Falling From Grace

School Day Blues

{Katrina aka Kat's POV}

When I woke up the next morning, my entire body was sore and not surprisingly I was covered in bruises. Fuck, this must have been some wild night. I shift slightly to my left, seeing Matt still fast asleep. I figured it had to be at least seven seeing as the sun hadn't fully risen and the sky was tinted a warm pink. As quietly as possibly, I climbed out of his bed and started to gather my shit together so I could take off. "Leaving so soon?" I froze just as I was reaching for the door handle. Matt was now towering behind me, making my entire body shiver. "Um, yeah. This was fun and all but I gotta get going. Think I'm actually going to go to school today." He turns me around so I'm facing him this time before he leans down and places a soft kiss on my cheek. "Sorry if I got a little rough. Be safe out there." I don't say anything back to him as I finally proceed to leave out the door.

The air blows chilly as I start on my rather slow walk to school. "Fuck, I don't even know what the hell I'm thinking. Why the fuck would I even go to school? I hadn't been in over a month, why the hell do I care now? Especially looking like this." I rambled on to myself as I continued to walk in the direction of the place I hated almost as much as my well used to be home. It was true, my grades were shit and my attendance record was even shittier. "Oh well, no turning back now."

When I walked up to the large campus about a half hour later, I immediately looked myself over in the mirror of a random car in the student parking lot. My hair was slightly a mess and you could just tell that I was still fucked up from the night before. I strode rather casually through the mess of hallways until I finally reached my locker. To my not so surprise, it was still filled with my textbooks and papers I never took home anyway. "Well well, look who the hell the cat dragged in." I peered over my shoulder slightly, seeing Zena come into view. I grabbed a random notebook and stuffed my shit tightly inside before proceeding to slam it shut. "What the fuck happened to you?" I pretend to not notice her as I walk right by in the opposite direction. But she's persistent and keeps pestering me the entire fucking way to our first period History class. "You can't ignore me forever you know, no matter how bad you want to." She had a point, I knew I couldn't keep this up much longer, I needed someone to rant to. I took my usual seat in the far back away from everyone and waited for her to take the empty spot next to me. "You're right, I can't ignore you for the life of me, you won't fuck off." Her smirk is wide and mischievous, just like her fucking brother's.

"So, where the hell have you been? I haven't heard from you since the other night and I know you fought with Val, you've got the eye to prove it. So what the fuck even happened?" I lean back some in my chair and grunt, clearly forgetting all about my goddamn eye. I still wanted that bitch to pay for that, I wasn't through with her yet. "You're my best friend Zena, I don't wanna lie to you so I'm not gonna. Straight up, I went to Zack's show, he invited me the other night. Long story short, Val was drunk and crazy fighting with Matt and somehow I got pulled into the mess. We fought, your brother separated us, I slept over with him. And before you ask yes, I fucked him and I think I fucked Matt last night too. It's been a fucking hell of a weekend that is for damn sure. " Her mouth is hanging open and her eyes are piercing into me like throwing knives. Well, I guess that wasn't what she wanted to hear, was it? "WHAT?! YOU SLEPT WITH MY BROTHER AND HIS BEST FRIEND?!" Obviously not realizing how loud she was being, we were immediately shushed by our teacher who I hadn't noticed even was in the room. "Zena! Would you and Kat like to be excused to the principals office to finish your little chat? Or do you think you can finish it later?" I let out a slight snicker, seeing her instantly press her lips together. "Sorry, we're done." She mutters annoyingly.

Throughout the entire whole half hour of class I could just feel her burning holes into the side of my head. So she clearly wasn't ok with me sleeping with Zack, I got that far. But why she cared if I slept with Matt was a whole other situation. When the bell finally rang, I waited for her to exit first before I tagged along behind her. "I can't believe you fucked my brother! What the hell were you thinking?! And Matt too?! Do you always have to be such a damn slut at every place you go to?!" She was pretty much yelling the entire way to our next class, causing everyone who passed us to stare with a rather wide eye. "Shh!! Shut up! It's not that big of a deal! I was so fucked up on coke-Actually, I'm still slightly fucked up from the coke. But I didn't even really remember sleeping with Matt anyway. Now as for Zack, I am sorry about that one. But I didn't even mean for it to happen, it just did. He's hot and older but it wasn't like some type of one night stand like everyone else. He actually asked me out on a date sometime, I said yes." Her face was fuming after I had finished my explanation, it was plain as day to see she wasn't ok with me continuing to hang around her brother.

