Out Of This World

Stairway To Heaven

“You sick son of a bitch!”

Tiny silver stars invaded my vision as I sqeezed my eyes shut and pressed my arms hard against my ears. The muffled sound of a chainsaw could be heard through the self inflicted darkness along with severel long, petrified shrieks. Suddenly, the noise stopped and the darkness turned to the red of blood vessels as my hands were removed from my face and placed gently by my side. My eyes fluttered open and there stood my father, an amused expression tweaking the corners of his lips.

“Hey! I was watching that!” I exclaimed, reaching to snatch back the controls. Dad pulled them further out of my reach before placing them in the holder hanging off the side of the coffee table.

“They’ll be here soon, go help Grace with the cutlery,” he turned to leave, then stopped in the doorway, whiping his hands on the thighs of his jeans and turning back around, “Is your friend still coming?”

I sighed and stood up, yawning and stretching indifferently.

“Yeah, he’s coming. Please don’t do anything…”

“Embarrassing?” Dad smirked. I frowned and shook my head.

“No. At all. Don’t do anything at all.” Dad laughed before turning off the tv and heading upstairs. Stifling another yawn, I pulled down my jumper and dragged my feet to the kitchen.

“Hey Grace, need any help?” Grace smiled and shoved a drawer full of silver into my arms.

“Does Hayden eat much?” she asked, crouching down to check on what ever was in the oven.

“Oh, he’s not staying for long. We’re going out-“

“What a waste…” she grummbled, “You’re gonna have to take the left overs to- oh! What a waste!” I jumped at the sudden tonal change in her voice and looked at what she was fussing at. A mug of coffee from this morning lay untouched on the window sill where Dad had abandoned it before going to the mechanic’s. I rolled my eyes and braced myself for the oncoming brawl.

“You’re father, you’re father. Sometimes I don’t know why I married him…” she groaned while the coffee splashed down the sink. I sniggered at the pained expression on her face as she opened the tap ever so slightly to help wash it down.

“You shouldn’t have,” I piped in, playing along.

“And waste a good man?” Grace replied shrilly, yet there was a shade of adoration in her voice. I shook my head smiling, dropping the drawer on the table and begginning to sort each set of cutlery into piles.

I had just finished setting the table when the bell rang and Grace bustled in, laying a bowl of mashed potato on a placemat. I followed her tottering figure to the door and swallowed down the lump lodged stubbornly in my throat. Blood rushed out of my ears and they felt frozen hard enough to cut through wood; Grace’s hands seemed to be moving too slow and too fast at the same time and I found myself tempted to grab her by the shoulders and screach in her face.

The door swung open, letting in a breeze numb to my nerves as I stood staring –a mixture of both disappointment and relief battling away in my stomach- at our neighbours: Ben, Mr. Burleigh and a slender looking red head of about twenty three. Ben greated both Grace and I with a smile and accepted her invitation to come in. Whiping his feet on the welcome mat, he gave my shoulder a quick squeeze before standing awkwardly to the side.

“Grace, how are you?” James Burleigh said, embracing her in a stiff (with cold) hug. He gestured to the red head, who smiled and stepped forward, placing a dish covered with tin foil into my step-mother’s arms. “This is Michelle,” he said, grabbing hold of her hand.

“Grace,” Grace said, giving her a friendly nod. They exchanged ‘nice to meet you’s’ before all stalking off into the kitchen. I led Ben into the sitting room and as soon as we sat down he let out a sigh of relief.

“What’s up?” I asked, “You seem kinda tense.” Ben laughed, shaking his head dismissively.

“I accidentally called Michelle, Robin,” He chuckled, “Apparently, dad dumped Robin two weeks ago.”

“Oh,” I laughed lightly, “So dad’s not happy?”

“No, not at all.” A thick, but not quite awkward silence filled the air.

