Status: In Progress

The Silence That Surrounds *New Version*

Chapter 4

Sophia's head felt as though it were flying around space. It screeched loudly in her ears, making the white noise of falling back into consciousness painful.

She was numb to it at first. The gentle waves of reality washing back to forth; the almost peaceful brink of death she felt to a world only made for those willing to survive.

Then, almost instantly, her eyes lifted; revealing the ceiling of a dark room. It took a moment to realize she was lying down, but when the comfort of a soft mattress under her unconstructed body was felt, it made little sense why. Those memories would come back when they chose to reveal themselves.

Turning her head, she saw a large figure shift in a small circular lounge chair next to her, their dark orbs observing the captive as she fought to piece together what happened.

He wordlessly clapped his hands, allowing the light to bathe over them. It was then, Sophia knew the direness of her situation.

Opening her mouth, she let out a small mumbled grunt, missing the fact that a gag had been tied securely between her teeth. Harry hoped to avoid another headache.

Instead of panicking, Sophia waited for an explanation; hoping she would get an opportunity to ask what this strange man wanted. It was highly likely, that she had just undoubtedly stumbled into a problem that had absolutely nothing to do with her. Biting down on her gag, she narrowed her eyes, listening to see if her abductor would tickle her fancy with an explanation.

Harry's brow cocked, clearly in suspense to see what his hostage's response would be. Neither looking away from the other.

Suddenly, a sharp pang went down her chest, making Sophia cry out, twisting her wrists against her leather restraints that were tethered at her sides. Harry knew immediately why and broke their standoff.

"Apologies on that, Ms. Stone. Louis informed me – halfway back here to our cabin mind you, that your bodice stored a little more than just your brassieres...or lack thereof," He reached over cautiously, pulling the blanket away. "I'm afraid we couldn't have your father tracking us. So, given that information, I had Zayn switch places with me to remove your tracker and make sure there were no other surprises. FYI, your dress was a bitch to cut off. Next time, might I suggest trying to keep it traditional, hm?" He finished, letting Sophia glance down. Upon further inspection, she saw a thin layer of gauze wrapped around her upper chest.

Harry reached toward her face, pulling the black material down from her mouth. His large finger going over her lips.

"Just because I removed your mouth tie, doesn't mean I won't put it right back on if you start screaming. You get to ask me one query; a policy we honor. I'll save you asking who and why. Your father owes my father money on an agreement. My father was going to kill yours. He saw you, was going to shoot you; but then you made a wish...a rather dumb one. So, here you are until your father pays back money, plus interest to get you back. We're giving him three months, so I'd get comfortable if I were you." He explained, before taking his finger from her lips, his deep voice holding steady. It was almost as if he were explaining a business proposition and the terms almost seemed that she was merely a guest there until her father completed the contract.

"You're Styles boy, aren't you? Father mentioned he had one. "She cleared her throat, feeling the scratchiness from waking up. Somehow, this didn't make her feel better. Damien Styles had a temper, but his son was the one who got his hands dirty when needed. He was well feared around the UK and now – she was trapped somewhere with him until her father paid Damien back.

"Harry. I'm Harry Styles and yes, I'm his son." He confirmed her assumption, turning to the bedside table to pick up a bottle of water. When he twisted, the seal broke, indicating he hadn't drugged the water. "Have a drink, luv." He studied Sophia's reaction carefully.

She moved her head to his offering, grasping her lips over the opening and allowing him to assist. She drank until the water was well below a half, quenching her throat. Sophia didn't say anything after, most likely still processing what she was told. Harry needed to garner some sort of reaction, so he set the bottle down again, tilting his head slightly.

"Still going to kick my arse, Ms. Stone?" Harry mused, seeing her eyes switch different shades of blue every time she blinked. The girl was going through so many emotions, it had Harry's curiosity piqued. When she blinked again, her eyes were the same shade of black they had been before. The young girl was mad, that didn't take a genius to figure out.

Instead of replying, she flexed her wrists against her restraints, making no attempt to struggle. The pain in her chest wasn't bad, as long as she stayed still.

"Zayn secured you; don't expect to get unbuckled until morning. Unfortunately for the both of us, you had a slight reaction to the jab we used. Zayn said you had quit breathing for a few minutes; Liam expressed his concern of the event and ordered a twenty-four-hour watch to make sure you don't relapse. I'm taking first shift; Louis will take second. Zayn will take the eighteen hour and then Liam will take the twenty-fourth."