"Dude! Kat! I can't believe you! I mean I know you're hanging around all of them but come on, do you have to throw you vag at everyone!" She was still yelling, how the hell could she still have that much energy left to keep going? It was useless at that point to even try and justify anything to her anymore. She was pissed and didn't approve of my choices. Then again, who really ever did? Just as she was about to walk away and disappear into her 2nd period I yanked her back. "I'm sorry ok? I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say it to you before you forgive me but I'm fucking sorry. I got kicked out of my house yesterday, for good this time. I slept with Matt because I figured it was the only way he was going to let me crash at his house for the night. I know, I should have just gone to you and asked for help but you know how much of a loser I am Zena. Don't be mad please, I'm sorry."

She lets out an exhausted sigh, resting her hand against her forehead. "Whatever, I don't give a shit. You're going to do what you want to do just like you always have. I knew it was only a matter of time before you got thrown out so meet at my locker at lunch. You can stay with us." I grinned wide, giving her a tight hug. "Thanks buddy, I promise you won't regret this one bit!" She shakes her head as we then part ways for the last two classes. I couldn't wait until Zack found out I was going to be staying with them for a little while. Oh the fun we could have.

Finally after another agonizing couple of hours, the lunch bell had rang. I waited for Zena at her locker like she had asked and decided to finally turn on my phone. It still had enough juice to get me through the last few hours. I perked up immensely when I noticed I had a text from Zack.

ZackyV: Hiya, hope you're alright, I didn't see you leave the party.
K@t: Fine, sorry, just haven't had a minute to myself. I actually went to school today.
ZackyV: O_O You went to school willingly? Does Zena know?
K@t: She's well aware of my weekend, yeah... :x
ZackyV: Well, uh, did you wanna go out tonight? Or is it a bad time?
K@t: I'd love to :) See you at home ;)

I didn't wait for a reply as I shoved it back into my pocket once I saw Zena fast approaching. She looked more pissed off than earlier which I knew wasn't a good sign. "What's the matter? Something happen in Science?" She doesn't say a word as she then proceeds to open and slam her locker shut and storm off in the direction of my locker next. "Get your shit, let's go." I'm slightly taken back by her demeanor but shrug it off as she was probably still a little bit mad about the shit I had said this morning. I do as she says though and grab my bags before we make a beeline for the exit. We pass right by the security guard whose preoccupied with checking some other students IDs to even notice us leave out the gate behind him. The walk to her house is awfully quiet and I can't help but feel like this was going to be a mistake. Well, too late to turn back now and it's not like I had anywhere else to go anyways.

When we reach her front door, I can hear the sounds of shouting coming from inside. "Just great, just perfect." We brace for the confrontation we're about to be faced with once we step inside and instantly I can see Zack rush past us in a daze. Zena heads into the living room to see what all the commotion was about while I can't help myself as I sneak back out front to check on him. He's sitting on the wall separating the two houses and it almost seems like he's even crying. I opt to sit next to him, making my presence known by clearing my throat. He looks up at me, his green eyes are a deeper shade this time. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at school?" I sigh, saying that it was Zena who insisted that we come home early. He shoves his hands into his pockets before pulling out his pack of cigarettes and handing one over to me. He lights up both and takes in a rather long drag. He exhales it shakily, before looking me over again. "Damn, what the hell happened to you last night?" Oh, he didn't want to know and I sure as hell wasn't about to tell him. "I uh, got a little too fucked up and passed out somewhere. I'm fine though, don't worry. But I'm actually gonna be staying here for a bit, I may or may not have gotten kicked out of my house the other day."

He draws in another large cloud of smoke before answering me. "Well, I just got kicked out of here, so I won't really be able to see you." Well wasn't that just the fucking cherry on top. I finally get to be near him and shit was already trying to get in the way of that. "Fuck, what even happened?" He goes on to say that his parents weren't ok with him smoking and drinking day in and day out, not coming home or letting anyone know he was alright, and not paying a cent of rent to them. Well, he did say he was planning on moving out soon anyway so I didn't really see why it bothered him so bad. "I mean I get it, I should have probably been a bit more responsible but fuck, it is what it is, I guess." We both finish our cigs, tossing the butts to the ground before he gets up from his spot beside me. This may have been a stupid question, but I was curious to know where he was gonna go now. "So what are you gonna do now?" He shrugs in reply. "I don't fucking know but I know for fact I need to get the fuck away for a while. Wanna come with?"