“She’s hot.” I pointed out, gesturing in the general direction of the kitchen. Ben made a face,

“I guess, but-“ He was interrupted by the chirrup of the doorbell beckoning us from the hall. The lump in my throat came back for a rematch and Ben’s brow furrowed in question. His eyes were on my cheeks, which I guessed had turned a deathly shade of blue.

“Are you alright?” He asked before turning halfway around in his seat. His eyes widened, “Is that…Hayden’s coming?” I gulped, pushing my fingers deep into my pockets and nodding bashfully.

“Yes.” I squeaked, “Dad wants to check him out,” Ben threw his head back and began to laugh uncontrollably.

“Seriously? Oh God this should be good,” his face turned red as he struggled to compose himself. The doorbell rang again. “Are you gonna get that?” he asked smugly. I narrowed my eyes at him and prodded him hard in the chest. “Ow!”

“Do anything,” I snarled, “And you’ll wake up tomorrow morning with frostbite on you’re balls.” Fear drained Ben’s cheeks of all colour. Satisfied with his reaction, I stood up and went to answer the door.

“Kimber! Door!” Dad yelled from upstairs. I rolled my eyes,

“Going!” I swung the door open and this time my heart fluttered furiously beneath my ribcage. Hayden stood there, a single rose in one hand and in the other, a small bouquet of assorted flowers. He handed the rose to me before pecking me on the cheek. If I wasn’t frozen with apprehension, I would’ve blushed.

“Thankyou, it’s really pretty,” I smiled, touching my nose to the velvety petals and taking a deep sniff.

“You’re welcome,” Hayden grinned humbly. Noticing his pale complexion and shivering body, I apologetically took a step back and gestured him in. It was hard to be aware of temperature when it didn’t effect me. Hayden stepped in and began removing his gloves. He froze halfway through removing the second one, his eyes catching on something descending the stairs. I turned to see my father, staring him up and down through scrutinizing green eyes. I cleared my throat,

“Um, Hayden, this is my dad…Dad this is Hayden, Alice’s step brother,” They both nodded in acknowledgment before grasping each others hands in a hefty shake.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Leone,” I swooned at Hayden’s manners.

“You too Hayden, call me Mark, please,” I swooned again at the pleasing civility of my father. Footsteps sounded down the hall and we all turned to see Ben’s sturdy shape trudge down to meet us.

“Sup Hayden,” he said, placing a hand on each of my shoulders. I felt a sharp output of breath -a soundless snigger- rustle the hairs on the crown of my head. I directed warning thoughts into the atmosphere and Ben let one hand drop to his side.

“Hey Ben,” Hayden grinned somewhat stiffly. It was then that Grace came into the hall, greeted Hayden (who handed her the bouqet), gave me an inconspicuous thumbs up behind her back and steered everyone into the front room. Lagging behind, Ben bent down until I could feel his breath on my ear.

“He’s jealous,” He snickered and I aimed an elbow at his ribs. I growled as my elbow connected with the air and continued glowering at Ben’s back as he sauntered into the front room behind the rest of them.

The room was suffocatingly silent. Ben’s expression was the only to change as he read each person’s thoughts and related them to their neighbour’s. Grace walked in, back from her trip to the kitchen, carrying a tray of drinks which she delivered to each guest.

“So Hayden, I hear that you’re a sportsman,” Dad inquired, swirling the deep crimson wine in his glass. Hayden nodded, calm and collected as usual.

“Yeah,” he said, “I try everything, but my main sport’s rugby.”

“I’m afraid I’m not quite familiar with that, we never played it in the US,” dad replied. More silence. I lifted my glass and took a small sip. I pursed my lips in annoyance as the glass fogged up; as the conversation bore no interest, I soon began drawing smiley faces along the surface. I was lost, completely absorbed in my own thoughts about nothing that I didn’t notice when Grace left, nor when she came back in to inform us that dinner was ready. I stood up abruptly, jumping at the chance to be rid of the awkwardness the meeting had errupted.