Sophia blinked.

How many guys were there?

Judging by her confused expression, Harry decided to tickle her fancy.

"There's a total of five of us, not including Damien. Niall is the cook, cabin keeper and weapon's cleaner. You'll meet him and the others later. If escape was on your mind, princess; I would reconsider. You're not leaving. No one has ever successfully escaped; and no one will." Harry continued, realizing he wasn't getting anything verbal back from his hostage. That was a blessing, because he was expecting a far more vocal redhead and a bit more of a headache.

"Perhaps we can make a wager then?" Sophia shifted, noticing Harry's left brow curled up. She didn't give him a chance to respond. "If I escape successfully; you don't kill me. Escape means out the door, not necessarily getting away. I know what you do, Mr. Styles. I know what your father does. I'm not going to get out of here alive, even if my father does pay. We both know it. No one has ever come back alive." Her lips pouted more into a frown, knowing what being kidnapped by Harry meant.

Harry was taken aback by her blunt choice of words, knowing that what she said was true. No one had ever been allowed to live. Everyone brought to this cabin, was killed. Though, he had no clue how she could know that.

"Everyone knows. It's no secret." Sophia went on, trying to gage his reaction. Harry wasn't giving anything away. He remained expressionless, although, her bet amused him somewhat.

Still, he had no say in whether or not she lived or died.

"If no one ever comes back, then how are there stories, luv? Lay of the telly and get some fresh air once in a while." Harry chuckled, finding this girl odd. They normally just laid there crying or pleading to be let go.

Sophia shrugged, allowing him to ask her these questions, it opened up a path for her to test her restrictions.

"Your father has very deep pockets, Mr. Styles. It would surprise no one if he had influence in every department of England. Hell, maybe the Queen invites him for tea on weekends?" She replied sarcastically, watching Harry as he started to build up to laughter. Sophia had no idea why he found her so amusing.

"Alright, darling. Pretend time is over." Harry shook his head, his laughter trailing off to a stop. He reached over, gently grasping the thick piece of cloth that hung idly from her neck. Sophia jerked back; eyes wide.

"I don't need gagged; I'm not going to scream. I just want to wager my life for a chance – it is sportsman-like to inquire for one's right to live, is it not, Master Styles?" Sophia pleaded, watching Harry cock his head. His lips forming back to a small frown.

"Master Styles is my father's stature. Call me Harry and it's not my decision. If your father pays, then I'm sure my father will consider the risk vs reward. If he thinks the risk is far greater, then the only thing I can assure you of, is that you won't feel any pain. It will be quick. Right now, this is only your first night. We have three months to worry about that, hm?" He tried to reassure the girl, given that he didn't like scaring hostages. Sophia Stone was correct in her assumptions. They never let them live. He took care of them throughout the time he was told and then, he executed them. His hands had blood, but his fathers were cemented in the flesh of the suffering.

Sophia shook her head trying to dislodge his hand, but he simply grasped her gag tighter and slid it back up into her mouth, reaching behind her to secure it tight to make sure the knot couldn't be rubbed loose.

When he was done, he clapped his hands, bathing them both in darkness. Sophia let out a muffled plea, jerking her head against the pillow. Unfortunately, in the end, it held fast and she was left with no alternative other than to lay there with her eyes upcast once more to the ceiling.

A half hour of torture was when Harry finally lost patience, she heard a sigh; followed by the slightly older lad shifting again. He had picked up a small object laying idly on the nightstand. Even in the dark, she could tell it was a syringe.

"This will all be a lot easier if you sleep, Ms. Stone. This one doesn't contain anything that should cause you to quit breathing." He told her, leaning forward.

Sophia let out a small yell, knowing it sounded pathetic. She didn't want to be put out.

"NHM!" The redhead protested, struggling to slip from her straps. Whoever this Zayn was, he was good at what he did. She wasn't getting out unless untied. Another sting brought her back, reminding her of earlier. A small set of tears made their way silently down her cheeks, which Harry simply wiped away.

"This will be easier. You need sleep, you're still healing." Harry reasoned, injecting the jab into her neck. He was glad she didn't fight, she needed to reserve her energy for more important matters.

"Goodnight, Ms. Stone." Harry bid, settling back into his chair, after disposing of the sedative. Sophia waited, eventually too tired to keep her eyes open.

Once they closed, she soon drifted from consciousness, her worries washing away for awhile longer.