Wake Me Up

Chapter 1: Tears of Rain

I grinned as I looked at myself in the mirror. It was my first day of 4th grade. My big blue eyes were full of excitement and wonder. My close cut blonde hair was held back with a blue headband. I was dressed in my favorite blue skirt and shirt, all put together by a jeans jacket. I shouldered my aqua backpack and took one last look at myself.
You can do this Abby. You’re gonna be amazing.
I heard the bus tired outside screech to a stop. I ran outside the door and took the first seat I could find. It took 20 minutes to reach Highland Elementary. I took a deep breath and stepped off the bus. A new school, new people, new year, new me.
Because I was a new student, I was forced to introduce myself in front of the class.
“Um, hi. My name is Abby, I just moved here from Beaufort. Um…” Now normally I wouldn’t be this shy, but I didn’t know anyone. And what if they found out about my secret. My teacher, Mrs Rayes, motioned me to have a seat. I took my place next to this kid with curly, brown hair and blue eyes.
“Hey my name’s Chris.” he said. I gave him a crooked grin and continued to listen to the teacher’s instruction.
Over the next few days, Chris was the only friend I had. We would sit together at lunch, help each other with Math, and sit on the bus together.
That Friday, I invited him over to my house so we could work together. We were walking to my house, when everything changed. A few guys from school stood, blocking the way to my house.
"Chris, what are you doing hanging out with that loser girl?" One said.
"Yeah, don't you know what she did?" Another asked. My eyes widened and I bit my lower lip. They couldn't know. There is no way.
Chris snuck a glance at me, "What could she have possibly done that so bad?"
The first one sneered at me, "She sent her last friend to the ER, he never recovered from his injuries. His spine was crushed by her. She's a witch."
"I'm not a witch! I didn't mean to!" I told them
Chris backed away from me, “Is that true?”
My eyes became blurry with welding tears, “I didn’t mean to, I swear. It-it was an accident. He was my best friend… I didn’t mean to hurt him.”
“Were you gonna do the same to me? Crush my spine like you did his?” Chris asked.
“No! I wouldn’t!”
One of the guys pointed above my head, “Look! I told you she was a witch!”
As rain came down, pouring onto the sidewalk, not a single drop touched me, while it soaked everyone else.
“I-i.. what’s happening?” I was so confused, this has never happened to me before. What was wrong with me? Why did I always push away the people I were the closest with? Chris pushed me away from him.
"You are a witch!"
"No! I-i don't know what's happening!" I cried, tears slipping down my face and melted into the rain.
"See we told you Chris. Come with us, let's get away from this witch." One of the guys said.
I sank to my knees, shaking, "Please… I'm sorry I don't know what's happening. I won't hurt you. Please… don't leave me here."
"I don't know if I can even trust you. What if you're lying and then you stab me in the back? I'm not going to be friends with you anymore. Don't come near me." Chris said joining the others. They all ran across the street, far away from me as possible.
I didn't know what was wrong with me. Why did this always happen? I cried on the sidewalk wondering why I had to be so different. I only remember thinking one thing.
Maybe I am a witch….