Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Car Rides and New Rooms

I sighed leaning my head against the cool glass of the window. The blur of highway signs and cars were helping me block out my little sister. She was currently sitting next to me, and going on about something on one of her favorite cartoons. I was snapped out of my gaze by the vibrating of my phone. I quickly flipped it open and saw the “NEW MESSAGE” symbol flashing in the corner. I laughed as I opened it seeing as it was from my brother Kyle.

Dude, get Kaitlyn to stop talking!! As if this drive wasn’t long enough

“Kyle, you are officially a loser,” I said leaning forward in my seat and ruffling his hair.

“Hey! Watch the hair,” he said swatting my hand away, “And why am I a loser?”

“You sent me a text when I’m, about 4 feet away from you,” I said pulling my legs up on the seat with me.

“But that doesn’t make me a loser,” he said pouting.

“Does so,” I said sticking my tongue out.

“Does not.”

“Does so.”

“Does not,” he said fully turning around.

“Does s-“ I started but was interrupted by my step mom, Sherilyn.

“Alright already!” she said coming to a stop, “We’re here.”

Kyle and I hurriedly unbuckled our seatbelts and darted out of the car. We raced to the front door and I could hear Sherilyn mumbling something about how weird we were. Before we even opened the door to our new home, it was opened by our step-brother, Marc.

Kyle seemed to not notice Marc in the doorway, and plowed right into him. The two fell to the floor with a thud and I could hardly contain my laughter.

“Kyle, bro, what the hell?” Marc said standing up and helping Kyle up as well.

“Sorry man, I’m just excited for the new house. I mean, we get our own rooms now!” Kyle said sounding like a two year old.

While the two were discussing their little encounter, I silently crept to the stairs. Kyle seemed to notice and raised an eyebrow at me.

“Isabelle, what’re you doing?” Marc asked following Kyle’s gaze.

“Oh, ya know. Just moving towards the stairs,” I said acting innocent, “and getting DIBS ON FIRST ROOM!”

I quickly bound up the stairs and heard Kyle and Marc right behind me. Lucky for me, the first room I ran into was the room I wanted.

“DIBS ON THIS ONE!” I yelled as Kyle and Marc passed.

Both of them stopped dead in their tracks and peeked over my head and instantly started complaining.

“Izzy that’s not fair! Why do you get the room with the window by the tree?” Kyle whined.

“Now you can leave and we can’t!” Marc exclaimed.

“Chillax guys, you can still go through my window,” I said finally stepping into the room, “As long as you guys don’t abuse it.”

The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor in a heap with both of them exclaiming their form of “thank you”.

“Guys, Mommy and Daddy said to come down for dinner,” Kaitlyn, our little sister, said from the doorway.

Kyle was the first to get out of the tangle of bodies and ran to Kaitlyn, picking her up. Her squeals of laughter could be heard as Kyle ran down the stairs to the dining room. Marc and I followed closely and sat down at the table just as my Dad was opening the pizza box.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feeling: Tired.
Spinning: Straight Golden by The Saintz and MikeyWhiskeyHands

I'm pretty sure I know where i'm going with this one.
I wrote it all down in class one day haha.

Comments and criticism please?