Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Walgreens and Park Swings

Over the next few weeks, things seemed to be going great. Caleb and I were practically attached at the hip. It was safe to say he was my best friend now. Then when we weren’t hanging out, I was hanging out with either Jonathan or Miranda. As much as I loved all of the guys, it was good to have a girl there, for girl talk.

It was currently Friday, right after school got out. I was bidding farewell to all of the guys, minus Caleb, Marc and Kyle, and getting ready to head home. Later, Miranda was going to come over, and we were going to have a movie night and sleepover. Luckily, Kyle and Marc both had other plans, so we wouldn’t have to deal with them.

Around 7 or so, Kyle and Marc left, with Miranda arriving right after. We both went up to my room, and decided to change into our pajamas. I showed her where the bathroom was, and then preceded to change into some sweats, a t-shirt. Right after I finished dressing, there was a knock on my door. I opened the door to find Miranda, also wearing sweats and a t-shirt. We both laughed at the coincidence, and made our way downstairs to the kitchen.

“So what kind of food do you want?” I asked Miranda as we rifled through the fridge.

“I dunno,” she said looking with me, “What do you have?”

“Well, it looks like nothing right now,” I said closing the fridge in defeat, “Wanna hit up Walgreens?”

“Yeah let me just get my bag and shoes,” Miranda said heading towards my room.

I followed her, and we both slipped on our shoes, along with a jacket, and grabbed our purses. We made our way back downstairs, me telling my parents we were leaving before we walked out the front door. We hopped into the car, and were on our way. The whole way to Walgreens we were loudly singing along to 88’s by Farewell. We got a few strange stares, but we didn’t care, we were having fun.

At Walgreens we picked up tons of snacks. We got ice cream, chips and various candies.

Once we got home, we dug into the food, and started watching 10 Things I Hate About You.

“I would love if a guy would sing in front of everybody for me,” I said watching as Heath Ledger sang and danced across the bleachers.

“Well, Jonathan is a singer,” Miranda said smirking.

“What does Jonathan have to do with anything,” I said trying not to blush.

“Oh like it isn’t obvious!” she said nudging me, “I can tell you like him! You’re always so smiley when he’s around, and even now, just talking about him you’re smiling.”

“Well, maybe I sort of like him,” I said smirking, “But, what does it matter, he would never like me.”

“I’d beg to differ,” she said knowingly.

“And why would that be?”

“Caleb tells me stuff,” she said pulling her phone out.

“Really now?” I said interested, “And why do you have your phone out?”

“We’re going to hang out with Caleb and Jon, considering they’re at his house, right down the street.”

I tried to convince her to not call Caleb, but she merely waved me off. I sighed defeated, and sat back listening to her and Caleb converse. She smiled the whole time, and turned to me once she hung up.

“They’re going to walk over here, then we’re heading to the park,” she said standing up and stretching.

“Okay, that works,” I said straightening my shirt as I stood up.

About 3 minutes later, Jonathan and Caleb were at my front door, and we were making our way to the park. Jonathan and I hung back a little, while Caleb and Miranda practically skipped together holding hands.

“I still find it funny that it took him forever to talk to her,” Jonathan said laughing a little.

“I know!” I said laughing along, “I could tell the first night I met her, that she had a thing for him.”

“At least he finally listened to someone and talked to her.”

“Totally agreed, “ I said right as we arrived at the park, “Ooh! I wanna swing.”

I quickly skipped ahead, towards the swings, and jumped on one. I started pushing myself back and forth, but didn’t go too high. I craned my neck up, and stared at the sky, which was full of stars. I heard the chains of the swing next to mine creak, and glanced over, noticing Jonathan.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked staring up at the sky as all, “Were the stars this great in Colorado?”

“It’s gorgeous,” I said taking the scene in, “Not where I lived really, considering we lived in the middle of Denver. But if you went up to the mountains on a clear night, it was breathtaking.”

“I’ll have to see it one day then,” he said earning a nod from me.

We made small talk for a while, every now and then hearing squeals of laughter from Caleb and Miranda, who were running through the park sprinklers.

“So what are your plans this weekend?” he asked twisting in the swing.

“Nothing that I know of,” I said still moving back and forth, “How about you?”

“Basically the same,” he said chuckling, “We should hang out.”

“We should, that would be fun,” I said turning towards him, “Any ideas on what to do?”

“Hmm,” he said looking deep in thought, “OH! I know! How about we go to the fair?”

“Ooh that sounds fun,” I said grinning.

“Then it’s a date,” he said matching my smile, “I’ll pick you up around 5:30?”

“That sounds fantastic,” I said smiling and glancing at my phone, “I guess we should head back, my rents gave us an 11:00 curfew.”

“Alright,” he said getting up from his swing and offering me his hand, “Best make curfew so we can chill tomorrow night.”

I gladly accepted his hand, and stood from my swing as well. We hollered for Caleb and Miranda, and were soon back to my house.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Jonathan said pulling me into a hug.

“Can’t wait,” I said returning his hug, “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” he said as he started release me from the hug.

Before we were completely disconnected, he leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed slightly and smiled up at him, before he and Caleb started walking down the street towards his house. I pushed the front door open, and allowed Miranda to go in before me. I alerted my parents that we were home, then made my way upstairs.

“Alright, spill,” Miranda said jumping onto my bed.

“What do you mean ‘spill’,” I said flopping onto the bed.

“Oh come on! Why do you have the biggest smile ever on your face?” she said nudging me, “Oh wait, I know! It’s something Jono did!”

“What! No that’s not it,” I tried covering the truth earning a look from her, “Alright fine. Me and him have a date tomorrow night, and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.”

“AWWH!” She said pulling me into a hug, “I told you he liked you.”

I just laughed at her, and let her say ‘I told you so’.

The rest of the night, we watched chick flicks and pigged out on our snacks. I really didn’t follow most of the movies, because all that was on my mind was my date with Jonathan the next night.
♠ ♠ ♠
So so so sorry it took so long guyss.

I tried making it a little longer to make up for the waiit.


I won't update unless I get updates