Say no more! I tell him to wait here while I rush inside to tell Zena that I was going to be taking off for a few hours. Her face is blank and I can already tell she's about to be on the warpath again. "Ok so thanks again for letting me stay here, see you tonight!" I zip back out front with my bag in tow this time before I join him in the front seat of his car. Its quiet as we start down the road until he eventually turns on the radio. The sounds of some random band began filling the void as I glance over at him for a quick second. He looked more hurt than pissed and I felt for him. I knew how he was feeling deep down, because no matter how much I said I didn't care about being kicked out, I did. When the car finally came to a halt I saw that we were at the beach. Well, whatever floated his boat. Ha, get it? Floated his boat? Ocean? Anyone? No? Fine, whatever, anyway!

He opens the door for me which I thank him for before following alongside him to the shoreline. He plops down onto the sand with me next to him. I'm not entirely sure what we came here for but it honestly just felt good to get away and take a minute. His gaze is fixed on the crashing waves while I on the other hand can't keep my eyes off of him. He catches me a few times which I try to play off as I was simply admiring the view. "Yeah, the view of me." I lean over and punch him playfully. "You wish Baker." Ok, I mean he was right but I wasn't about to let him know that. "Don't have to, I know you like what you see." Just as I was about to retort with a smartass comment, he suddenly wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I take a leap of faith and decide to then rest my head on his shoulder. He peers down at me and smiles. "Thanks for coming, I know I didn't really give much of an explanation as to what the hell we were doing but it just feels nice to be able to relax." I nod in agreement. "No worries, I totally agree. I'm enjoying it." He rests a free hand on my thigh, giving it a light squeeze. It was as if nothing seemed to matter at this moment as we sat here in silence besides purely enjoying each other's company. "I'd hate to ruin a good thing we have going right now but I gotta ask. Did you see me hooking up with someone at Jason's last night?" I swallowed hard. How the fuck was I supposed to answer that? Furthermore, why did it matter if I did or didn't?

Trying to think of a quick response, I just shrug. "Um, not that I can really remember. I was royally fucked up, still kinda am to be honest with you. But why do you ask?" It's his turn to shrug now. "Just curious. Brian had mentioned it to me this morning, that you were clearly upset by something but that Matt kind of asserted himself in the situation saying that you had too much to drink." Ah so that's where this was going. I stay quiet for a minute as I try to piece together what I was going to say without sounding like a complete ass. "Uh well, yeah, I did. But none of that matters, it's not like we're dating or anything like that. You're more than allowed to do whatever the fuck you want. I mean sure, we had sex, but it's not like it was anything serious. Right?" I trail off at the last bit as I see that he's still looking right at me. He hesitates before answering me which starts to lead me to believe that he might have felt differently about it. "Well yeah, it was just casual sex. But I don't know, shit has been super weird since we've started hanging out. I mean yeah, it's been like what, a week now? I don't know how to explain shit like this, it's not exactly in my nature. I guess what the hell I'm trying to say is that I kinda am sort of maybe starting to feel something for you." Well I definitely wasn't expecting that to happen, no matter how awkward he had just explained things.

Obviously when I don't reply right away he takes it as if he had said all the wrong things but honestly, he didn't. "As weird as you make it, I get what you mean. But there's something you have to know first before I just let you jump into the feelings department with me. I'm a complicated person, clearly. And also, I've slept with Matt, almost twice, including last night." His eyes grow wide and his face seems extremely uneasy but he doesn't push me away from him. "Fuck it, I don't care. You're free to do whatever you want too. I'm just saying, I like you." My mind wasn't able to process anything else that was going on anymore as I sat up and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Calm your self, Baker. I like you too, if that means anything." A slight chuckle escapes his lips before he plants a kiss on the top of my head. "It does. But this is just all too complicated, really. At least we both said whatever the hell we had to. Now, let's just enjoy the view before I take you somewhere else and have what you call more casual sex." Touche, Zack Baker.
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SO! I'm BACK! Life has been a real bitch lately and I've been super depressed with major writers block too but this is my therapy all in all so I hope whoever still reads this story enjoys this update! It's long and rather dragging on but! Alas, I like it! SO! Love to you all, let me know what you think and all that jazz! xo