I'm Not Boyfriend Material

This Can't Be Happening

Sam had just dropped Casey off for a shift. He had six hours to get some work done before it was time to pick her up. It's not that he was slacking by any means, but he wasn't as involved as he used to be. He was fortunate he trusted everyone enough to be able to keep things running when he was busy. Sam was a little relieved she had a long shift it gave his penis a break.

Even if Casey wasn't being sexy he just needed to be inside of her. Sam pulled upto the warehouse where they had all the drugs stashed,weapons and money. He finished his smoke and squished it into the ground.

" Sam long time no see" said an eighteen year old kid by the name of Max.

" always around Max" he said as he kept waking.

Sam walked around to make sure everything looked normal and headed upstairs to his office.

Kyle walked in a few minutes later "so the rumors are true you're here today" he said with a laugh and sat down in a chair.

" Casey has a long shift. Things still normal here? Sam asked him.

" yup nothing has changed. I always collect the money for you and put it in your safe every night" Kyle told him.

"But we do have a problem. Was going to call you to tell you" kyle told him.

"What kind of problem"? Sam asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Word has gotten out you're not as into things as you normally are. Max over heard last night that Alex's group is going to strike under the bridge, claim it as their territory and you can't stop them" kyle told him.

"Bring Max in here" was all Sam said.

A few minutes later Kyle was back with Max.

" explain how you came across this information, give me everything you know" sam told him.

"I had just finished up my last customer of the night and went to the convenience store a few miles away from the bridge. I ran into an ex of mine and we were making out on the hood of my car. A few of his men were talking about it as they were leaving the store. They didn't see me" max told him.

" ok did they say when they would strike?" Sam asked him.

"Not specifically just within a week" max told him.

Sam nodded "thank you" he said and turned around, put the combo in the safe and pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to Max.

"For your loyalty" he told Max.

"Thank you so much. And I'd never betray you" he said as he left counting the bills.

" is Mark here yet?" Sam asked.

" should be why?" Kyle asked.

"Im going to need a favor from him" he said pulling out his phone and calling Mark.

Within two rings he answered "yeah?" He asked into the phone.

"Where are you i need a favor?" Sam asked him.

"A few blocks away from the warehouse. Some old rich guy needed some coke" he told him.

"Ok come to my office when you get here" sam said and ended the phone call.

Casey isn't going to be happy Sam thought to himself.

" so how's Casey?" Kyle asked him with a grin.

" she's great" was all he said. Sam wasn't one to be sappy.

" i gotta admit I didn't think she would still be here they don't stay long in this world" kyle said.

"I've done well keeping the worlds separate. Until now" he said when Mark came into the office and threw the cash onto the desk.

"Ok what do you need? Mark asked.

" Alex's group is going to try and take the bridge from us. They've realized I'm not around as much so they figure it will be easy. I need you to take care of Casey while I'm there to show them its still ours" sam said.

" when you say take care of Casey you mean what exactly?" Mark asked him.

Sam rolled his eyes " i mean at night when I'm at the bridge. You will sleep on her couch only. If she works late you'll be the one picking her up" sam told him.

"Do you think this is a fake out to get to her? Mark asked.

" its possible. Won't take any risk" sam told him.

"She's not going to like it. But it has to be done. It will be sometime within the week, so might only be one night or two" sam told him.

"Ok deal. Who will you get to cover my areas? Mark asked.

"Don't worry about it. And thank you, she means alot to me" sam said standing up and fist bumping him.
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Sorry for the delay baby keeps me nice and busy. Thoughts?