Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Talking Closets and Shopping Adventures

The next morning I woke up to Kyle jumping on my bed, telling me it was time for breakfast. I just threw my pillow at him, causing him to laugh, before eventually standing up, and making my way downstairs.

“Good morning sweetie,” my dad said as I took a seat at the table.

“Morning Dad. How are you this morning?” I asked pouring myself some grape juice.

“Rather good,” he said placing the newspaper down, “Did any of you have plans today?”

“I’m going to go costume shopping with the new neighbor Kelly,” I said smiling.

“Is the new neighbor hot?” both Kyle and Marc asked in unison.

“Oh my gosh you guys!” I said laughing, “And yes she’s pretty. But I’m pretty sure her and Austin already hit it off. And Kyle, you’re dating Dannyel, remember?”

They both muttered something, and I couldn’t help but to laugh even more. Almost immediately after this, Sherilyn brought out a plate of pancakes, with Kaitlyn carrying the syrup behind her.

“Hold on Isabelle, your eggs are just about done,” Sherylin said walking back into the kitchen.

“Thank you so so much Sherilyn!” I said smiling.

“I still don’t get why you don’t like pancakes,” Marc said as he covered his in syrup.

“I think I ate them too much as a kid or something,” I said shrugging, “Probably because that’s all Kyle would let Dad make for breakfast.”

“That’s because they’re fluffy goodness!” Kyle said happily, “Plus, you’re just a weirdo Izzy.”

I just made a face at him, and Sherylin sat my eggs in front of me. I gave her a small thank you, and we all dug into our delicious breakfast. The breakfast was filled with small talk about our plans for the upcoming Holiday, and how school was going. After we were all done, I helped clean up before going to get ready.

I bounded up the stairs, and went into my room throwing my closet doors open.

“Hmm what should I wear?” I said with my hands on my hips.

“I’m pretty sure that your closet won’t answer you,” Kyle said as he walked by my door.

“Oh, but dear brother, it just might one day! You never know,” I said trying not to laugh.

He just gave me a weird look and continued to his room. I burst out laughing before pulling out a pair of jeans, a purple glamour kills shirt and my purple hat.

I took a quick shower, and got dressed before blow-drying my hair. As I was finishing up my hair, I heard my phone go off in the other room, and hopped up to go grab it.

“Hello?” I asked as I answered the phone.

“Hi, is this Isabelle?” I heard a timid voice ask.

“Yes it is,” I said trying to name the voice in my head, “May I ask who this is?”

“Oh yeah. This is Kelly.”

“Hey Kelly! Sorry about that I couldn’t quite place your voice,” I said slightly laughing, “So what’s up?”

“Not much, I had just finished getting ready so I thought I’d ask you when we were gonna go shopping.”

“Oh fun. How about you come over here, and then we can drive to the mall from there,” I said applying my makeup.

“Alright, sounds good,” she said happily, “See you in a few.”

I gave my goodbye, before hanging up the phone, and placing my hat on my head. I quickly grabbed my dinosaur print bag off my desk, before making my way downstairs.

“Hey, I’m going to the mall with Kelly, I’ll be back later,” I said to my parents, who were in the living room.

“Okay sweetheart, see you later,” my dad said right as the doorbell rang.

I just smiled, and walked to the door before opening it. I flung it open to reveal Kelly standing with a smile on her face.

“Hey Izzy!” she said smiling.

“Hey Kelly! Are you ready to go on a shopping adventure?” I asked letting her inside the house.

“Oh for sure! You ready?” she asked as I grabbed my purse.

“Yep, lets go,” I said grabbing my purse and opening the front door, “Bye guys, I’ll be back later!”

I heard a few random ‘goodbyes’, before I closed the door. We both made our way down the lawn and to my car, before I heard someone shout my name.

“ISABELLE!” I heard Caleb scream as he ran up the street.

“CALEB!” I said mocking his yelling.

“Where are you going?” he said reaching us, “And who is this?”

“This is Kelly, my new neighbor. Kelly this ginger is Caleb,” I said trying not to laugh, “And we are going costume shopping.”

The two exchanged greetings, before Caleb looked at me with a pout.

“Can I come?” he asked trying to use puppy dog eyes, “Please?”

I looked at Kelly, seeing if she would mind, and she just shrugged. I let out a fake sigh and nodded my head causing Caleb to attack both Kelly and I in a hug.

“Down boy!” I said laughing, “Alright, let’s go.”

Once the car was unlocked, Caleb hopped in the back seat, while Kelly rode shotgun. I handed her my book of CD’s and told her to pick one out. She grabbed ‘Rotation’ by Cute Is What We Aim For, and popped it in.

“Excellent choice,” I said as Practice Makes Perfect started playing.

“Yeah, they’re basically amazing,” she said smiling.

The ride to the mall was practically a giant sing along, and we all actually sounded rather decent. Once we had arrived at the mall, and found a parking spot, we started walking into the mall.

“So, I say we get some Inta Juice before we start shopping,” Caleb said as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Oh, I totally second that,” Kelly and I said at the same time.

The three of us started laughing, and walked into Inta Juice. We all gave the cashier our order, before getting our drinks, and aimlessly walking around the mall.

“Oh, let’s go in here!” I said as we passed a costume shop, “I bet we’ll be able to find something in here.”

“I’d be surprised if we didn’t,” Kelly said laughing a little.

“Okay, let’s all meet back by the dressing rooms in 20 minutes and show each other what we’ve picked,” Caleb said as he walked towards the guys costumes.

Kelly and I just nodded in agreement and both went on the hunt for our costumes.
I walked up and down the aisles a few times before finally finding the perfect costume. I grabbed the right size, and made my way towards the accessories.

Once I had the accessories picked out, I went back by the changing rooms, and was soon joined by Caleb and Kelly.

We all walked into our own dressing rooms, and waited until Kelly counted to 3 to come out.

“Alright. 1. 2. 3!” she said before I heard all of our doors get thrown open.

Once we had all stepped out, I was met with a humorous sight.

“Prince Charming?” I asked as I observed Caleb’s outfit.

“Yes. Miranda said she wanted her prince to come one day, so I wanted it to be me,” he said placing his hands on his hips.

Kelly and I let out synonymous “awh’s” causing a slight blush to rise on Caleb’s cheeks. I then turned to Kelly, and noticed she was dressed like Alice In Wonderland.

“Oh my gosh! You’re costume is freaking amazing!” I said causing Kelly to laugh.

“Thanks! I love yours too!” she said laughing as well.

“Thanks,” I said adjusting my fairy wings, “I really just wanted to throw glitter at people.”

“Oh man, that’ll be a fun night,” Caleb said laughing, “Just don’t throw it on me.”

“I can’t promise anything,” I said laughing.

We shared a quick laugh, before we made our way up to the counter to pay.

The rest of the day, we just goofed off at the mall, only leaving when Kelly got a call from her parents telling her that she needed to be home for dinner.

I took her home, and Caleb and I decided to have a best friends night sleepover.

We watched countless movies, and overdosed on junk food the whole night. Once it was around 3 am, we decided to call it a night, and both passed out somewhere in the living room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woo update! haha.

So, I really would be a fairy so I could throw glitter at people.
I tried using the sour patch kid powder, it doesnt work as well haha.

Buut comments??