Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Barbies and White Cheddar Noodles

The next morning, Miranda and I woke up a little after 11. She had to babysit her neighbor at noon so we ate a quick breakfast before I drove her home. The whole way to her house, she kept reminding me that as soon as I got back from my date, I had to call her.

“Now don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she said as she hopped out of the car.

“Whatever you say Miranda,” I laughed slightly pushing her out of the car.

She just stuck her tongue out at me, before practically skipping up to her front door. I laughed as she turned and curtsied before entering her house.

On my way home, I decided to stop at 7-11 and pick up a slushee. As I was filling up my cup, I decided to get Kyle and Marc one too, or they’d steal mine. I quickly grabbed 2 more cups, and filled them with various flavors. As I set the cups on the counter, I heard the bell above the door ring, and in walked Austin. He had on his normal headband, but was in complete soccer gear.

“Izzy! What’s up?” He said coming over to me.

“Austin!” I said hugging him, “Just getting me and the bro’s some drinks. How about you? And what’s with the soccer gear?”

“Same! I need water for my soccer game. I thought you knew I played,” he said a little confused.

“Nooo!” I said holding the ‘o’ out, “If I would’ve known, I would’ve challenged you to a game or something.”

“Wait! You play!?!” he said getting excited.

“Hell yeah! I was captain of my competitive team back in Colorado.”

“Oh man, that’s awesome! You should go out for the school team next week,” he said as he placed his water on the counter and paid.

“I just might have to,” I said as we walked out to our cars, “But, now I have to go back and get ready for tonight.”

“Oh yeah, I heard about your date with a certain Mr. Cook,” he said winking and laughing.

“Wow, creepy!” I said laughing, “But good luck at your game! And I’ll see you on Monday.”

“Alrighty! Bye Izzy!!” he said jumping into his mom’s car.

“Bye Austin!” I said getting into mine.


As soon as I was home, I was greeted with thanks from Marc and Kyle as they ran out of the house to do who knows what. I laughed and walked inside the house, yelling to my parents that I was home. Just as I was about to walk up the stairs, Kaitlyn ran up to me holding Barbie’s in her arms.

“Izzy, will you play with me?” she said holding one of them out towards me.

“Sure Kaity Bug,” I said grabbing the Barbie from me, “But only for a little while okay?”

“Okay!” she said dragging me towards her playroom, where the rest of her Barbie stuff was.

I laughed at her enthusiasm, and plopped myself down next to where she sat. She started telling me about what we were going to play, and I just obliged.

The next thing I knew, I had been playing with her for two hours and Sherilyn was calling us for lunch. When we got upstairs, I realized it was only us three girls, and that she had made my favorite lunch.

“Oh my gosh Sherilyn, I love you!” I said digging into my white cheddar noodles.

“I love you too Isabelle,” she said laughing as we ate, “I knew ya’ll loved them, and the boys aren’t here so they won’t eat them all.”

I just laughed at her comment, and we continued eating.


Around 3 o’clock, I headed up to my room to get ready. I turned on the shower before walking to my stereo and cranking up my Yellowcard CD. As soon as I heard Ocean Avenue start to play, I hopped in the shower. I sang along loudly, and most likely out of tune, the whole time.

Once I was all clean, I hopped out of the shower and wrapped my big blue towel around myself, and walked out into my room. I turned down my music a bit, and went on with picking out an outfit for my date. After going through half of my drawers I settled on a pair of black skinny jeans, my yellow Lemon Heads shirt along with my multi colored pyramid stud belt.

I dried my hair, and flicked on my straightener, waiting for it to heat up. While I waited, I applied a thin layer of eyeliner around my eyes, and topped it off with some mascara. After my makeup was done, I straightened my hair, and put a few pins in my bangs, to keep them out of my face. I fastened my yellow calculator watch around my wrist, and placed one of my many pairs of sunglasses on my head.

I heard the doorbell ring downstairs, and quickly threw my wallet, phone, iPod, and keys into my purse before making my way downstairs. I heard Jonathan and my Dad talking, as I stepped off the final step. Jonathan looked up, and smiled his dazzling smile at me.

“Hey Isabelle,” he said pulling me into a hug, “Ready for a night of fun?”

“Hi Jonathan!” I said returning his hug, “And of course! How could one not have fun at a carnival?!”

He just laughed and shook his head. My dad took this as his cue to ‘enforce’ rules, and cleared his throat.

“You two have fun, and have her home by midnight at the latest,” he said trying to sound stern.

“Okay sir, I will,” Jonathan said shaking my dad’s hand.

“Bye Daddy,” I said giving him a quick hug, “Ready to go?”

“After you,” Jonathan said opening the front door for the both of us.

I followed him out to his truck, and he, once again, opened the door for me. I said a small thank you, and he walked around to the driver side.

Whoever said chivalry was dead, hadn’t met Jonathan Cook.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm uber sorry this took soooooooo long.
I'm double updating toniight tho =]

*The date would've been on this one, but I'm not into those super long 20348348 page chapters hahah*

I have major ideas for this BTW.
