Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

The Chain Gang Of 1974 and 5 Year Olds

The rest of my day was pretty uneventful. I met up with the guys for lunch, and met a new guy. His name was Kent and he was a sophomore like Marc and Austin. I also met one of the friends Kyle had made, Dannyel. I also learned she was good friends with Austin and Kent. The way they acted towards each other I could already tell they were crushing. Austin must of noticed too because he leaned over to me.

“Ten bucks says they end up dating within a month,” he whispered.

“Oh I can tell they will. She seriously looks like Kyle’s dream girl,” I said whispering as well.

“You know, secrets don’t make friends,” Kent said causing me and Austin to sit straight up.

“Don’t worry pretty boy, we weren’t talking about you. And it’s not a secret, more of a bet,” Austin said readjusting his headband.

“That’s right. And no, ya’ll can’t know about the bet,” I said looking at three eager faces.

The smiles on their faces dropped and they all glanced at each other. Before I could say “Zang Za Dam” I was underneath a pile of 3 boys. I struggled underneath their weight for about a minute before Austin and Kyle were able to pry them off.

“Holy shit guys, I can’t breathe when you do that,” I said still catching my breath.

“We won’t do it again. As long as you and head-band boy don’t keep secrets,” Kent said earning nods from the others.

“Alright fine, we won’t keep secrets,” I said with Austin agreeing as well.

“And I like my head band, thank you very much,” Austin said crossing his arms.

We all just laughed at his antics, and continued on with our lunch. The boys got caught up in a discussion about some video game I wasn’t familiar with so I decided to get to know Dannyel.

“Since I can tell you’re just as lost as me in their conversation, let’s talk” I said turning towards her.

“Yeah, they totally lost me,” she said laughing, “By the way I love the shirt and shoes.”

“Likewise. Vendetta Red is amazing,” I said glancing at her shoes, “And I would kill for those shoes.”

“Thanks. So how was life in Colorado? Any boys?” she said laughing at the last part.

“Life was pretty fun. Good local music. And no boyfriends, just friends who were boys,” I said laughing a little.

“Oh really? Who was your favorite?” she asked excitedly.

“There’s a tie really. On the more electric side of the spectrum was The Chain Gang Of 1974, he was a good friend of mine. And then on the indie side Matt & Isom, also good friends.”

“Ooh sweet. So is the Chain Gang Of 1974 just one person?”

“Yeah, he’s really amazing. I bet that sounds pretty biased considering Kamtin was one of my best friends,” I said laughing.

“I’ll have to check him out sometime,” she said, “And it looks like the bell is about to ring. What do you have next?”

“Yeah, I’ll totally lend you the CD. Uhhmm I have Film Study, how about you?” I said scanning my schedule.

“Yay, me too! And you’re lucky, we’re just starting the Goonies today,” she said before the shrill ringing of the bell cut her off.

“Oh no way?!? I love that movie,” I said excitedly standing up.

“Me too! Dang girl, we’re going to be instant friends,” she said laughing and leading the way to class.

The rest of my day was pretty much the same. Dannyel and I were more than excited to know that not only did we have film study together, but we finished the day off in Gym together. After gym had finished, we were both aimlessly talking in the locker room.

“We should hang this afternoon,” Dannyel said locking her little locker.

“We should. I have to take Caleb, Kyle and Marc home and pick my sister up from school at 3:20 though,” I said slinging my bag over my shoulder.

“That works. Seeing as how we both drove here, I’m going to need directions to your house.”

“Oh yeah,” I said telling her the easiest way to get to my house.

We bid our goodbyes once we reached her car, and I made my way to mine. I was met by Austin, Caleb Marc and Kyle leaning against the side casually talking. I decided to have fun, and hit the alarm button. The annoying noise quickly made the quartet jump and look around. I nearly doubled over in laughter at the sight before me.

“Izzy what the hell!” Marc asked noticing me.

“Payback for lunch,” I said once I composed myself.

Once I unlocked the car, there was a mad dash for the front seat. In the end Caleb won, with Austin telling him it was unfair. I just laughed and turned the radio on loudly to drown them out. The 5 minute ride was filled with us belting out the words of blink 182. We pulled into the driveway just as Dannyel pulled up, and Kyle’s eyes widened.

“Why is she here?” he asked trying to act calm.

“We’re hanging out after I pick Kaitlyn up. So ya’ll be nice to her while I’m gone,” I said as everyone piled out of the car, “Dannyel, I’ll be back soon. Just make yourself at home.”

I drove to the elementary school, and parked quickly. Just before the bell rang, I made it to the outside door of Kaitlyn’s classroom. Once the bell rang, I was surrounded by little 5 year olds.

“IZZY!” Kaitlyn yelled before launching herself at me.

“Kaity bug!” I said using her nickname causing her to giggle, “How was your first day?”

“It was amazing! I made a new friend too! You have to meet her!” She said in one breath
before pulling me towards another little girl, “Izzy this is Michelle. Michelle, this is my sister Izzy.”

“Nice to meet you Michelle,” I said giving her a little wave.

She shyly waved back, and I couldn’t help but smile. I just stood against the brick wall while the 2 talked animatedly about something. Soon enough, Kaitlyn was looking at me with her big puppy dog eyes.

“Izzy? Can me and Michelle play at the park?” She asked being overly sweet.

“I don’t know honey. It’s fine with me, but what about Michelle’s mommy and daddy?” I said noticing they weren’t there yet.

“Actually, my brother would have to say yes,” Michelle said finally speaking to me, “He should be here any min—JONATHAN!”

Michelle suddenly ran to a boy who looked a little older than me and attached herself to his legs. He picked her up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before setting her down. I could hear her talking about playing at the park while dragging Jonathan over.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Feeling] Not too shabby
[Spinning] Your Song By Mayday Parade

There ya have it
Every FTSK boy is in now =]

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