Out Of This World

Innocence In Betrayal

She thought I didn’t know. She thought I couldn’t remember, but I could. Out of everything that happened that night, that was the most clearly remembered, and I couldn’t stop kicking myself for it.

But acting as if I had no idea, it worked for both of us. There was no way in hell Kim was going to bring it up, so if I didn’t say anything, it would never get said. My little intoxicated truth was ignored, though both of us were aware of it’s invisible presence. It sat their like an awkward piece of furniture in our lives, waiting for someone to trip over it and puncture an escape for the drama.


“Huh?” I looked up at Alice’s scowl tiredly.

“Ben, did you listen to any of that?” she sighed.

“Erm, something about a fish…?” I tried, giving her a small smile.

“Ben! This is important! If my parents catch me with Alberto and Guiseppi, they’ll flush them!”

“So it was about fish!”

Alice sighed, shaking her head, “Never mind…Derek!”

“Alice!” Derek greeted with the same enthusiam.

I watched as he plopped himself down next to her and stuffed a sandwich in his mouth. Alice began talking through her plan to smuggle her fish out of her locker and into her room with Derek, and I was off with the fairies again. My gaze was caught by a mop of windswept chocolate hair making its way toward our pic nic table. I stiffened as my eyes lowered themselves and followed the link of her fingers with his until it disappeared under the splintering grey wood of the table.

“Hey Ben,” Hayden smiled.

“Hey,” My eyes strayed to Kim. Her eyes stayed fixed on her lap.

There was a squeal from somewhere west and we all turned to look at Alice, attacking a short blonde girl that had just aproached our table. Derek stood up and wrestled Alice back into her seat, his hands resting firmly on her shoulders as she bounced up and down in excitement. The blonde girl, who I now recognised as Hannah from the year below, straightened the papers in her hand and re-tied her hair into the ponytail Alice had previously destroyed.

She cleared her throat, “Hey guys.” There was a chorus of greeting. “Anyone here for Spring formal tickets?” Alice squealed again and Derek strengthened his hold.

“We’ll take two,” he said, rolling his eyes playfully at Alice.

“So will we,” said Hayden with a smile, “You want to go, right?”

Kim shrugged, “If you do.” I smothered a scoff and averted my gaze back to Hannah. Kim despised dancing and dressing up- she hated anything formal related!

“What about you Ben?” Hannah smiled.

“Erm, no…I think I’ll pass this year.”

Alice gasped, “No! He’ll take one.” She rummaged in her purse for some notes, “You can pay me back later.”

Hannah handed me my ticket which I shoved hastily into my bag. Alice rolled her eyes.

“When is it?” I said with as little enthusiasm as I could muster.

“This Saturday,” Alice chimed in, though the question was aimed at Hannah.

Hannah gave her a wary smile before heading off to the next group of students. The shrill chirrup of the bell echoed around the school and we all stood, composing ourselves for class. I waited for Alice to say goodbye to Derek before grabbing her arm and steering her toward English. Halfway through the door to my English class, I was pulled back out into the hall by an icy pair of hands. Swivelling around I looked down into Kim’s blank eyes.

“Hi.” I smiled, “Can I help you?” I already knew what she wanted. Kim pulled me further down the hall, away from Alice’s nosey gaze.

She cleared her throat, “Erm, before the formal…”

“Yeah sure,” I said nonchalantly. Kim twiddled her fingers awkwardly.

“So, I have to get my hair done and-“ I raised my brows, earning a smack in the stomach. “Don’t mock me,” she warned. “As I was saying, could you come at around five?”

I nodded.

“Please Ben, try not to be late. Hayden will come at around six to get me and I don’t want this to go wrong…”

“Yeah, I’ll be there,” I promised, giving her a reasuring pat on the back. She nodded a farewell before heading to her next class. I watched her turn the corner to the art department before sauntering back to my classroom.

I dropped my bag on my seat and began unloading my books. Alice let out a small, hopelessly fake cough and I turned to look at her.

“What?” I squinted at her expression.

“Ooo. La. Laaa.” She sang. I narrowed my eyes further before scoffing and pushing my bag to the floor, taking my seat. “What was that about?” she smiled playfully.

“Nothing,” I said monotonously.

