Status: trying it out / work in progress

Need YOu??

Need YOu??

Getting to know you Brooklynn had her eye on this girl ever since she saw her standing in line waiting for them to let them in for the concert, so she went over to her and interduce herself. Leah was her name. The girls hit it off right away so much so that they stood next to each other during the concert. The concert was blast. After the concert Brooklyn and Leah were talking outside the venue when they exchanged phone numbers. Brooklynn was getting ready to send a text message to her uber driver o come get her when Leah asked you need a ride home? I can give you one. Brooklynn was like are you sure Leah? You don’t know where I live. I don’t want you to go out of your way. Leah I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t willing to take you home. Brooklynn was like sure Ill take a ride. Thank you. Leah said you’re welcome. Brooklynn was really attracted to Leah but wasn’t sure how Leah felt so Brooklynn didn’t tell her. On the drive to Brooklynn’s place they talked no stop even though neither of them had much of a voice left, once they arrived at Brooklynn’s apartment Brooklynn said thank you for the ride home. I had so much fun tonight. I couldn’t get anyone to go with me to the concert and I wasn’t sure I should’ve gotten the ticket, but I am soo glad I did. Leah stated I’m glad you did. Leah was attracted to Brooklynn not just on a physical level but wasn’t sure how Brooklynn’s feelings or how Brooklyn felt so she didn’t say anything. Brooklyn was like it was nice getting to know you. Let me know when you get home. Maybe we can hang out soon. Thank you again fir the ride home. Brooklynn got out of the car and headed into the apartment building and to her apartment. Leah waited till Brooklyn got inside the building and left. Brooklynn was kicking herself for not saying anything to Leah about being attracted to her, being attracted to a girl was something new for Brooklynn as she never let herself think that way before. She had always known she was different not like everyone else. She was attracted to guys as well. She locked up then took a shower. When she got out of the shower, she noticed that she had a message. It was from Leah. They had talked through message for a few hours than they said goodnight. Brooklynn didn’t ha e to go to work the next day as she had requested it off, so she was just chillin thinking about Leah when her phone notifications went off. Smiling when she says that is was Leah. They talked on and off through out the day. Leah would surprise Brooklyn at work coming to spend her lunches together. Leah also hung out with at Brooklynn’s apartment spending the night. Brooklynn knew she had to tell Leah how she felt but wasn’t sure how to tell her she knew she didn’t want to tell her in a text message or through other social media forms so she waited till the next time Leah spent the night. Brooklynn was soo nervous, but she knew she had to tell Leah her feelings. Leah and Brooklynn had a connection that Brooklyn never had with anyone else , Brooklynn knew that by telling Leah how she felt could change things between them in a negative way but if she didn’t tell Leah she would always wonder and regret not saying anything to Leah, Brooklynn knew she had to take that change even if Leah didn’t feel the same way . But what if Leah did feel the same way? IF she didn’t take that chance she would never know.
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This is my first time posting anything i have written and so i am just trying it out and its a work in progress