Falling From Grace

One Man Band

{Katrina aka Kat's POV}

With my bags in tow as I dragged my sorry ass to the end of the driveway, I loaded them up in Zack's car with a few heaves, soon thankfully getting as far the fuck away from this house and these people within a matter of minutes. He rests his hand on my knee as we drive to Jimmy's apartment where apparently Matt wanted to have this 'meeting'. More so meaning where he wanted to bitch and moan about everything because of what had happened this morning. I couldn't care less though honestly because I had my own shit to be dealing with, like finding a fucking place to live. "Don't worry about this dumb shit babe, who gives a fuck if Matt wants to break up, there's plenty of other bands that'll want me, I'm a hell of a rhythm. And as for the living situation, you're coming to stay with me. I don't give a rats ass if they don't like it, hopefully Matt will move out anyways." Well that takes care of majority of my problems now doesn't it? I just let out a defeated sigh and smile at him as best as possible. I admired Zee's heart, he was so goddamn golden. I almost felt bad that he ended up with me. But the old Kat isn't who I even am anymore, I sincerely and wholeheartedly was trying to fucking hard to turn my life around and hopefully he could see that.

When we parked into Jimmy's lot not a moment too soon everyone else was already waiting around the front of the building including the diva himself. We walked hand in hand towards the group, Zee's grip tightening some when we neared Matt. Jimmy launched himself suddenly as he enveloped me into a bone crushing hug. "Jim-oxygen-can't breathe." His cheeks flashed a sheepish pink as he set me down gently. "Whoops, sorry kid." I then in turn hugged Johnny and flashed Brian a subtle grin seeing as he saw me only a few hours ago. "So what the fuck is so urgent that this had to happen right now? I mean aside from your ego being bruised and acting like a drama queen." I snapped rudely, making Matt instantly flash me a stern glare. "If you don't mind, this shit is none of your fucking business. Just because you're fucking our guitarist doesn't make you a member of this band. If Zack had any sense he would have left your ass in the fucking car." He barks loudly in my face now. My blood boils over as I bawl up my fists to swing at him again only to be stopped dead in my tracks by Jimmy tugging me back behind him. "Watch your fucking mouth Matt, she's right, you are acting like a goddamn drama queen. You've been at this since 8 in the fucking morning, when is enough going to be enough?" Brian quickly interjects. No matter how badly I wanted to deck him in the face I knew it was pointless and only going to make things worse as if they weren't already. "Now is enough, Bri. I'm sick and tired of having to deal with this childish ass shit. I'm through with all of you taking Kat's side on literally everything including when shit doesn't even involve her. You all think that I purposely keep trying to sabotage their relationship when it's not me doing shit, it's all her and her own manipulative lies! So until this shit is done with or we find a way to be a band without Yoko over here, I'm done. Find yourselves a new singer and I'm moving out too."

And without another word does Matt turn on his heels and abruptly walk away from us. My mouth is hanging slightly open as I let the words he had just said sink into my head. He was still somehow trying to make everything my fault when he was the one who had set all these fires into motion in the first fucking place. "Well this was an absolute waste of my time, sorry about that guys. Nothing he said was true or even made any fucking sense. Look, Jim, you and Johnny weren't here so I'll spare the details. Matt tried to breakup Zee and Kat this morning, again, saying Zack was fucking Meghan blah blah blah. Kat called him out on it, Zack told the truth, Matt got mad, so Kat over here dropped a fucking bombshell and came clean about everything that's happened between her and him before and Matt got even MORE angry and that's how this whole thing started. So, now that this is over with, how about we go out for some beers? Maybe hit up the beach?" Jimmy's eyes sorta widen and his brows furrow as he listens to Brian's ramble. Frankly, if he had said the word 'and' one more time, I was going to punch him in the face next. "Nah after all this I don't feel like doing shit anymore. Besides Kat and I have to figure some shit out. We'll catch up with you all later." I'm not able to even say a single goodbye to them as Zack begins to pretty much drag me back to the car. Clearly whether he thought so or not, I knew all of this shit was starting to weigh in on him. "Zee, babe, are you alright?" My voice is softer as we start to drive off to who knows where next.

He doesn't say a single thing, he just loosely rests a hand on my thigh. "I'm serious Zacky, is this making you regret being with me? I'm sorry I fucked up the band, I'm sorry that everything seems to be my fault. None of this was my intentions and I really hope you know that." He pulls the car over to a screeching halt, making me jerk back into my seat. His eyes are tinted with a bit of red, he was about to start crying. Fuck me, right? "Will you shut the fuck up for two seconds, please? I already told you, none of this was your fault, none of this is because of us being together. It's all because of Matt's insane jealousy and his warped sense of fucking thinking. This shit doesn't mean anything, all of this shit that keeps piling up more on top of me doesn't mean a goddamn thing to me. In fact, this entire fucking universe could all fall down and pretty much kill me and it still wouldn't make me give a flying fuck about anything than else other than you, Katrina. I fucking love you, I love you so goddamn much that it's starting to actually fucking hurt me. I don't care if this band never gets back together, I don't care if I never get to play another show again in my life, because right now, what matters the most to me is you. I wish you would realize that whatever bad happens to me in my life isn't all because of you, it's because of whatever shit I did before is just all coming back to bite me in the ass. I just want to enjoy being together with you, Kat. I want to fucking build a future with you, I don't give a shit what anyone thinks or says about it anymore. I want to marry you, Kat. I don't mean now or anything but hopefully really fucking soon. You're it for me, Kat, you're my everything. So please for the love of fucking God, will you stop saying you're sorry?" I don't realize it but tears had long since started pouring down my cheeks as he spilled his entire guts out to me.

"I-I love you, too, Zacky. You're my everything too and of course I'd love to marry you someday, I couldn't seem myself loving anyone else besides you. Now if it's alright with you, I'd like to hurry up and get back to your room so I can show you just how much I love you." His lips form a coy smirk now as we quickly start to drive again, this time seeming to just about fly to our awaited destination.

Thankfully when we pull into the driveway Matt's car isn't anywhere insight and neither is anyone else as we entangle ourselves into sloppy kisses all the way to the front door. We pause for a brief second as he fumbles with the keys to get inside. Only things are immediately interrupted once again as Zee's phone starts to ring annoyingly loud. "Hang on a sec babe, i don't know who this could be." He answers it with a groan as the caller ID flashes an unknown number. I stand there awkwardly in the living room as I try my hardest not to let my curiosity get the better of me as the voice quietly sounds off on the other end. I couldn't exactly make out whose voice it was, but what comes next is of course the only thing that I do hear as clear as day. "I'm pregnant Zacky, and you're the Dad."
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Hopefully you all are enjoying this still and once again, I'm sorry if this chapter isn't so great and feels rather rushed, it's been a hell of a time for me to get my ideas flowing but nevertheless, I hope you all continue to read and what not. I appreciate all of you who have commented and subscribed, it means the world! Love to you all xx