Status: Ongoing story.

Life is a Song

The Newcomer

It was the middle of November, rainy as usual, and cold. Killian sat in Granny's Diner with Emma and Henry when a breeze blew through as someone came in the Diner. Henry noticed that Killian stopped paying attention and looked toward the newcomer. "Who do you think he is?" Henry asked curiously. Killian shrugged, but felt a wave of recognition that he just couldn't place. 

"He looks like a pirate." Killian said offhandedly, and looked to his plate of food again. "Maybe he's from Neverland!" Henry suggested excitedly. Emma chuckled. "That's one place we're not going back to." Hook nodded in agreement. 

"Excuse me, ma'am?" asked the newcomer. Ruby walked over to him and asked what he needed help with; she knew he wasn't from here and she liked to look at random handsome faces that popped in every once in awhile. "I'm looking for someone." the newcomer said. Ruby grinned flirtatiously. "Oh, really? May that be someone who looks" she tried. 

The newcomer half-grinned and shook his head. "That's tempting, but I'm looking for family. A long, lost brother, perhaps? He goes by Hook." Ruby's jaw dropped, but not for a moment too long. "Oh!" she realized. "He's actually in here, right now." Ruby explained.

The newcomer scanned the diner; it was full tonight, and he wasn't entirely ready to meet him. He just found out about him a week ago by their mother. "He's sitting at the back table with Emma and Henry." she pointed to a table next to the window in the back. The newcomer nodded and thanked Ruby. 

Killian saw that he was walking over and stood up, protectively; he didn't know this person or what he could be capable of. He was a stranger. Killian studied the stranger's face. "Hi. Are you...Hook?" he asked, nervously. Emma and Henry watched them quietly. "I am, and you are?" Hook crossed his arms; he dropped his defenses, though, as he felt that wave of recognition again. 

The stranger breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm Harry...Hook."

Killian was confused. "What does that supposed to mean?" Harry went on to explain. "We have the same mother. My father's THE Captain Hook--" "But I'm Captain Hook?" Killian interjected. "Are you James Hook?" asked Harry jokingly. 

Emma and Henry could sense a long conversation coming, so they told their goodbyes and headed home, letting the newfound brothers chat. Harry ordered a drink to go, and they took their conversation away from listening ears and prying eyes. Once they got to Hook's ship, Harry was in a visible whirlwind. "How do you have the Jolly Roger?"

Killian shrugged. "It's my ship. And to answer your question: No, I am not James Hook. My actual name is Killian Jones." Harry's head started to spin. "It just doesn't make any sense. It's like we're part of two different dimensions--yet we're related." Killian laughed at the craziness of it. "Are you sure we're related? I mean, we look nothing alike."

"You never knew Mother, did you? She told me that she left because of what your father did to you and your older brother--our older brother." Harry said. Killian stiffened up. "What do you know?" he demanded. "I know that he sold you two into slavery so he could escape." Killian stared at Harry. "Do you know what happened to Liam?" he questioned. Harry's face saddened. "Mum told me he poisoned himself with dreamshade."

Killian couldn't believe this; why now, he thought? "Are you some sort of spy? Who sent you?" he asked angrily. Harry was taken aback. "No one. I just found all this out a week ago!" Killian rubbed his face stressfully, wanting to scream into oblivion. "I've had another brother all this time and was never told--WE were never told!" 

Harry stood quietly, waiting for his brother to calm down. Killian calmed himself and asked Harry: "How did you get here?" "Oh," Harry had almost forgotten. "I portal jumped." They both laughed for a minute, then Hook asked Harry another question. "What's mom like?" Harry smiled, then. "Well, she's a better parent than our fathers--almost. She left me when I was eight on the Isle and I had to fend for myself. The Isle is not as comforting as it sounds, however, she came to me a week ago to tell me about you and Liam."

Killian was interested in where Harry was from; he saw that he wore pirate attire and a pretend hook--probably to be like his father, Killian thought. There was a slightly colder chill in the air and it started to snow. "Do you have anywhere else to go?" He asked Harry. Harry shook his head. "I just got here tonight, so no, I do not have a place to go." he said in a obvious tone. Harry definitely was not used to the snow, he started shivering. "I have an extra cabin on the ship. C'mon."