Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Odd Elderly and Zombie Hunts

The night I had been waiting for was finally here.

It was Halloween, and in a few hours I would be heading to Kent’s party with Jonathan.
I had just taken a shower, and was waiting for my hair to dry a little, so I could scrunch it and put it up. While I was waiting I started on my costume makeup. The makeup I had chosen for the night was full of shimmer, and different variations and purple and green.

Once my makeup was done, my hair was finally dry enough for me to scrunch it. I put a fair amount of gel in my hair, before scrunching it, and letting it’s true curliness show. I pinned it up in a few places, before I decided that it looked okay. I went into my room and started to put on my costume.

Once I had my costume on, glitter pouch included, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran down the stairs quickly and flung the door open. In front of me stood Jonathan dressed as a Cowboy’s player, and Michelle dressed as a princess.

“I should’ve known this is what you’d pick,” I said laughing and giving him a kiss on the cheek, “It’s so you!”

“Well, the fairy fits you very well,” he said laughing and flicking my wings.

“Doesn’t it?” I said laughing and doing a little twirl, “I mean, I’m magical, and sweet!”

“You just wanted to throw glitter at people didn’t you?” he asked giving me a knowing glance.

I just smiled sheepishly, and bent down to Michelle’s level.

“Hey, if you go get Kaitlyn, we can go and start trick or treating!” I said smiling.

“Where is she?” Michelle asked quietly.

“She’s in the living room sweetie,” I said smiling, before standing up.

See, Jonathan and I had offered to take Kaitlyn and Michelle trick or treating, so our parents could have a quiet night to themselves. We had figured that the girls would be done by 8 or 8:30, giving us plenty of time to hang out with the rest of the crew.

Michelle and Kaitlyn, who was dressed as a lady bug, came running out of the living room, with the rest of my family close behind. My parents greeted Jonathan, and told us to all have fun, before giving Kaitlyn hugs and kisses.

“Here’s the keys bro,” I said as I threw Kyle my keys, “Don’t crash.”

“Oh come on Izzy, you know I’m a great driver,” Kyle said causing Marc and I to scoff.

He just put on a fake pouty face, causing us to laugh, before we decided to leave. We walked out into the brisk October air, and were greeted with the noise of little kids excited chatter. As soon as we got down the stairs, Kaitlyn had grabbed my hand, and Michelle had grabbed Jonathans. The two grabbed each others hands, and we were soon off on our adventure.

About 30 minutes later, we had made it about two and a half blocks. Jonathan and I were currently waiting at the bottom of a few stairs, while the girls got their candy. Once the elderly lady had handed them their candy, they both said ‘thank you’, and made their way back to us.

“You two have lovely children,” the lady said smiling at me and Jonathan.

Both Jonathan and I were shocked at what she had said but both let forced smiles onto our face. Before we had time to say they were only our siblings, she had shut the door.

“Well, that was a little weird,” Jonathan said as we walked to the next house.

“Yeah it was!” I said laughing, “I didn’t think we looked old enough to have kids, let alone be married!”

“Exactly my thoughts,” he said laughing with me.

For the next 45 minutes, we kept trick or treating with the girls, before they got exhausted. We took them back to my house, because they were having a slumber party, before making our way to Kent's.

Once we got to Kent’s, we walked in to find the rest of the crew. I gave them all a hug, before taking a seat on the couch, and grabbing some candy off of the coffee table.

We all sat and talked for a while, before there was a knock at the door. I offered to get it, and stood up from my spot next to Jonathan. I opened the door, and let out a squeal of excitement.

“DANNYEL!” I said as I tackled her into a hug.

“IZZY!” she said returning the hug.

“POOH BEAR!” I heard Kyle yell, before he grabbed her out of my arms and gave her a kiss.

I just laughed, and made my way back inside, putting my hands on my hips.

“Alright, why didn’t ya’ll tell me Dannyel was coming back?” I said trying to act serious.

“We wanted it to be a surprise?” Kent said laughing, “Actually, only Austin and I knew.”

