Falling From Grace

Fighting Words

{Kat's POV, 3 days later}

Finally after multiple evaluations and therapy sessions that seemingly went nowhere I was being released from the hospital this morning. My dad's sister Elaine whom I've never been close with in my life had shown up once, just to tell me that she was claiming guardianship of me. I tried my best not to be a total bitch to her but in the end it was useless, I told her I didn't need anyone to take care of me and that she could do whatever the hell she wanted with the house and everything in it. Needless to say she wasn't very pleased with me or my attitude. Zack and Zena had come to visit a few times and truth be told so did Matt. He brought me flowers and a teddy bear which thankfully Zee didn't question about. "Once you're done with getting dressed, your aunt will be waiting downstairs for you to be discharged. Make sure to get a sign out form on the way out too." An older woman nurse named Deanna said to me as I gathered all my shit together and headed for the tiny bathroom I certainly wouldn't miss.

Once I was all dressed and ready to go I eagerly booked it down the hallway to the exiting staircase where low an behold my aunt was in front waiting. "Katrina, let's go, we can't keep the coroner waiting any longer. It's bad enough I had to waste so much time already dealing with you and your childish antics." Ouch, not like I wanted to be in this situation in the first fucking place. "You know Elaine, I didn't exactly ask for you or anyone to come take care of me. You've never even given a shit before so why now? Oh wait, your brother is dead meaning you want your piece of the will you think you're getting." She shoots me a death glare that I can't help but to grin wickedly at. Stupid bitch. "Oh you just wait and see, Katrina." She seethes through gritted teeth as we exit the hospital and out to the parking lot. I yank out my phone once I get into the backseat and immediately text Zack.

K@t: I'm free!!!!
ZackyV: Heya cutie. Thought you were never getting out! Where are you?
K@t: With my 'aunt' -_- Can you come pick me up later? At my house?
ZackyV: Sure thing babe. Let me know when you're home.
K@t: ;)

The drive to the coroners office was excruciating. The entire time Elaine wouldn't stop blabbing on her cell about the types of flowers she wanted on my Dad's casket and where to have them buried and what church to have the funeral at. I honestly thought that as I was their own only child that I should have had mostly if not all the input on it. Especially the minor details of shit like that, didn't I get a say in anything? "You don't have any say until you're eighteen. Whatever is in your parent's will, I can guarantee that you won't see a penny of it until I say so. Your mother had no relatives that gave a shit, no living siblings, so I get control over everything as I rightfully should. You'll never be well mentally or mature enough to handle anything." I bit my tongue the entire time she continued to belittle me and kept up a fast pace until we reached the front door. The coroner report showed they died on impact by a drunk driver blowing through a red light, no chance of surviving whatsoever. Tears tried to fall from my eyes but I wouldn't let them. We signed and released the bodies to whatever fucking mortuary that Elaine had already chose before seeing them one more time. My mom was still as beautiful as ever, regardless of what she currently looked like. Dad was the same, still cold and tense. Ironic huh?

Thankfully we didn't have to stick around much longer and I stayed quiet the whole way back to my parents house. I texted Zee the minute we pulled in the driveway to come and get me, not caring if Elaine had an issue about me leaving as I quickly rushed up the stairs to my room to get ready for the day ahead. "I hope you don't plan on going anywhere, you have a lot to clean up and put away." There she was, standing in my doorway with her arms folded. "I'm not mature enough or mentally stable enough to help with anything remember? Now kindly get out of my way, I've got things to do." She doesn't protest or say much else as I finish getting everything situated and soon enough I'm standing on the edge of the curb waiting to hop inside Zack's car as he pulls up. I climb in eagerly, placing a kiss to his cheek as he hugs me tightly. "Hey beautiful. You ready to get out of here?" I nod and relax into the headrest while we finally drive away. I didn't give a shit where we were going as long as it wasn't anywhere near here. "The guys really wanna see you, have a little welcome home party. We don't have to go if you don't want to though, we can just hangout together." I grin wide. The last thing I wanted to do was stay sober especially when I thought of the reality I had to go back to at home. Or not.