“Didn’t seem like nothing,” she winked, “You should so fight for her. Hayden’s a dick.”

I laughed incredulously, “He’s your brother!”

“Meh. Only by marriage,” she shrugged, “I love him and all but…him and Kim?…what kinda fucktard wrote that into this drama?”

I laughed and ruffled her hair, “Alice, you’re one of a kind.”

“I know,” she smiled curtly, opening her book and turning to the page instructed on the board.

I looked at myself in the mirror, face splaying into a look of disgust as I sighed and began wrestling on the thin black tie Alice made me wear. Giving up, I threw its ridiculously thin textile to the side and pulled my collar up a fraction. Ruffling my hair slightly, I took a step back to examine myself fully. Not bad. It was then that Michelle came bustling in, a cookie in her mouth and its sister in her hand. Her eyes widened at my appearance and she smiled fondly,

“Ben! You look…clean!” she laughed. I glared playfully at her. “I’m just joking mate, you look handsome. Kim’ll love you,” she winked.

“What the hell?!” I exclaimed, snatching the other cookie and taking a hasty bite, “ Why is everyone doing that? I do not like Kim!…in that way,”

Michelle laughed, “Getting defensive, are we?”


Michelle patted me on the back, “I’m just teasing you mate. That girl’s way too hot for you.”

I shook my head, scrutinising her mockingly, “My poor, mislead father…” Michelle hit me in the side before straightening my collar and stalking out of the room.

I pulled my collar back out of place and shook my watch from under my shirt sleeve. Five to five, well done Ben, you’re on time. I looked out my bedroom window to check that Kim’s car was in the drive before heading out of my room. Suddenly, a shriek erupted up the staircase and I quickened my pace to a run.

“Michelle?!” I yelled frantically, “Michelle! Where are you?!” There was a loud desperate sob from down the hall and I ran to the kitchen. Michelle lay on the tiles, Anzac cookies splayed all around her and a baking tray at her side. She held her arms erect and stared at them from her position on the ground. I scrambled to her side.

“Michelle! What happened?” I tried to help her up but she shook her head and whimpered for me to stop.

“I-I slipped,” she sobbed, “And the baking tray…” I followed her gaze to the large red burns on her arms.

“Where does it hurt?” I said, kneeling down.

“My arms and my spine. Don’t move me.”

“Should I call an ambulance?” She nodded and I reached for my phone and began to dial tripple zero. I followed the operator’s directions and soon an ambulance was on its way.

Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I stood up and got some ice to sooth the sores on her arms and a clean kitchen cloth which I folded and placed under her head. I looked up at the chicken shaped clock on the wall. Five thirty. I stood on the doorstep and waited for the paramedics. When they came I ushered them to the kitchen where they briefly examined Michelle and lifted her onto a stretcher. Once she was in the back of the ambulance, I climbed in after her, giving Kim’s house one last backward glance.

“No, Ben. Don’t come.” Michelle said, patting my hand with her fingertips.

“But-“ I began.

“Call your dad, tell him what’s happened and tell him I told you to go to the formal,” She instructed.

“Are you sure?”

Michelle nodded. I placed a quick kiss on her forehead before exiting the vehicle and calling my dad. Then, taking a deep breath, I walked over the lawn to Kim’s house. Before I could knock, the door swung open to reveal a very flustered Kim.

“Ben! You’re late-“ her eyes widened at my appearance, “You look nice but…what’s wrong?”

I told her about Michelle and apologised for being late.

“That ambulance stopped at your house? I heard it but I didn’t think…”

“It doesn’t matter,” I interrupted, “Hayden’ll be here soon, right?”

Kim nodded and I followed her to her room. As soon as the door was shut Kim pushed herself toward me and the cool of her breath began lingering with mine. Her lips were colder than usual from the anxiety, but after a few minutes I began to feel them defrosting. Soon they were at a human temperature and I thought about pulling away...but I didn’t. And neither did she. We carried on like that for what seemed like eternity until the door squeaked open and the background sound of heavy footsteps came to a halt.


We pulled apart.


Hayden wasn’t happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah! They got caught!
But this isn't the end.
This isn't even the beginning.
Oh, no.
There's more.
Much more