Kyle and Dannyel quickly joined us in the room, and we made sure to make the introductions between her and Kelly.

“So, I say we go play Zombie Hunt now,” Miranda said standing up and stretching.

We all readily agreed, and were soon making our way to the park where I had first met Caleb.

“Hey, no being a creeper this time,” I said as I shoved Caleb playfully.

“Oh come on, you know you’re happy I creeped you so we could be friends,” he said laughing.

“Alright, here’s the rules,” Austin said catching our attention, “There’s going to three zombies. Myself, Richard Simmons, and Kelly will be them the first round. You’re object is to run and hide, and get back to base after we find you, and before we catch you.”

I couldn’t help but to laugh as Austin called Marc Richard Simmons. His hair really did help complete the outfit.

“Any questions?” Kelly asked as we all started to strategize.

“Where’s base?”

“Main playground island,” Marc said before he started the countdown.

We all ran in different directions, before we heard the three ‘zombies’ say they were coming after us. I crouched behind a random bush, and waited trying not to make any sound.

“GOTCHA!” I heard Kelly yell as she popped up in front of the bush.

I screamed, and ran out from behind the bush, darting out of the way of obstacles. Kelly was close on my heels, and I wasn’t that far from the playground. I decided to make a leap for the playground, but didn’t make my move quick enough.

“Ha you’re a zombie now too!” Kelly said as she successfully tagged me.

“Awesome! Now I get to chase people!” I said pumping my fist in the air.

Seeing as all of the other guys had made it back to the base before being tagged, I was the only new ‘zombie’. Kelly got to join in with the others in being normal. The three of us who were deemed ‘zombie’s’ began counting, and I could hear everyone else run in different directions.

Once I had counted to 50, I uncovered my hands, and ran out in the direction I had heard the majority of the group run to. I saw a flash of blonde hair pop above the bench in the distance, before it ducked down again. I smiled widely, before running over to the bench, only to find Kyle behind it.

“I’ve got you now!” I said as I started to chase after him.

“You’ll never catch me!” he said making me only run faster.

I decided that this was a perfect time to use my ‘fairy dust’ and quickly grabbed some and threw it at Kyle. I missed him the first time, but the second time, I got the glitter all over his back.

“HA!” I said as we both slowed to a stop at base, “I so got you!”

“What the heck! No you didn’t!” Kyle said turning to look at me, “You never even tagged me!”

“Uhm, hello,” I said gesturing to his glitter covered costume.

“Glitter doesn’t count,” he said sticking his tongue out.

“Since when!?” I said in shock, “I’m a fairy zombie, it’s deadly glitter.”

After I said this, I heard everyone else start to laugh.

“So does that mean he’s still in?” I asked looking at everyone sitting at base.

“Yeah,” Jonathan said hopping down and putting an arm around my shoulder.

“Oh well, it was worth a try,” I said laughing, “Plus I actually got to use my glitter!”

“So, I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’m getting kind of cold out here,” Jonathan said.

Everyone agreed, and we all decided to head back to Kent’s house.

Once we were back at his house, we all decided to change into regular clothes. We all went in our separate directions, and quickly changed. I had chosen to wear sweatpants, and a hoodie, considering we were having a giant sleepover with all 10 of us.

I went into the living room, and noticed that Kyle was the only one not done changing. We all made ourselves comfortable, me and Jonathan on the oversized recliner, and were waiting to watch Dawn Of The Dead.

“Glitter is seriously the herpes of craft supplies,” Kyle said as he sat down next to Dannyel on the couch.

“I’m sorry Kyle,” I said as I realized he still had some stuck in his hair, “But nice comparison.”

We all started laughing, and Caleb pressed play on the DVD player.

The rest of the night, we all sat around Kent’s living room watching horror movies, and eating ridiculous amounts of candy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long :/
I fail at updating haha.

So i was thinking of having a time jump in the next chapter.
To Spring.
What do ya'll think?!?

And if you know who originally said "Glitters is the herpes of craft supplies" I will love you forever and ever :)

