Falling From Grace

Not What I Wanted To Hear

{Katrina aka Kat's POV}

When I finally woke up the next morning I was clutched tightly in Zacks arms. Fuck, he was even more hot when he slept. Deciding against my better judgement, again, for like the fifth fucking time this week, I poked him lightly in the chest to hopefully wake him up. "Zack. Hey, Zack. Wake up." He stirred a bit and his eyes shoot open. Oops, didn't mean to scare him. "Shit. What time is it? Don't you have school?" I couldn't help myself as a snort escaped past my lips. Yeah right, like I wanted this all to end just for that bullshit. "It's already nine and no, I don't feel up to it." He adjusts himself and carefully removes his grip on me so we both can sit up. He blinks a few times, obviously trying to get a handle on reality until he finally focuses his attention on me. "Well, what did you exactly have in mind then?" I shrug. I had no fucking clue. I guess the right thing would be to actually go to school and apologize to Zena for not coming home.

Shit, she probably had texted me a few good things already. "Um, you can just drop me off at your parents if you want? I don't wanna just tag along if you've got more important shit to do." He stays quiet a minute and ponders my response. "I guess you're right, I gotta go talk to them anyway." I just flash him a smile as we then start to clean up Brian's bed and head downstairs to join the others. Jimmy, Johnny, and Brian are all seated at the large dining table with their heads down. Glad I'm not the only one who feels like complete death. "Mornin kids. Off so soon?" Zack nods with a slight groan. "Yeah, gotta get Kat back and fix shit with my parents. I'll catch you guys tonight, I feel like shit." They all just bid farewell and agree that a hangover was felt all around. The ride back to the Baker's was thankfully nice and quiet, something my headache greatly appreciated. Immediately we're greeted by his mom whose look on her face says it all once we reach the porch. "Kat, where have you been? Zena said you were going to school with her." I bite my tongue hard, feeling a little pool of blood start to form. This was already turning into a complete disaster. "We hung out with the guys, it got late and I didn't wanna drive drunk. She's fine Mom." She calmly tells me to go and have breakfast before I take a much needed shower. I glance slightly behind as I head for the front door, seeing Zack's eye catch mine.

Fuck, I hope he didn't have to stay away for good. I was starting to really enjoy our time together despite almost fucking Matt on a public bus bench last night. After I finish eating in pure anxiety and make my way to the bathroom, I decide now is better than never to check my phone. Six new messages from Zena. Yep, I knew that one was coming.

ZenaBear: What the fuck! You said you'd be home!
ZenaBear: Wow, really? You can't even text back?
ZenaBear: Are you gonna stay with my brother then?
ZenaBear: If you don't answer I'm going to bed.
ZenaBear: K whatever. Goodnight.
ZenaBear: I'm guessing I won't see you at school so guess I'll see you at home. MAYBE.

Well! She sure wasn't too thrilled with me. But what else is new? Was anyone really happy me with anymore? I don't reply and instead take a much needed and long, hot bath. The water seemed to wash all my worries away. Well almost all of them. That is until I finally decided to remember about my birth control pills. Shit! I know I'm a fucking moron, but goddamn, did I really have to be THAT irresponsible?! I finish fast and dry off before digging through my bag like a bat out of hell. Sure enough, there's 3 pills that I missed, more than once. Son of a bitch. I practically sprint over to the calendar also noticing that I was also supposed to already be on my period too. I was late. Fuck shit fuck fuck! No way this could all be happening! Not now, please God not now!

Instantly I do the unthinkable and call Zena. She had to be passing periods so the few minute window was all the opportunity that I needed. I gripped tightly onto the phone, anxiously waiting for her to answer. "What do you want?" Her voice is aggravated and I didn't blame her. I swallow hard, trying to keep the tears from falling. "Zena, I really fucked up. I need you to go with me to the family health clinic. Please? I'm so sorry, I know I'm a fucked up friend but I need you. Please, I don't wanna go alone." The line is dead silent for what feels like forever until eventually she lets out a long sigh. "Last time. I'll meet you there at lunch, by noon." I don't get a chance to respond and instead crumple onto the floor of Zena's room in a heap, crying my eyes out. I'm not sure how long it is I'm laying there but soon enough there's a knock on the door. I quickly toss together an outfit and open it to let whoever was there come in. It's Zack, to my not so surprise. "Um, not that I was listening to your conversation or anything. But are you alright in here? Do you-do you need anything?" My face drains of all color as I realize I wasn't as quiet as I thought I was nor was I even as discreet as I thought I was. I put a hand to my face, shaking my head in clear embarrassment. "Uh no, I'm fine Zee. I just gotta go meet someone. I'll catch up with you later though." The last bit is rushed as I slip on my shoes and make a beeline for the staircase. I also tell their mom that I was going out but that I would for sure this time be back with Zena after school. I don't wait around for her reply because to be honest I just wanted to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible.

The entire walk took a good half hour but the timing couldn't have been more perfect. When I got to the main entrance Zena was already there waiting for me outside. We don't say anything as we go inside, her finding a seat closest to the TV. I tell the receptionist all my bullshit before she says to have a seat. Zena eyes me knowingly. "So, whos could it be this time?" I hang my head low. Fuck, this was so humiliating. "Well before you jump to any conclusions, not Zack or Matt. The timings are too off, but hopefully no one is." This wasn't the first time I've had this problem because of my own reckless behavior. Oh no, there's been plenty of times in between. "Good, cause I really don't want to be an aunt to my best friend's love child with my brother." Ouch, right in the gut. Oh well, I couldn't blame her for feeling this way. This is all my fault, no one elses.

So, I'll skip all the boring details and get to the good part. I wasn't pregnant, thank God. Oh, but there was one other problem. I caught an STD. Just kidding! Well, sort of. I had a UTI but after a good round of antibiotics I'll be in the clear. Just no unprotected sex for the next two weeks, lame. Zena and I walked home after that, staying silent for the most part. That is until I decided to open my mouth as soon as we got there. "I'm still really sorry, Zena. I know you can't keep missing out on school because of my fuck ups. But I promise, no more bullshit." I was trying my best to be sincere but she zsaw right through me. "Stay away from Zee an the guys for a while. Maybe try to actually make something of yourself for once." Ow, that totally was not what I wanted to hear. Just as I'm about to speak up, the devil himself comes waltzing down the driveway. "Everything good with you two?" Zena just nods before excusing herself to go inside. Her eyes are on me the entire time. I stratch the back of my neck nervously. How the fuck was I gonna explain this?

"Uh, your sister wants me to stay away from you an the guys for a while.." He puts a hand to my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "Is that what you want? For me to back off?" The green in his eyes are radiating and I can't help but to turn into a pool of mush. Fuck that, fuck what Zena wants, I want Zack. Instantly I shake my head no, seeing a devious grin spread from ear to ear. "Well then, lets go out. Just you and me." And just like that, I betrayed and ruined another friendship in a mere matter of seconds.
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Again, another short one, I am sorry! Haven't been feeling too hot. Thank you for all the love and support so far! I pinky promise the next updates will be longer once I feel better! Love you all! Xo