Status: Enjoy and please I always appreciate feedback!

When All Else Fails

Distant Like The Sun

Maria looked over the plans and explained to her council why finding the siblings of Angel the "demoness of the north" was important. They had been a bit upset at having to let go of a POW but, "We need the food and no matter what Angel will keep her word" Maria stated. "And what if she doesn't she could have her own agenda," Adda said. "I assure you though she is rumored to be ill-tempered she is known to keep her word" Maria replied. "And in any case, these are my orders, if you are in disagreement then go find food yourself, and risk failure such as your lover did" Maria retorted making Adda frown while Noe tried to calm Adda down.

The food was delivered as promised. It was dropped at the location and Maria's team was quite astonished at the generosity of the "blood butterfly" as some called her. "I told you all, she is of honor," Maria said. "On the other hand how is the new recruit doing in combat training our troops, is he proving viable and of use," Maria said, curtly. "He is doing as he promised, but he lacks discipline he does not like to take direct orders from Zeke," Noe said, he knew Maria would not be happy but he had to report.

Maria walked down the corridors of their underground hideout, a hideout they had all built and developed, and dug together to avoid the machines. It was quite massive and each area was used for a specific purpose. Though they had tried to clear the debris pieces of rust and old furniture of what had once been a mansion were still lying around.

Combat training was held on one side a large area where most debris had been cleared. Archery and aim near the outside as no one needed a stray arrow implanted in them, there was also a secluded room for intel and spying and one where individuals were taught the best way to go about raiding and avoiding the regulators while hunting for food and weapons. Other rules and guidelines were given in lectures in the center room, filled with old chairs and crippling sofas.

Maria approached the combat area where Ville was training some younger recruits in hand to hand combat. "Apparently the guy had a black or yellow belt in judo so he is pretty good," Zeke said. "I heard he has been quite undisciplined though and on the field disobeying an order can mean death for him and others" Maria stated. "We have tried to work on that and though he complies at times he lashes out," Zeke said.

Ville was finishing teaching someone how to block when he saw her approaching with other men, one of them Zeke, though he wanted to respect the rules he was growing irritated at the man bossing everyone around as if they were disposable.

"M'lady," Ville said looking straight at Maria, making her shiver. How she hated that. "I heard you are proving effective, but if you do not know how to follow orders you are good as dead, or should I say you and whoever is with you Mr. Valo," she said pointedly.

"I can assure you I will follow orders, but I will not bow down, either" Ville said with a determined voice, Zeke had been acting quite arrogantly.

"No one is asking you to, although if you get caught due to your stubbornness you will be forced to beg," Maria said. "I know that" Ville replied. "Then try to be more compliant, this is my home the home of my family if you are to be here you are to follow the rules," she said shortly. "As for you Zeke we will talk later, but tone it down we are not here to terrorize, we need them to be calm in all aspects," Maria said as she turned to retire.

At least she had put Zeke in his place, he had no issues following orders, but he was not going to be pushed around either, Ville thought, as Zeke grumbled staring daggers at Ville. Yet Ville could not figure her out, she was so caring of her clan and yet her words were like ice, distant like the sun.

Why was it bothering him though, she was a distant dream of something he had once wanted in his life, but in the end, she was her own person, yet could a frozen heart melt, and the pain in her eyes, could no one see how palpably it resonated.
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