I Kissed a Boy. And I Liked it.

Um. I haven't written a Ryan/Brendon story that's not AU in...literally years. So this is just a fun little thing that I'm trying out.

And as with most of my stories, don't expect it to last very long. Because I write short stories, otherwise I never finish them.

This takes place on the Honda Civic Tour.


Brendon Urie.
It's not that he's "in the closet", because he's not. He's very much open about his sexuality. To about ten people, tops. The only people that know are his three best friends and bandmates, their girlfriends, those that work with his band and stay on the same bus as him, and, of course, his boyfriend. So, in a sense, if Panic at the Disco were a closet, then yes, Brendon Urie would be in the closet. He just doesn't like to think of it that way.

Ryan Ross.
It's not that he thinks it's funny that Brendon is gay, because he doesn't find it funny. What he finds funny is that, for the longest time, everyone thought that he was the gay one. And often times, they still do think that. Even though he has a girlfriend, he'll often argue. It's not that he has a problem with gay men, because he obviously doesn't -- one of his best friends is one -- he's just not gay.

Shane Valdez.
It's not that he has a problem with being reduced to a mere friend when other people are around, because he really doesn't. He just wishes he could spend a little more personal time with his boyfriend. "Brendon's roommate" to the fans and to anyone else who asks, "Brendon's boyfriend" to anyone who knows. Which isn't many. But Shane doesn't mind. Not at all.

Keltie Colleen.
It's not that she minds being hated on by half of her boyfriend's young fans, because she knew what she was getting herself into when she started dating him. She just doesn't always like it. She doesn't let it get her down, though. After all, she is dating Ryan Ross. Not much really can get her down.

Brendon and Shane are happy together.

Ryan and Keltie are happy together.

But alcohol, wrong moves, mistakes, and nights that last for far too long before the sun finally rises have a way of changing things.