "It's an incredibly dangerous journey. One that takes training and preparation to get through. You don't even like using public restrooms."

"I'm sure the jungle is cleaner than any public restroom in Mistgrove," she told him. "People are just so... careless."

"When your father trusted me to look after you, he made me promise you'd be out of harms way," Lawrence sighed. "Working at the museum is just that. An expedition into the jungles is just... insanity."

"I'm going with an experienced crew," Emma reassured him. "And what my father doesn't know won't hurt him."

"And what happens if you don't come back?" he asked. "Or if you're eaten by a giant python. Those things grow up to 30 feet long, you know."

"I won't be eaten by a python," Emma promised. "Lawrence, this could really change the way the museum circle's members look at me. They'll know for sure that I'm serious about it. I'm going to do this, whether I have your blessing or not. But I'd rather have it."

Lawrence sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. He slowly sat down in a chair, using his cane as support. He was quiet for a little while, then shrugged.

"Fine," he said. "Since I know I can't change your mind."

"Thank you," Emma grinned, rushing over and hugging the old man.

"Remind me," he said. "Which investor was this?"

"Oh, uh, Bardot," she said. "Liam Bardot. Have you heard of him before?"

"No, must be one of those trust fund boys from the city," Lawrence grunted. "That's what concerns me. Just stay vigilant, Emma. Stay cautious, and keep your eyes open. Our regular investors may be dusty and pompous, but at least they show you exactly who they are. These charming city kids... they're a different breed."

Emma wasn't sure what to make of that warning, but nodded. She sat down with a cup of tea once she got home and reflected on it. Liam hadn't struck her as suspicious in any way. He was like any other businessman she had met. Stern, professional, and straight to the point. And he could probably defend her from a python if he had to. He caught her out of the air when she fell, after all. She felt her face get a bit warm at the memory, but quickly brushed it off. It was an embarrassing and unprofessional moment. Even if he was a little bit handsome.

Harry wasn't too thrilled about Emma going off on a big expedition without him and insisted that he walk her over to the docks the morning they left for the journey. Liam was waiting for her, offering her a small smile and nod in greeting. There were a couple others standing nearby. A large, intimidating looking man and a breathtakingly beautiful young woman. Emma smiled at them, but they didn't return it.

"Oh good, you brought your puppy," Liam remarked, looking over her shoulder at Harry.

Harry just wrinkled his nose, hovering near Emma.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" he whispered to her.

"I'll be fine," she promised him. "Besides, I need you to look after the museum. Sophia can't do everything alone."

"You're sure that you're sure?"

"Yes, you can go now."

Harry reluctantly backed up, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked away. Liam watched him go, then gestured towards the man and the woman he was with.

"Emma, I'd like to introduce a couple people to you," he said. "This is Kamon. He'll be the captain of this expedition. And this is Natasha. She'll be navigating for us. Kamon, Natasha, this is Emma. She's our lead researcher."

"A pleasure," Kamon said, though his tone wasn't quite as friendly as his words.

Natasha didn't even speak to her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," Emma said, trying not to crack under their gaze. "I look forward to working with you. I'm so excited to continue my mentor's work. I've been reading through his research notes and I think we'll have a very successful-"

"Yeah," Natasha said simply, her voice just as smooth and sultry as her appearance. "We'll see."

"Oh, um..."

"Don't think too hard about it. I hope you don't mind sleeping in bunks."

She turned on her heel to head towards the ship. Kamon nodded to her once more before following Natasha. Emma turned to Liam, noting his annoyed expression before he quickly wiped it off.

"Don't mind her," he said. "It's not you, she's like that with everyone."

"Are the bunks that bad?" Emma asked. "I didn't bring a pillow."

Liam chuckled.

"You'll be fine," he said. "Worst case, I don't mind setting up some clothes as cushions and sleeping under the stars."

"Oh," she said. "That sounds nice, actually.

"After you, Miss Cunningham."

She smiled as he gestured towards the ramp up to the ship. She picked up her bag and started up the plank, taking in a deep breath of the salty sea air. She could do it. She had to do it. Coming back as a failure just wasn't an option anymore.