Status: Hiatus. Sorry guys.

Wrap Your Arms Around My Neck So Tight

Taco Bell and The Goonies

The next day, I woke up around 10:30, and decided I was just going to have a lazy day. I threw my hair in a high ponytail, and put a black headband around my forehead to keep the stray hairs up. I then proceeded to head down the stairs, to be met by an eerily quiet house. I noticed a note on the coffee table, and scanned over it. It seemed that my parents and Kaitlyn were off shopping while Kyle was with Dannyel, and Marc was with Kent and Austin.

I decided to try to find something for breakfast, but my search was unsuccessful. Seeing as it was close to lunch, I decided to go to Taco Bell for food. I grabbed the keys, and just as I was about to head to the garage, the doorbell rang. I threw the door open, and was met by Caleb and Jonathan I blushed a little, considering my hair was a mess, and I had no makeup on.

“IZZY!” Caleb yelled throwing me into a hug.

“Hey Caleb,” I said hugging him back, “Hey Jonathan.”

“Hey Isabelle,” he said waving a little.

“So what are you doing on this lovely day?” Caleb said bouncing on his feet a little.

“Well, right before ya’ll showed up, I was getting ready to go to Taco Bell,” I said leaning against the door, “And I’m still very hungry, so would you guys want to join me?”

“Yes!” they both simultaneously.

“Alrighty, lets go,” I said making my way back to the kitchen.

I grabbed my purse from the counter, and slipped on my flip-flops that I had left by the garage door. As soon as I opened the door, Caleb and Jonathan rushed by me. Both made a dash for the passenger side door, and I stood by as they fought over who got shotgun. Eventually, Jonathan won, using the whole ‘I’m older, deal with it’ line on Caleb. I laughed as we all got into the car, Caleb scowling a little, and Jonathan smiling.

The whole way to Taco Bell, the 3 of us sang and danced to the Midtown blaring from my stereo. Once we were at our destination, we hurriedly ordered our food. It amazed me that both the boys could eat so much, and not be morbidly obese. As we got our food, we made our way to a booth, and immediately dug in. we ate mostly in silence, until I decided to start a rather interesting conversation.

“So Caleb,” I said turning towards him, “What’s the deal with you and Miranda?”

“We’re just friends,” he said blushing a little.

“And do all friends make you blush?” I said using his line against him.

“No,” he said shooting a fake glare, “And what about you Isabelle, any boy spark your interest in good ol Texas yet?”

“I don’t really know,” I said smiling a little, “I think there are a few people who might have though.”

“Ooh, do we know these people?” Jon said entering the conversation.

“You could say that…” I said smirking, “But enough with this talk, you guys are making me think you’re girls.”

I was immediately pelted with hot sauce packets causing me to laugh. This initiated a small sauce packet war, until Caleb stopped mid throw, and was staring at the entrance. I followed his line of sight, and there stood Miranda, with who I presumed was her Mom and sister. She spotted Caleb and walked over, starting a conversation with him.

I signaled to Jonathan, and we both slipped out of the booth unnoticed. We both threw our trash out. We walked out and I turned towards him.

“So Jonathan, what shall we do now?” I said twirling my keys.

“I don’t know Isabelle. I was supposed to hang with Caleb today, but now he’s with Miranda,” he said laughing a little, “We could hang, I mean, if you don’t have anything else planned.”

“We should hang out,” I said smiling, “How about a movie day at my house?”

“Yeah, that sounds like fun,” he said grinning, “I guess we should tell Caleb we’re leaving.”

“Yeah, probably,” I said walking back into the restaurant.

I went over to Caleb and Miranda, telling Caleb we were leaving. He told Jon and I to have fun, and that he’d see me in class the next day. We left the two alone, and made our way to my car. We both got in, and drove in silence to my house. Once we were inside, we both stood in front of the movie cabinet trying to find a movie.

“Gosh ya’ll have a ton of movies,” Jonathan said scanning the titles, “But we’re totally watching this one!”

I glanced at the movie in his hands and smiled widely.

“That is the best movie ever, hands down,” I said grabbing the case from him.

“I agree,” he said sitting on the couch, “Are you a Goonie?”

“Of course,” I said putting the movie in, “And Goonies never say die.”

He just laughed and nodded at my quoting. I smiled and sat next to him on the couch, waiting for the movie to begin. As soon as it did, we were both engrossed. I laughed at the fact, that when Cyndi Lauper started playing, we were both belting the words out. I started dancing, causing Jon to join me. About halfway through the song, I tripped over the coffee table, and fell. Luckily, Jonathan was right there, and caught me before I hit the ground.

“Thanks,” I said blushing a little, “I’m a klutz sometimes.”

“It’s okay, we all have our moments,” he said smiling.

We both sat down to finish the movie, still breaking out in random song at some points. His voice amazed me; it was just so perfect in my ears.

After the Goonies, we decided to watch Dawn Of The Dead. About halfway through the movie, my parents and Kaitlyn showed up. Eventually the movie ended, and it was dinnertime. Jonathan was supposed to stay, but then he got a call from his mom saying he had to go home.

Apparently, Jonathan only lived a few houses from Caleb, so he just walked home. Almost immediately after he left, Kyle got home. I teased him about the big smile on his face, until he started teasing me about the smile on mine.

“I totally knew you liked her,” I said ruffling his hair, “And yet you denied it!”

“So what if I do?” he said placing his hands on his hips, “And what about you and Jonathan. I’ve heard you like him.”

“And how would you hear that?” I said mimicking his actions.

“You know that Miranda girl, Caleb likes?” he asked causing me to nod, “Apparently, she’s good friends with Dannyel, and today she texted her, and told Dannyel how you 2 left her and Caleb to hang out.”

“Oh. I thought you were spying on me for a moment,” I said laughing a little.

“Nah, that’s what Kaitlyn is for,” he said causing us to both crack up.

“That’s great Kyle, use your little sister as an accessory.”

“Hey, I know you do it too!” he said shoving e a little.

“I never said I didn’t.”

We both kept laughing, and waited for Marc to get home so we could have dinner. Once he got home, the whole family sat down for dinner. The whole dinner, the family was talking and laughing. Marc, Kyle and I were asked about our new friends, and Kaitlyn joined in talking about her new ones.

I went to bed later that night, smiling at how well my life in Texas was so far. I already had a few good friends, and no drama. As much as I missed Colorado, I had a feeling Texas just might be better.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Spinning] Champagnes For Celebrating (I'll Have A Martini) by Mayday Parade

Sorry it took so long guyss
I think I know what I want to do in part 10 so it shouldn't take as long.
Buut this week is kinda busy, but I'll try my hardest to have it updated before next Monday =]]

Boys Like Girls and Metro Station are on Friday =]]
I'm pretty excitedd.