Out Of This World

Read This Nothing

I woke up at noon the next day; my eyes were crusted together with dried tears and my face was swolen and puffy. I closed the cupboard door on my hideous reflection and picked up the dress that lay crumpled on the floor. I admired it in vain for a full ten minutes before taking off my night shirt and spider man boxer shorts. I slipped the dress over my bed hair and pulled it down over my hips, sucking in and zipping it up from the back. Then, I grabbed my ever faithful thongs and threw them out the window, hanging off a branch and dropping off after them.

Themorning afternoon hadn’t brought much vigilence to my worn out brain and as I landed on the wet grass, I slipped and fell on my side. I groaned at the grass stain slashed around my waist before sliding on my thongs and scampering across the front windows of my house. After turning a corner, I decided it was safe and slowed my pace to walking. A group of skaters stared at me in wonder and one, instead of ollying onto the path, skated straight into it and went head first into a garbage bin. I snorted and continued walking. I didn’t blame them, I probably looked like an amature hooker that had just been dragged backwards through a hedge.

I’d been walking for about half an hour when I got to a culd-a-sac with a strong looking gum tree situated in the centre infront of a prim brick house. I headed toward it and hoisted myself up, climbing to the second branch before clambering side ways to another and pulling myself to the one above it. I was pretty high up, the fall would’ve been enough to break a leg upon impact. I gazed at the neighbourhood that stretched out down the hill before me. Holding onto the trunk for balance, I pulled a leaf off one of the thinner branches and crushed it in my hand, lifting it to my nose and sniffing the fresh, verdant aroma of eucalyptus. I smiled, remembering the way Ben and I used to soak the leaves in water from the gutter, garnishing it with wattle and calling it Gum Leaf Soup.


And then last night’s thoughts were back again. Was I stupid for what I did? Was I being stupid for regretting it? There was a part of me that yearned to be taken back, that wanted to confess. I wanted Ben next to me so badly, I wanted to open my mind and let him read, let him feel my anguish.

The pros were so much greater, and as the sun began to lower itself behind the horizon, I’d decided I would do it. I would climb up the drain pipe and into his room. I would sit there and wait for him and then I’d tell him everything. I’d open my mind and let him read. I would do it, but not now. He probably still hated me.

And I was too much of a coward.

It was a week since I’d seen him- a week too long. I stood on the welcome mat - condensation glistening on my forehead- debating on whether if I leaned over and puked in the tulips, the flowers would die. The sound of footsteps thudded down the hall followed by the rattle of keys in the lock.

What do I say? Should I have brought something? Dammit! I should’ve brought something!

Hastily, I plucked a tulip from it’s tray on the window sill and grasped it in both hands. The flower shook furiously, a petal fell off and I stilled myself until the tulip was no more than quivering in anxiety.

Michelle opened the door, smiled, then eyed the flower suspiciously, “Hi Kim, it’s been a while.”

“Yeah.” I squeaked. Michelle nodded and let me past.

I took the steps two at a time and scurried to Ben’s room. There I must have stood staring at the poster of Synyster Gates for a full twenty minutes before gathering the courage to open my mind and enter.

And it wasn’t because Syn is so unbelievably sexy.

My hand grew icy and froze against the handle; I had to tug a few times before it flew off and whacked against the door frame. I whimpered in pain.

“Kim?” His voice was scratchy.

I inhaled deeply before turning to see Ben lying on his bed with…

Someone. Someone more beautiful than deemed possible for a human being.

Her hair was ebony, her skin flawless and delicate as porcelain. Her nose was perfectly proportioned between two almond shaped eyes and her lips were a rosy pink. She sat, perfectly poised with her back straight and her head tilted inquisitively. She looked up at me with the most engaging violet eyes that held youth and maturity together as one.

A Metal Hammer magazine was laying across both their laps, which would have relieved me if she wasn’t so beautiful. But she was, and my heart throbbed mercilessly. I couldn’t move, I was frozen to the spot. My eyes began to water, but being too frozen to blink was only part of it. I held the tulip up to my lips, its velvet soft texture carressing the chapped, broken flesh.

Ben cleared his throat, “Kim, this is Ada.”

I looked at her though she was no longer looking at me. Her violet eyes were only open to see Ben. She touched his chin and he turned to her. Slowly, gracefully, she advanced forward and closed the gap.

And I closed my mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
This may be the last chapter for about 5 days kids.
I have people coming to stay so yeah...
Oooh don't forget to check out Ada's profile in Characters ok?
If one of you lovelies is a pro on Photoshop, would you mind editing her eyes violet for me?
The first person who volunteers to do this will get themselves a one-shot ^-^
Make sure you volunteer on the comments page of this story! This will avoid any arguments as to who was first.