Falling From Grace

Begging For Trouble

{Katrina aka Kat's POV}

It was around 3 in the afternoon when the rest of the Avenged boys had shown up at Jimmy's house to hangout and have practice. And yes, that included you know who. The minute he had shown up my entire insides began to ache and make me feel sick to my stomach. He didn't say a word to me besides a muttered "Hi." but that was completely it. Zack kept a watchful eye over me the whole time and any chance he got he would make sure there was distance put between Matt and I. Not that I really minded, I liked that he was becoming protective of me. "Shit, we're out of beer. Whose going to the store for a run?!" Everyone's eyes scanned around the room before they eventually landed on Matt. "Me? Why!" He protested with a pout, folding his arms over his chest. "Because you came late and never buy the beer. Get going Sanders!" He leapt up off the couch with a huff as he headed for the front door. I knew that it was going to be now or never that I had the only chance to talk to him alone. "Wait, I'll go with you. I need some snacks, Jimmy's cabinets are empty." Zack eyed me suspiciously, taking a hold of my arm tightly as I tried to get up. "Hey, don't worry. I promise nothing is going to happen. It's just around the corner." He reluctantly lets me go and I scurry off to catch up behind Matt who was already halfway down the corridor by the time I reached him. His hands were shoved deep into his pockets and he kept his gaze focused on the view ahead. "So you're just going to completely avoid me huh? After you basically rape me inside of Jason's closet then just ditch me like that?" His head whips to the side, stopping dead in his tracks now as he pushes me up against a nearby wall and glares intensely at me. "I didn't do that! I just-I-I didn't fucking do that! I was super fucked up but I definitely don't even remember being anywhere near you!" I try my hardest not to laugh but its no use and that only seems to antagonize him more.

"Bullshit, Matt! You dragged me upstairs and wouldn't fucking knock it off. You fucking tore my clothes and left all kinds of marks all over! I had to play it off as if I was too fucked up and got myself in that situation. And just so you know, I didn't tell anyone. Why? Because the fucked up thing is that even though I'm seeing Zack, I still fucking like you. So if I were you, I'd start apologizing real quick." He drops his hands from my shoulders and immediately puts them to my face, cupping my cheeks. His eyes are burning into mine and I can't help but to keep staring into them. "I'm so fucking sorry, Kat. I honestly don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I know you haven't really been hanging around long but despite everything, I don't know why I can't seem to forget about you. I can't forget about the first time you kissed me, I can't forget about the first time we fucked. I know it sounds fucking crazy but I'm serious, I'm seriously falling for you. I know you're with Zack or whatever the fuck it is but it still doesn't matter. I want you, I've already told you so. But I promise, I'm truly sorry for everything, including hurting you. I just-I just want you to know that if you ever feel up to giving me a chance, I promise-I promise I'd make it all worth your while." Well that was not what I fucking expected to happen at all. And of course instead of just shrugging it off and pretending that his words didn't phase me, I turn into putty right in his hands just like he wanted me to. "Only if you promise to shut the fuck up for once. I'm still going to see Zack whether you like it or not but whatever, I guess I can give you a chance to make it up to me. Starting now."

I'm almost caught off guard as his warm lips mesh into mine with a heated and heavy kiss. I kiss him back quickly before making sure that no one had come looking for us. "Now lets hurry up and get back, we've been gone over twenty minutes already. I don't want anyone starting to think that something happened to us." He just nods silently, following along my lead as we start towards the corner liquor store. Thankfully the guy who ran the register was a good friend of the guys so he didn't bother asking for ID and since Matt wanted to make it up to me I literally bought over a good twenty dollars in snacks and junk food. "Jesus, I didn't know you were gonna bankrupt me." He mutters as we trek down the street with over four bags in tow. I scoff, flicking a piece of hair over my shoulder. "I'm sorry, were you complaining already?" He stays quiet but I can tell a smirk is playing on his lips. I turn suddenly and step up on my tiptoes to peck his cheek just as we round the last corner towards Jimmy's. "Shut up and keep your eyes off of me as much as you can. I don't want Zack to be weird about anything." He presses his lips together with a simple shrug. "Whatever you say." I knew I was playing into a dangerous game if I wasn't careful. Zack literally had gotten kicked out because of me but still had taken me along with him regardless, that meant he really liked me more than I thought. Matt on the other hand had treated me like a doormat and used me to his fullest extent yet here I was crawling back to him. I was caught in the middle of the two and my fucked up heart wanted to take full advantage of the situation. Maybe this is why I needed to stay sober, so I could fucking think straight for once. Nah, then that would make things way too difficult.

