Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Jungle Gyms and Golfing

Once Michelle and Jonathan reached us, introductions were made.

“Jonathan, this is my new best friend, Kaitlyn,” Michelle said smiling, “And this is her big sister Izzy.”

I silently laughed as Kaitlyn did the shy wave, blushing a little. She then looked up at me with her puppy-dog eyes once again and I put my hands up.

“I already said yes, Kaity bug. Michelle just needs permission,” I said glancing at Jonathan.

“It’s fine with me,” he said looking at Michelle.

Both girls quickly squealed and made a mad dash for the jungle gym. I pulled my phone out and sent Marc a text telling him what was going on, so he wouldn’t worry. I proceeded to pick up Kaitlyn’s abandoned backpack and put it next the bench I sat on. Jonathan sat next to me, and we were silent for a few minutes.

“So, I’m guessing ya’ll are new around here?” he asked turning towards me.

“Yeah, second day here actually,” I said mimicking his actions.

“Oh. Where’d ya come from, I can’t pick up an accent,” he said, his accent making me smile.

“Colorado, the accent isn’t too strong there,” I said laughing a little, “But I’ll pick up a southern one soon, I always do.”

He laughed too, and I couldn’t help to notice how cute he was. He had seemingly perfect
white teeth, and gorgeous eyes. I snapped out of my gaze when he asked another question.

“How old are you anyways?”

“Just turned 17, and yourself?” I asked hoping he wasn’t too much older.

“18. So I’m guessing you go to Horizon?” he asked as I nodded, “Hmm you might know my friend, Caleb Turman.”

“Yeah I know Caleb, he lives right down the street from me actually,” I said laughing a bit, “He introduced himself the first day I was here actually.”

“That’s Caleb for you, always going after the pretty girls,” he said blushing after he realized what he said.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Kaitlyn let out a shrill scream. I quickly ran over to her and frantically fussed over her.

“Honey what’s wrong? What happened?” I said looking for an injury on her.

“There was a bee, this close to me,” she said holding her fingers barely apart.

“It’s okay, it’s gone now,” I said kissing her head and shoving her to go play again.

I made my way back over the bench and Jonathan looked concerned.

“Is she alright?”

“Yeah, there was a bee by her. She’s definitely dramatic,” I said laughing a bit.

For the next 30 minutes or so, we got to know each other. I could see why Caleb and he were friends, they were almost identical.

“So what do you like to do for fun?” I asked.

“I like golfing, but I suck,” I said laughing, “But other than that I’m a music nerd and go to shows.”

“You golf? That’s amazing, so do I. That’s actually what I’m in college for,” he said grinning a little, “And nothing wrong with going to shows, I love going to them.”

“Well maybe you can teach me to be better. Oh sweet, are there any good shows coming up?” I asked feeling like I had known him a long time.

“There’s actually a show on Saturday with this really good local band, The Epilogues,” he said thinking a little.

“Oh nice. I might have to check them out. Are they rock?”

“Yeah, with a little synth thrown in too.”

“Ooh I love synth,” I said laughing, “I think I’ll definitely be going to this show. Where’s it at?”

“This little venue called the Hi-Dive. I think I’m going to, so I’ll probably see you,” he said flashing his heart stopping smile.

“Definitely,” I suddenly remembered that Dannyel was at my house, “Oh crap. I totally forgot that I left my friend alone with Caleb, Austin, Marc and Kyle.”

“Well, you better go before Caleb makes a move on her,” said laughing and waving the girls over to us.

“I think I’d be more worried about my brother,” I said laughing, “It was nice getting to know you, maybe I’ll see you some other time?”

“Yeah, I’d like that. We should go golfing sometime,” he said as we walked to our cars.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Just give me a call when you want to,” I said scribbling my number on his arm.

“Alright I will, “he said, before driving off.

“Oooh Izzy likes a boy!” Kaitlyn giggled from the back.

“Oh hush,” I said laughing and driving home.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Feeling] Hella Good
[Spinning] Wasted by Cartel

Ehh I can't decide if I like it or not =\
Kinda a filler.

I have 7 subscribers, so I know people are reading.

Also, I'm writing an Alex Garcia from Mayday Parade story.
Keep an out for it