Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

New Seasons and Cowboy Boots

March 20

I woke up to the sun shining through my window, and smiled.

Today was the first day of Spring: my favorite season.

I quickly hopped out of bed, and opened my window, letting the crisp, spring air flow into my room. I took a deep breath, and felt another smile creep it’s way onto my face.

I tied my hair up into a ponytail, before deciding to wake up Kyle and Marc.

I went to Marc’s room first, considering he was easier to wake up, and because he could help me torture Kyle.

“Morning Marc!” I said throwing his curtains open.
“Isabelle, what the hell?” he said shielding his eyes.

“You just rhymed,” I said laughing, “And it’s SPRING! Oh, and I need help waking Kyle up.”

“I swear, you and the Spring,” he said shaking his head, “And alright, let’s wake up the highlighter.”

“You know, I could take offense to that.”

“But you don’t,” he said as we made our way to Kyle’s room.

“True,” I said laughing, “Alright, you open his curtains, and I’ll jump on him.”

Marc nodded, and crept over to the window. I counted down from three on my fingers, and when all my fingers down, the madness ensued.

“GOODMORNING DEAR BROTHER!” I said jumping up and down on Kyle’s bed.

“You have 3 seconds before I kill both of you,” Kyle said from underneath his pillow.

“Abandon posts!” Marc cried as we both sped out of Kyle’s room.

We both bolted down the stairs, and as soon as we were in the living room we heard Kyle reach the bottom of the stairs.

“You guys can’t get away now!” he said charging at the both of us.

“Split!” I said dashing towards the front door.

Marc caught onto what I meant, and bolted for the back door.

When I flung the door open, I ran out and into a solid object. The object let out an ‘oof’ and I realized that I had actually ran into a person.

“Oh, hey Jonathan,” I said smiling as I looked up.

“Hey Isabelle,” he said smiling back, “Now, is there a reason you were charging out of the house so fast?”

“Uhm yes, actually,” I said laughing, “And it’s name is Kyle William Burns, so you should hide me.”

“And how would I do that?”

“Uhm, let me stand behind you?” I said thinking of a lame excuse.

“I think it’s too late,” Jonathan said pointing behind me.

I followed his line of sight, and saw Kyle standing there with a smirk on his face. I let out a squeal, before taking off from behind Jonathan. I made it about halfway through my front lawn, before I felt a weight on my back.

“I got you now!” Kyle said as I struggled under his weight.

“Kyle, if you don’t get off of me, you’re going to break my back,” I said trying my best to stand up.

He quickly messed up my hair, and jumped off my back. I shot him a fake glare, before attempting to fix my hair. He just laughed and made his way back inside.

“Well good morning Sunshine,” I said walking up and hugging Jonathan, “What gives me the pleasure of seeing you on this lovely morning?”

“Well someone’s just chipper today,” he said laughing and kissing my forehead, “And I was here to hang out with you.”

“Well yeah! It’s the first day of Spring!” I said smiling and laughing, “And what did you have on the agenda today, sir?”

“Well, I was thinking we could go to the park downtown, and possibly get some ice cream,” he said as we walked into my house.

“I like that idea,” I said as we walked to my room, “But, I should probably put on some real clothes and attempt to do my hair.”

Jonathan just laughed, and sat on my bed, while I went into the bathroom to get ready. Before I went into the bathroom though, I picked out a pair of capri’s and a gray v-neck with different covered sunglasses on it.

I quickly changed, and threw my hair into low pigtails, letting my bangs fall into my face. I put on a fresh coat of eyeliner, and sprayed on my perfume, before making my way back into my room.

“Alright I’m ready,” I said slipping on a pair black flip-flops.

“Let’s go,” he said standing up, and grabbing my hand.


Jonathan and I were currently sitting on some random park bench, eating our newly purchased ice cream.

“Man, I can’t believe I only have three months until graduation,” I said taking another lick of my ice cream.

“Aren’t you excited for college though?” Jonathan asked turning towards me.

“Yeah, I mean I guess,” I said shrugging,” I mean, I’ve always wanted to go to College, but I guess it’s finally setting in. I’m going to miss seeing my family everyday, too. We’re finally super close again.”

“I know how you’re feeling babe,” Jonathan said placing his arm around my shoulder, “But at least your staying close to home, and not going out of state.”

“That’s true,” I said smiling, “Gah, what would I do without you?”

“Freak out?” he said laughing, “Nah, you’d be perfectly fine. I’m just glad I have you.”

“And I’m glad I have you,” I said giving him a peck, “What do you say we just walk around town?”

“Sounds like a lovely time,” he said standing up while pulling me up.

We both disposed of our now melted ice-cream, and linked our hands, before making our way down the first street we could.

“Oh, let’s go in here!” I said as we passed a western store.

“Maybe we can get you a cowboy hat,” Jonathan said laughing.

“Maybe,” I said laughing along with him.

We walked into the store, and I was immediately drawn to the clothes. As I was walking through the various racks, a simple white cotton shirt caught my eye.

It was a tank-top, with crisscrossed straps in the back. Along the bottom, it looked like there were red flowers growing upwards. I saw that there was a pair of red slouchy cowboy boots that would match it perfectly, and felt a smile grow on my face.

I grabbed my size in both the dress and the shoes, before making my way towards the dressing room. I ran into Jonathan on the way, and he insisted that I come out and show him how the dress looked.

“You’re getting that,” Jonathan said once I walked out, “That, or I’m buying it for you.”
“Does it really look okay?” I said smoothing the edges down a bit.

“Babe, it looks better than okay,” he said standing up and walking to me, “You look gorgeous.”

“Awh, you’re going to make me blush,” I said hugging him and burying my face in his chest.

“It’s my job,” he said laughing a little, “Well that, and to love you.”

“Love me?” I said a little shocked by his words.

I mean, sure we’d been together a good 6 months, but we hadn’t quite declared our love for each other yet. I knew at about 5 months that I was definitely going to end up falling in love with him.

“Uhm, well, yeah,” he said seeming a little nervous, “I love you Isabelle.”

“I love you too Jonathan,” I said hugging him even tighter.

“Come on, let’s buy your dress, and then we can walk around some more.”

I just nodded, and went back into the dressing room to change. When I was back in my own clothes, I went back out to Jonathan, and we made our way to pay.

Once I had purchased my dress and new shoes, we continued to walk around downtown. Eventually, we both had to go home for one reason or another, so he drove me home.

“I’ll talk to you later sweetheart,” I said as I got out of his truck.

“Alright babe,” he said leaning over and giving me a kiss, “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said smiling and closing the door.

That night, like many other nights after hanging out with Jonathan, I couldn’t stop smiling. I knew that this relationship was going to last, and I honestly couldn’t wait to see what was in store for us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally an update :)

I wrote some of this on a plane, and in an airport haha.


And idk where to really take this.
But, I have some ideas.