Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Peter Pan and Hair Straighteners

The rest of my week was pretty uneventful. Every day was pretty much the same. I would wake up, get ready, get breakfast with Marc, and leave with Kyle scurrying into the car at the last minute. Then we’d pick Caleb up, and get to school 5 minutes before the bell rang.

Then after school Dannyel, the boys and I would all hang out somewhere. Seeing as today was Friday, we all decided to have a movie night. We decided my place would be the best so Dannyel and the guys could all crash at one place. We all had a specific task to accomplish as well. Austin and Kyle were getting the movies. Dannyel and I were preparing the snacks. And Marc and Kent were moving the stuff in the living room around, and getting blankets and pillows.

As we were pouring the chips into the bowls, Kyle burst through the door, and hid behind Dannyel. A small blush rose to her cheeks as Kyle wrapped his arms around her middle and hid his face in her back. About 10 seconds later, Austin ran into the kitchen almost sliding into the fridge.

“YOU!” He shouted pointing at Kyle, “Give it back!”

“Whoa guys, what the hell is this about?” I asked staring at them.

“Your brother, stole my headband,” Austin said crossing his arms.

“It looks better on me anyways,” Kyle said sticking his tongue out.

Kyle went to pull the headband on, and Austin ran towards him. Kyle, being his girly self, let out a squeal and dashed into the living room. Austin quickly followed, and you could hear them wrestling in the next room.

“So, am I sensing a crush on Kyle?” I said turning towards Dannyel.

“What? Of course not,” she said turning and busying herself with something unimportant.

“So you blush when all guys hug you?” I said laughing a little, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell him. He probably likes you too, you’re totally his type.”

She just laughed grabbing some of the snacks, and moving them to the living room. I grabbed a box of Capri Sun, and quickly followed suit. All 6 of them quickly took the box from my hands, grabbing one, and throwing me one.

The night consisted of 3 movies, and lots of junk food. I had made myself comfortable on the couch between Caleb and Kent. Kyle and Dannyel were on the loveseat, and Austin was in the recliner. Marc had opted to lay on the floor for some reason.

About halfway through our third movie, Peter Pan, I started getting tired. I pulled my blanket around me tighter, and before I knew it, I was sound asleep. I wasn’t the first asleep though, Kent fell asleep before we even started Peter Pan.

The next morning I woke up with a terrible pain in my neck. I opened my eyes, and realized I had laid my head on Caleb’s shoulder, and Kent’s legs were draped halfway over mine. I glanced at the clock on the cable box, and freaked when I saw it was almost noon. I muttered a few profanities to myself and decided to start waking everyone up. According to my Dad and Sherilyn, everyone had to be out by noon. I quickly shook Kent and Caleb awake, and explained our dilemma. They both quickly sprung into action, waking everyone up.

Everyone was up and out by noon, with Caleb saying he’d be back after his shower. I’d almost forgotten about our project. I quickly showered, and opted on pulling my hair into a messy bun. I would just have to do it before the show tonight.

Once Caleb came over, we whipped through the research part of the project, if you could even call it that. We basically knew everything that was required to know. We just had to look up a few technical terms. We decided to hold off on doing the poster, considering we had all of class this week to do it.

“So where you headed later?” Caleb asked as he watched me do my hair.

“This local show, I met your friend Jonathan, and he told me about it,” I said pinning my bangs back.

“You know Jonathan? That’s pretty sweet,” he said excitedly, “And I might see you tonight; I’m planning on going to the show too.”

“Yeah, I met him when I picked Kaitlyn,” I said finishing my hair, “You should come with, unless you have someone to go with already.”

“Nope, I was going solo, but I’ll go with you,” he said playing with his slightly curly hair, “I’m hoping I see this girl, Miranda there.”

“Awwh, does Caleb have a crush?” I said laughing a little, “Ooh can I straighten your hair."

“A little I guess,” he said sitting on the closed toilet, “And go to town. Have fun.”

I immediately started on his hair. It went fairly quick, considering his hair wasn’t all that long. Once I was done, I smiled largely.

“There’s no way Miranda can resist you,” I said laughing as he stood up.

“I like it,” he said examining his hair, “I might have to do this more often.”

For the rest of the afternoon, Caleb and I watched Disney. The Suite Life of Zach and Cody, to be exact. Anyone who say’s we’re too old for these kind of shows, should be punched.

Around 5 o’clock we decided that we should leave to the show. Once we were in the venue, Caleb’s eyes were locked on a girl with black, blonde and purple hair. I could see her occasionally look his way, and get a smile on her face.

“Just go over and talk to her,” I said giving him a little push.

“But what if she doesn’t want to talk to me,” he said sounding shy for the first time since I met him.

“Trust me, she does. She’s been glancing over at you all night,” I said pushing him again.

“Alright, I’m trusting you,” he said before walking over.

I watched as he shyly went over and tapped her shoulder. She spun around, and went wide eyed, noticing it was him. She quickly relaxed when he said something that made her laugh.

“So, someone finally convinced him to talk to her,” a familiar voice said snapping me from my thoughts.

“Hey Jonathan,” I said turning towards him, “Yeah. It was almost sickening watching them steal glances at each other.”

“Maybe he’ll realize she likes him too,” he said laughing.

I just laughed with him and turned to the stage, where the first band was starting to play.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Spinning] All The Small Things by blink 182

They make me want to update sooner =]]