Space Cadets


Colin didn’t know what to think. While Zenian medics were able to speed up his recovery he was still in quite a bit of physical pain on top of the emotional turmoil Eliza seemed eager to put him through. His head was bandaged and right arm were bandaged and he had a pretty gnarly scar on the side of his face now, creeping from his brow line down to his neck.

He had a hard time processing everything Eliza had said to him, just sitting there with his dumb little box of apple juice. And now the Queen was sitting across from him. He quickly set the juice aside in a slight attempt to not look quite so pathetic, but she just offered him a warm smile.

“It’s Colin, right?” she said.

“Yes, ma’am,” Colin said. “Colin Holman.”

“We owe you a great deal for your service last night,” she said. “It’s hard to imagine any of us would be alive if it weren’t for you and Eliza.”

“I can only hope that everyone is alright.”

“No casualties,” she assured him. “We’re a little shaken up and a bit traumatized, but we are all alive and well. Thanks to you.”

“Good,” he sighed. “It’s… my job. That’s what I was brought here for.”

His tone was a bit dull at his last comment. Maybe he was telling it to himself more so than the queen.

“Well,” Queen Corinne said, “I would like to personally extend an offer to you. In addition to a sum of credits as a bonus and an award for services to the royal family, we would like to offer you a permanent position in the Royal Guard here in Zenia.”

Colin was stunned to silence. It was a great offer, yes, but he didn’t belong here. Not lounging among the Zenian peacocks.

“Thank you,” he said slowly. “Respectfully, I’m afraid I have to decline. I know it’s not quite as prestigious to be working in the underworld among gangs and thugs, but those people need me. I’m one of them.”

“I understand,” Queen Corrine said with a nod. “I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. Thank you again.”

When she left, that was the last of the formal gratitude. Colin was ushered out of the hospital unit as quickly as they could get him out. With the threat gone, he had already been reassigned and was instructed to pack his things. The General wasn’t about to give him much time to think about it, either.

While he folded his clothes and packed them away, he was only thinking about Eliza. He was being rushed out of Zenia, but he wasn’t going to leave her without at least saying goodbye. He supposed he could sneak out for a few minutes without anyone penalizing him too much for it.

After a bit of searching, he found her gently rocking on one of the swings in the gardens. She absentmindedly stared ahead, and was startled when Colin grabbed the rope of the swing to stop her.

“Colin,” she said softly. “You’re out of the hospital unit.”

“Yeah,” he said. “They were eager to get me out. How are you doing?”

“Fine,” she shrugged. “My wrist is sore, but the bone is set. They fixed all my cuts and bruising. Heaven forbid a scar is left behind and men will think I’m ugly.”

She paused, then grimaced as she looked at Colin’s scar.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean-“

“It’s fine,” he said, kneeling down in front of her. “Honestly, I think I look pretty rugged with it.”

“You do,” she said, cracking a smile and briefly reaching out to touch his cheek.

“I’m being reassigned,” Colin said suddenly.

The smile fell off her face and she pulled her hand away, looking down at her feet.

“I see.”

“I wasn’t going to leave without telling you that I love you.”

She froze, eyes darting up to look at him again.

“What?” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

“I love you,” Colin said. “Honestly, I think I have since we were back on Corran. I couldn’t say anything because I was technically on the job, but I guess I don’t care anymore. And I can’t leave with you believing anything other than that.”

She looked like she was about to cry, but suddenly leaned in and kissed him. They stayed like that for a little bit, and for once neither of them were shying away or holding back. It felt like it was a long time coming. When she pulled away, Colin took both her hands in his.

“I’m being reassigned,” he repeated.

“Where?” Eliza asked, voice cracking.

“I’m going back to Corran for about a month,” he explained. “I have to tie up some loose ends there. Then they’re sending me to Anlina. It’s a rural area. Something about mobsters terrorizing the farmers there.”

“Anlina is so far-“

“Come with me,” Colin interrupted.

“Come… with you?” she said.

“Yes,” he said. “Come with me. I know you don’t want to stay here with all the parties and the galas and the dresses. You want to do more. And you CAN do more. Think about all those displaced families in Anlina who could use your help rebuilding their lives. We could set up in a little farmhouse with a nice view while I’m undercover. Maybe we could get a couple of animals. Whatever you want. Just… come with me.”

She was stunned speechless, then kissed him again with a teary nod.

“Okay. I’ll come with you.”

It took a bit of convincing, but eventually Eliza’s family was willing to let her go. At this point, even they knew she was destined for greatness. Even if it wasn’t in the way they expected.

They returned to Corran in time to see Becca graduate from school with the highest marks in her class and a full-ride scholarship to the Zenian Academy for Aerospace Engineering. It was a brief ceremony, but Becca was practically a celebrity among her peers. When George tried to bulldoze his way into her spotlight, Eliza managed to hold him down and clasp a hand over his mouth before he made a scene.

They had to reveal Eliza’s true identity to Colin’s family, but they were quick to accept her. She was already part of the family at this point. Thalia had already accepted Eliza as her daughter, and now that she was able to take some time off work, her beauty and sparkle was starting to shine again.

They threw a small party for the graduates that night, and Eliza was ready to dance with everyone. It was modest, but it felt right. She never stopped smiling once, and that’s all Colin could ask for. They weren’t living in a palace, but they could be happy together for a long time.