When we appeared through the front door finally, Zack wasted no time in coming to my side and pulling me into the nearby hallway. "What the fuck took so long? Are you alright? Did he try and pull anything?" I shook my head with a slight groan. He was being a little too overbearing for my taste. "No, we just talked and sorted things out. He apologized for coming onto me and agreed to back off. He knows I'm serious about seeing you and vice versa. That's it, I promise Zee." His green orbs were laced with concern and I couldn't help but to feel the most guilty about lying straight to his face. He took my hand in his, giving it a light squeeze. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so worried. I just really like you. I'm sure you've noticed by now, at least I hope you have. I don't want you around twenty four seven just so I can sleep with you, I want you around because I like having you with me. You're funny, you're cute, you're a goddamn tornado ripping apart everything in your way and that's what draws me more to you. I like that you're not afraid to say what you feel and that you don't take any shit from anybody. I'd rather be homeless than have to let you go. If you don't feel the same just tell me though and I'll back off." I don't answer with words and instead just let my mouth do all the talking. We actually make out pretty sloppy for a good few minutes until Brian decides to come interrupt. "Ew! You two are practically dry humping over here! You know there's a bathroom just a door away!" He's shielding his eyes and making gagging noises like a child which causes me to abruptly smack him in the arm. "Ow! Hey! You don't have to get violent! I was just coming to tell you two that we got pizza!" My stomach growls loudly at the mention of actual food. "We'll be right there Bri." Zack says with a chuckle as he then pulls me into his arms, wrapping them around my frame.

I rest my head against his chest, inhaling the smell of his cologne and cigarettes. "You know, you fit in just perfect around here. I really hope nothing else tries to come between us. I mean it, I wanna try to make things more...official with you." His stare is fixed on the floor now and I can tell he's starting to get nervous. Aw, he's so fucking adorable when he's flustered. I look up at him and flash a genuine smile, resting my free hand on his face. "You know I'd really like that a lot. Maybe this time we can actually go on a real date huh?" He leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips. "Yeah totally, I want to. But it looks like you're hungry and I definitely could go for some of those Pringles you bought. Last one to the couch gets the crumbs." It takes a minute for me to process what he says and by then he's gone in flash, leaving me to trail behind as he then proceeds to stuff a rather large handful of my original flavored chips into his mouth. "Hey! You fatty! Those ones are mine!" I pout with a whine, watching as he continues to eat them with a smile plastered on his face. "Hey I told you loser gets the crumbs. You lost fair and square!" I reach over and swat him in side, almost making him drop the entire canister. Thankfully Jimmy intervenes, handing me over a plate with two thick slices of gooey cheese pizza. My absolute fucking favorite kind. "Aw thanks Jim! You're my hero." He beams down at me with a wink which I blow a kiss to. "Anything for a lady in distress."

Just as I'm about to say something again, I notice Matt staring me down out of the corner of my eye. His eyes are lingering all over as he plays with the ring in his lip. I look away without any hesitation, moving closer to Zack in the kitchen. "You alright babe? You know I was only teasing, I saved you some." I feel my face heat up at the sound of him calling me that. He hadn't done it before and it made my stomach erupt into a fit of butterflies. "Yeah of course I'm fine, I know you were it's alright. Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit fidgety coming off the drugs." He wraps an arm around my waist, keeping me close to his side. "Don't worry, we're only gonna be here for a little longer for practice then we'll go. We can just rent a room again so we can be alone. If you're alright with that?" I shake my head, letting my hands snake around his neck. "I mean I don't want to cut your time with the guys short. I don't mind crashing here at Jimmy's, I know you want to spend more time with them." It was his turn to shake his head. "Nah, it's much more fun having you all to myself." I smile, knowing that I wasn't going to win this fight even though I felt bad about him having to shell out more money that he doesn't have. "And don't worry about how much it's going to cost because you're worth it." Ah fuck, he sure knows how to charm me. I can tell that Matt's still keeping his eyes on me because the hairs are standing up in the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

We join the others finally in the living room huddled around the TV watching Jimmy's favorite show 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. I can't help but to shoot a glance in Matt's direction every so often, seeing his dimples stick out drastically each time he smiled back at me. It made me feel terrible that I was agreeing to see him behind Zack's back but I figured it couldn't really hurt if no one ever found out. Just as the credits are about to roll, a loud and harsh knock at the door makes almost everyone jump in their spots. Jimmy gets up to open it slowly and soon reveals the last person on Earth that I would ever expect to see here. It's Zena. "Can I talk to Kat please? It's an emergency. I'm sorry for just barging in but this was the only place I knew I could find you." I get up from beside Zack in a hurry before rushing out the door, slamming it shut behind me. She looked like she had been crying so obviously it wasn't good. "What's wrong Zena? How come you didn't call or text me?" She doesn't say anything at first, only succeeding in making my anxiety worse. "I-I know, I'm sorry, I just didn't want to tell you this over the phone. It's your parents, Kat. They were in an accident about an hour or so ago. They were hit head on by a drunk driver. I'm so sorry Kat, but they didn't make it."
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Again, there's no excuse for the lack of update except for life! But let me know how you all like this! I promise the next one will be longer and more exciting...I know I say that a lot but I mean it lol Loveyou all! xox