"No no, I don't want to be rude. Let's go." He interlaced his fingers with mine before smiling back. I couldn't tell you exactly how I felt about the whole taking our relationship serious thing but to be honest so far it felt nice. When we parked in Brian's driveway immediately I could see Matt first as he was standing around the garage with the rest of the guys. I got out quickly, letting Jimmy hug me first. "Kitty Kat! You're alive!" His lanky arms proceeded to crush my ribcage as he held on tight. "Jim-Oxy-gen." He set me down eventually making an 'oops' face which caused the others to laugh. "Good to see you're still in one piece. How was it in there?" I hug Brian next and then Johnny, leaving Matt for last. "Eh it wasn't anything new that I haven't gone through before. Except the withdrawal from the H was fucking torture. Never again." I hesitate once I get to him, taking in all his features for once. His face was a mixture of happy to see me and jealousy obviously because of Zee and the grip he held on me. I stepped up onto my tiptoes and wrapped my arms securely around his neck nevertheless while he looped them around my waist. "I've missed you." He breathes into my ear, pulling me close against him. I smirk happily but put a gap between us to not set off Zacky. Once we let go Zee instantly brings me back to my spot beside him, a suspicious look lingering on his face. Oh boy, here we go. Thankfully everyone else can feel the tension rise and Jimmy comes to save the day like always. "Come on kids! Let's go get good and wasted, Kat's home!"

We all follow inside the house saying our hellos to Brian's parents as we passed by and out to the backyard where chairs are scattered about. I take my spot next to Zack when you know who decides to take the other side, making him groan inwardly. Goddamn it, this was going to be a long night. Johnny hands out the 40z Mickey's bottles while Brian handles the other party favors. Only weed this time though, nothing else. "So we're playing another show this weekend, do you think you'll be able to see us this time Kat?" Jimmy asks with a snicker, referring to the last time with the whole Val scenario, making me roll my eyes slightly. "Don't worry Jim as long as a certain somebody doesn't bring their dirty laundry around I'll definitely be there." Matt shoots me a long glare but I just flash a cheeky grin while I take a good few sips of my beer. "Speaking of which, isn't Val supposed to be here? You and her are working it out, aren't you Matt?" I almost choke when I hear those words come from between Zack's lips. What the hell was he trying to do, start a war? "Funny, last I checked we were over." Thank God he wasn't giving into Zee's game but I knew it was only a matter of time before things had started to escalate. "Here, smoke this shit and knock it off you two." I anxiously take a few good inhales of the sweet smoke, hoping to calm my nerves down some.

But as if I had already known the more the night progressed, the more those two insisted on bickering with each other. "Bri, I'm gonna use your bathroom." He motions towards the house while keeping his eyes glued to his cellphone "Go for it dude." I whisper to Zack, placing a small kiss to his cheek before I get up from my spot to head inside. "I'll be right back babe." I wasn't really going to use the bathroom more as I was going to get a moment alone to think. Once I reached it, I felt someone shove me roughly inside and slam the door shut behind them. I don't even have any time to react as Matt's lips are all over me, kissing my lips and neck roughly. "Shit! What are you doing?! Are you crazy?! Someone is gonna know!" I hiss, feeling him smirk against my skin as he continues. "No they won't, I won't be long. I only wanted a second with you to myself at least." I sigh deeply until eventually giving in and kissing him back just as hard. The heat was quickly rising but I shut it down fast, causing him to pout in protest. "Fine whatever, I'll go." I give him one more consolation prize kiss and send him on his way to not cause any unwanted attention from the guys. "Jesus fucking Christ, why does this have to keep happening to me?" My hands are shaking and my entire body is starting to ache. I wanted Matt badly but I knew it wasn't the time nor the place. Not to mention Zack had just said he wanted to make things more official between us, I couldn't hurt him like that.

JimJams: You better get out here fast, your boyfriend is gonna kill Matt.

Oh fuck me. I dash from the bathroom upstairs and race back out to the yard where indeed, Zee and Matt are standing off in front of everyone. I step in between just in the nick of time before either of them has a chance to throw a punch. "What the fuck is going on with you two? Seriously! Knock it off, this is supposed to be my welcome home party!" I knew it had to be because Zack was still bothered by how close Matt and I were earlier but for fucks sake, it was just a hug. "Ask him! He started this shit! He kept saying how he was going to make sure that you'll never want me or that I'll never have you!" Matt yells, staring directly into my eyes. "No shit! Because it's true! Kat's MY girlfriend! I asked her out, I asked her to be with me! Not you! You have Val! You don't even give a shit about Kat like how I do! You just want her because she let you have a chance, ONCE! All you want her for is to fuck her! You know it's true!! You even said so at the hospital!" My heart broke all at once as I heard those words, looking back at Matt with a desperate stare. What the fuck does he mean by that?
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WOW I am so so sorry it's taken so long to update! Nothing else to say besides I am so sorry! I hope you all will forgive me! Enjoy this chapter! Love you all! xo