Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Horror Movies and New Neighbors

About a month and a half later, Jonathan and I sat on my couch, watching some random horror movie. Halloween was only about two weeks away, and we could both hardly wait.

“So, what’s the whole plan for Halloween?” I asked leaning my head against Jonathan’s shoulder.

“Well, I think we’ll go to dinner, and then meet up with everyone at Kent’s party,” he said stroking my hair, “I mean, if that’s okay with you.”

“Sounds fun,” I said smiling, “I just need to get a costume now…”

“I already have mine,” he said sounding proud.

I just laughed at him and ran the possibilities of what I could be through my head. I must have been in deeper thought that I realized, because I nearly jumped off the couch when Austin came bursting through the door.

“Holy crap Austin!” I said clutching my chest, “What have I told you about knocking!?”

“That I should do it more?” he said trying to sound innocent.

“Exactly,” I said laughing at his fake innocence, “But anyways, is there a reason you came bursting through the door?”

“Actually, yes,” he said smiling, “I just thought I’d inform you that you have new neighbors.”

“The house next to you was for sale?” Jonathan asked sounding confused.

“Apparently,” I said shrugging, “I mean, it’s been empty since we moved in, so I guess they finally sold it.”

“Ah, I see,” he said nodding, “Did you wanna go meet your new neighbors?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said standing up and stretching, “Let’s go.”

The three of us walked out my front door, and were met with the sight of a moving truck, and various people walking to and from the house. In the rush of all of the people, I saw a girl who looked a tad younger than me, carrying a large neon splashed duffle bag out of the back of an SUV. I took this as my cue to walk over and introduce myself.

“Hey, need any help?” I asked the girl, who was starting to falter under the bags weight.

“Uhm sure,” she said looking a little uneasy, “I’m Kelly by the way.”

“Nice to meet you Kelly, I’m Isabelle. Now let me get you some help,” I said smiling, “Austin! Get over here and help Kelly with her bag!”

“Who’s Austin?” she said looking confused.

“Oh, silly me,” I said laughing, “Austin’s one of my friends, who actually told me about you moving in here. And-”

“Hi, you must be Kelly,” Austin said cutting me off, “I’m Austin. Here, let me take your bag.”

“Hi Austin,” she said semi-shyly, handing him her duffle.

I just smiled as they started talking and literally skipped across the lawn, and back to where Jonathan stood. This would have been normal for me, seeing as I did this often, but when I was a few steps away from him, I faltered a bit, and ended up falling into him. We both fell to the ground, and immediately started laughing.

“Have a nice trip?” Jonathan said as he stood up, offering me his hand.

“Why, yes I did actually. Thank you for asking,” I said playfully.

“So, how’s the new neighbor?” he asked as we both sat the porch swing.

“She seems pretty cool. Her name’s Kelly, and I’m pretty sure she’s Austin age, or close to it,” I said pushing my feet back and forth.

“Sweet. Maybe you won’t be the only girl anymore.”

“Hopefully. I mean, once Dannyel gets back, they’ll be two, but still,” I said laughing a little, “We should invite her to the Halloween party.”

“We should,” he said nodding in agreement, “And it looks like Austin will agree with us.”

I looked over to where Jonathan was pointing, and saw Kelly and Austin who were laughing rather hard about something. The saw the both of us looking and waved to us before making their way over.

“Jonathan, this is Kelly. Kelly, this is Jonathan,” Austin said introducing the two of them.

“Nice to meet you. Where are you from?” Jonathan asked shaking her hand.

“New York. But I’m glad to be out of there,” she said smiling.

“Awesome! I love New York, it’s fun!” I said high fiving her, “Oh, before I forget, do you want to come to our friends Halloween party with us?”

“Uhm sure, if that’ll be alright with your friend,” she said smiling.

“Yeah, he won’t mind. Plus, you’ll get to meet everyone else who hangs around here,” I said laughing a bit.

“Alright sweet,” she said laughing with me, “I’ll have to get a costume right?”

“Yeah, it’s a costume party,” Austin said nodding.

“Hey you should come costume shopping with me tomorrow! I still don’t have mine,” I said hoping she’d agree to come.

“Awesome! That sounds fun,” she said smiling, “What time are you going?”

“Around 1 or so. If that works for you.”

“Yeah, that sounds perfect,” she said smiling, “Well, I should probably go unpack a few things.”

“Alright. Here I’ll give you my number so we can make everything is final for tomorrow,” I said and she handed me her phone, “Alright, there you go. Just text me in the morning and we can go shopping and maybe to lunch or something.”

“Okay sounds good,” she said pocketing her phone, “Bye guys, it was nice meeting you.”

Austin and Jonathan both said their goodbyes, and she walked back over to her house. Once she was inside, Austin got a huge grin on his face.

“Dude, she’s amazing,” he said sounding like he was way out of it.

“OOH! Austin has a crush!” I said semi-singing it.

“Maybe I do,” he said smirking.

“Oh, we know you do,” Jonathan said joining in on the teasing.

“Yeah, you’re right, I do,” Austin said still smiling, “Well, it was lovely chatting with ya’ll, but I have to get home now. Peace!”

“Bye!” Jonathan and I said in unison.

“Ugh, I should probably get home too, my mom said something about an early dinner,” Jonathan standing up, “I’ll call later though.”

“Alright. Bye love,” I said giving him a kiss.

“Bye babe,” he said before walking to his car.

He got in, and right before he drove away, he gave me a small wave. I returned it, and walked back into my house.

I spent the rest of my night just chilling with the Kyle and Marc, playing random video games, and watching movies. Eventually around midnight we decided to call it in, seeing as we all had some form of plans tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it probably sucked.

Buut maybe I'll update quicker this time.

What should Isabelle be for Hallween???
And Jonathan??
I need suggestions??

Comments :D