I'm Not Boyfriend Material

I'm No Hero

Casey had just moved to New York a couple of months now. She had moved from a small town outside of New Jersey. She had barel finished high school and left as soon as she could. She got herself a small apartment in a not so great neighbourhood but its all she could afford for the time being. She had gotten herself a job at a shitty resturant, the kind that the boss hits on you knowing you wont quit because work is hard to come by. One night Casey worked late because someone changed shifts, she decided to tàkea short cut through the long alley a few blocks from her house to save time and get home quicker. As she walked she could hear someone behind her. She walked faster, the person behind her also walked faster.

"Hey baby wait for me" the voice behind her said.

She just continued to walk as fast as she could. If she made it through they alley she had a good chance of running into someone that would help her. Without her realizing it the person behind her had caught upto her and threw her against the wall

"Please let me go" she wimpered.

"Whats a pretty thing like you doing out here at three am?" He asked ignoring her.

"Please" was all she got out when he ripped off her skirt and moved her thong aside.

She heard the zipper go down and felt the tip of his penis rubbing against her clit.

"Please no" she begged.

She could hear the sound of a gun being clocked.

" back off and back off now" a different voice said.

"You wouldnt dare shoot me" the rapist said.

She heard a shot go off and the rapist scream in pain. The shooter shot him in his foot.

"Oh I dare. Again back off" he said and the rapist ran away as quicklg as he could moaning in pain.

"Are you ok?" A guy asked her who had both his arms covered in tattoos.

" i think so. Thank you" she told him as she started to shiver.

"Come with me i have extra pants in my car" he told her as he put his jacket on her.

" why are you out here alone at this time of night?" He asked her as they walked.

"Worked late, thought this was a better idea then walking around would be faster" she replied.

" well dont again" he said with a chuckle.

"Whats your name"? He asked her.

" Casey whats yours?" She asked back.

"Sam" was all he said.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked him.

" thats a secret" was all he said as they got to his car.

They got to his car and he handed her a pair of pants from the backseat.

"Do you smoke?" He asked as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it.

"Yes" she replied as he handed her a smoke and lit it for her.

He watched her as she pulled the pants on.

"Oh this was in the pocket" she said realizing something was in there.

It was a beeper.

"Oh thats what you do. Drug dealing" she said not sure why she said it.

"So what if i am"? He asked with a grin.

"Oh its nothing i smoke weed" she said and he chuckled.

"Such a bad girl" he said exhaling the smoke.

" get in" he told her as he got into the car.

She had no clue what it was but she wanted his attention and just to do whatever he wanted. She was beyond fascinated and attracted to him. So she got in the car.

"Where do you live?" He asked as he turned the key.

"2980 hills road" she said as she put her seatbelt on.

"Safe place" he chuckled.

"It works hoping to upgrade later" she told him.

"So where do you work?" He asked as he drove.

"Bronsons" she said as he rolled his eyes.

" i know not safe either but a job is a job" she told him.

" hey no need to impress me you do you" he said as he shook his head.

A few minutes later they arrived.

"So um can i get your number so i can return the pants to you?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Dont worry about it" he responded giving her a grin.

" stay out of the alleys. A pretty thing like you is just asking for problems" he told her and she blushed. She actually blushed.

"Well thanks again. Um see you around?" She asked.

"Maybe" he responded before driving away.

Sam's perspective

God what a cute girl he thought as he drove away. He pulled out his cellphone and dialed.

" jack find out everything you can about Casey who works at Bronsons. I havent decided yet if shes a threat to us, get me all the information you can then i will decide if she needs to be taken care of" he said into the phone before hanging up.

If need be he will remove her to make sure she doesn't talk.
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Somethin i thought up. Ignore any spelling errors on my phone. Let me know what you think