Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

A Swingset and A New Friend

“So did you guys pick which rooms you wanted?” my Dad asked as everyone grabbed a slice of pizza.

“I did. I got the one with the bay window by the tree,” I said smiling.

“I got the one across the hall,” Marc said before shoving pizza into his mouth.

“Mines next to Izzy’s,” Kyle said with a mouth full of pizza.

“Kyle you know mommy and daddy don’t like when you do that,” Kaitlyn said putting her hands on her hips.

“Yeah Kyle,” I said playing along, “Use manners.”

“Says the girl who hardly uses hers,” Kyle said mockingly.

Our dad shot us a warning glance and we both quickly quieted. Dinner was pretty quiet apart from Kaitlyn’s pointless conversations about cartoons. It was funny when Marc and Kyle would join in and actually know what she was talking about.

Once dinner was done and all cleaned up, I decided to explore the neighborhood. Seeing as it was summer and only 6:30, I knew I had a while before it would be dark. I slipped on my dunks and shoved my phone in my pocket.

“I’m going on a walk, be back soon,” I shouted as I opened the door.

“Just be back before dark sweetheart,” I faintly heard my dad call from somewhere in the house.

I skipped down the 3 steps to the front door and halfway down the driveway before I almost fell. I decided that I should just walk instead of making a fool of myself. The neighborhood seemed pretty quiet, and clean from what I could gather. And lucky for me there was a park only a few blocks away at the end of a street. It was deserted so I made my way over to the swings and sat down. I didn’t swing too high, just enough to move back and forth. I zoned out examining my new living area, after about 5 minutes I heard the swing next to me squeak. I turned and made eye contact with a red-headed boy.

“Hi! I’m Caleb,” he said pushing himself back and forth.

“Isabelle,” I said noticing how happy he seemed.

“So Isabelle, are you new around here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you.”

“Yeah. I actually just moved here today. You’re the first person from here I’ve met.”

“Awe really? Sweet. So where are you from, and what brings you here anyway?” he said, now twisting in the swing.

“I’m from Colorado. And my step-mom’s job transferred her here. And before you ask, no I don’t ski or snowboard all the time.”

Caleb just laughed and stood up from his swing.

“Well Isabelle, I think we would make great friends,” he said.

“I believe you are right Caleb. You can be my first Texan friend,” I said putting my hand out for him to shake.

“Oh no, I give hugs,” he said pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

I just laughed and hugged him back.

Hate the jocks, the preps, the hippy fuckin scum bags, Heavy-metalers with their—

“Hello?” I asked answering my phone without looking at the caller-ID.

“Isabelle, where the hell are you?” Kyle basically screamed into the phone.

“Okay Skid-Row calm down,” I said holding the phone from my ear, “And I’m at the park a few blocks away. I said I was going on a walk.”

Caleb laughed at my name for Kyle, sending Kyle into hysterics.


“Chill bro, he’s a cool kid. And his name’s Caleb,” I said still not placing the phone to my ear.

“Well, bring him to the house so Marc and I can approve,” he said finally calming down.

“Alright, Dad, whatever,” I said hanging up on him.

“Older brother?” Caleb asked following me as I started walking.

“Younger actually,” I said laughing, “How old are you anyway?”

“14, and yourself?”

“Just turned 17.”

The rest of the short walk home was filled with us getting to know each other. We were both very similar in movie likes, music taste and somewhat fashion sense. I was just hoping Kyle and Marc would be nice to him.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Feeling] Like my eyes are on fire
[Spinning] I'm A Fake by The Used

Hope you liiked the update =]]

Or else I won't updatee.