Split Between My Saviors

Yeah, Happy Bithday to Me

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday--"
"Happy birthday to you!" I slammed down another shot and smashed my head on the bar's counter. So, I thought, this is what it's like to be 21... finally. I lifted my heavy head and peeked through my droopy eyes when I heard the door swing open. I was half hoping that it would be one of my best friends, Danielle (although she's not 21 yet); at the same time, I was half hoping that a yellow and purple striped jaguar/anaconda mix animal would swim across the floor and lick my toes. But that wasn't going to happen, now was it?
Unfortunately, neither of my wishes came true. I quickly sobered up when I realised who my gaze had fallen on. I shook my short-, blue- haired head and looked upon him again. Oh my dog. I couldn't let him see me like this! That would just make me SO desirable... note sarcasm. The Hotness seemed to be coming towards us, as seen by my disturbed eyesight.
"'Scuse me..." I slurred as I waved one wobbly finger in the air. I slid off the barstool and slunk across the dance floor, bumping into several girls in micro- mini skirts and the drunken guys who were trying to pick them up... figuratively AND literally. As I made my way to 'powder my nose', my vision was slowly fading from normal. People were mysteriously fuzzing up and moving about like bubbles in a very... VERY... large bathtub.
"Hey..." I heard from behind me. The voice was soft and assuring, and it would have even been soothing if it weren't for the fact that it cut through me like an ice knife cutting through butter... and if that doesn't make sense... screw it.
"Hi." I said abruptly, and then I kept going after a swift acknowledgement via wave... a.k.a. the write-off. Suddenly a hand shot out from behind me and tightly grabbed my wrist, a place where I can't bear to be touched. I snatched my arm back, but again it was captured. I was spun around roughly and in front of me was one of the most horrifying sights I had ever seen in my entire life. "Jimmy..." I gasped.
"That's right..." He chuckled menacingly. I took a wavering breath and told myself, It's for his own good... and mine.
"Jimmy, get off me." I warned in a cold tone.
"No." He had matched my note. I closed my eyes, mentally preparing myself for what was to come next.
Without 'furthur ado', I struck him square in the jaw, sending him crashing backwards... "Bitch!" he cried as he swiped the blood off his face. He regained his posture and glared at me just like that night four years ago...
Before I could begin to remember what went on that horrible night, he wrapped his arms around me from behind, tighter than I was used to. I couldn't break free, no matter how hard I fought. It's true that I'm a black belt and all, but you have to realise: I'm still mostly drunk at this point. I was still thinking that a unicorn could come in their and... do something to Jimmy with his magical horn... maybe puncture his spine.
A small whine was all that could come out of my mouth; he was crushing my lungs and ribs. He started to drag me off to the back exit when I mustered up the loudest possible noise I could: a high- pitched whistle that sounded a lot more like a shriek than a song's tune.
"Shut up you fucking bitch!" He kicked my knees out from under me, forcing me to fall right into his already waiting arms.
"Help!" I cried weakly, but I was almost positive no one could hear me in a crowded bar. Yeah, happy birthday to me.
"Let her go." I heard an extremely calm voice say from behind us. I tried to turn my head, but I couldn't resist against Jimmy's powerful grip.
"What's this piece of trash to you?" Jimmy gestured with his head toward me.
"Well, to start," the voice said, slowly becoming familiar, "she isn't a piece of trash." I know that voice! Another gasped escaped my lips and, with all my might, I tilted my head to the left to try to catch a glimpse of the owner of the warm voice. I was right. "Also, she's the funniest girl I've met, along with the coolest girl with the coolest hair and the most beautiful senior at our college." I blushed for a split second, but then I realised once more the position I was in; this was not a place to be having happy moments (NLT).
"You're wrong. She's a filthy piece of shit that should be treated like one." A silent tear slid down my cheek. "And that's why I'm taking her out," he added. He tugged me a couple of times across the cold, hard, wooden ground.
"No." Jimmy stopped to stare. "You're not taking her anywhere. One more step and I'm taking YOU out." Jimmy laughed evilly, stupidly, and raised his foot to move forward. "I swear--" Jimmy took a threatning step.
"What are you going to d--" Faster than he could finish a two-letter word, he was getting his stomach blown out by a second-degree. I was finally free.
"Are you okay?" I looked up into his blue eyes.
"I am now..." Jimmy hurled himself up and moved into action. The battle was not over.