“I think we should be going,” I said, glancing between Hayden and dad. Hayden nodded and I switched my gaze to dad, waiting for approval. He held my stare for a few moments before nodding slowly and giving me a small smile.

“Thanks a lot for having me,” Hayden said, reaching out to shake hands with my father and then moving on to Grace.

“The pleasure was ours,” Grace smiled, swatting at Ben as he went to pick at the food arranged appealing on the dining table. I reached up and held Hayden’s shoulders, steering him toward the door.

“Ok, lets go. Bye, nice to meet you Michelle,” Michelle smiled and twinkled her fingers. “Ciao Benjamine,” I said, patting Ben on the back. He ruffled my hair unenthusiastically, a mixed expression on his face. I frowned slightly at him before shrugging it off and making my way to the green Jeep parked outside our house.

“So where to?” Hayden asked, buckling up and inserting his keys in the ignition.

“Did you have anything planned?” I smiled and leaned back; staring up at him from the head rest. Hayden scrunched up his lips and bobbed his head from side to side as if mulling things over in his mind.

“A few ideas, but I thought I’d ask what you’re ideas were first.”

Aw. Wasn’t that sweet?

“I really don’t mind.” I assured him, playing with the hem of Ben’s metallica hoodie. Hayden gave me an oh sosexy secretive side ways glance and licked his lips with a smile.

“Do you like Blessthefall?” he inquired, glancing at me again though this time more cautiously. I bit back the scream that had a habit of errupting every time the band was mentioned and fought to keep my tone level.

“I…I love them,” I grinned, voice squeaking ever so slightly. Hayden let out a sigh of relief.

“Thank God. These would’ve been a real bitch to return,” he chuckled. I gaped. My jaw slackened and my eyes widened. A small squeal leapt out from behind my tonsils and I slowly reached upward to collect the two tickets Hayden wavered at me from the driver’s seat.

“Oh. My. God.’ I breathed, fighting to keep both halves of my brain from falling out my ears.

“Woah…Kimber? Breathe, please breathe…you’re dad is frightening as it is without having to bring home the corpse of his only child…”

“How did you know they were coming? How did you know them? When does it start? How much were they? Argh that was rude, I ment how much do I owe you-“ Hayden reached forward and placed two fingers on my chin; in a simple upward motion, he closed my lips and halted all babbling spewing out from between them.

“Don’t worry about it,” He grinned, “Doors open at eight, show starts at nine. Its only a small gig, I was really worried that you wouldn’t like them but Ben told me you were into all these practically unheard of bands so I decided to take a shot…” I leaned over and gave him a sideways hug.

“Thankyou!” I said quietly.

“It was nothing really…Ben organised it all you know,” I looked up.

“Really?” Somehow, I found that hard to believe. Hayden just nodded stiffly and focused on the road.“Hm.”

Sighing, I leaned back over to my side and switched my gaze out the window, watching the drizzle spit down blankets of grey onto the bitumen speeding by below.


Craig’s voice resonated in my ear drums; pure and grieving, it coaxed my body into a slow sway. Hayden’s arms reached over and hugged me from behind. My body tightened at first before relaxing into his broad shoulders.

“Are you having fun?” He asked, his lips at my ear. I nodded into his chest.

“Are you?” I ventured, twisting my upper half around in his hold. Hayden nodded,

“Ofcourse. You….make me, the hap-pi-est of men,” he smirked, singing along with Craig. I laughed, then turned back around to face the stage and cover the pink kissing my cheeks.

With Eyes Wide Shut ended and Matt began the starting drum line to Higinia. Reading my thoughts, Hayden let go of me and I grabbed his hand, pulling him with me into the front line of the mosh pit.


Hayden put the Jeep into park and pulled the key out of the ignition; the vehicle’s signature humming stopped.

“Do you want me to walk you to your door?” he asked. He was always asking, and it was pretty cute.

“Oh, no don’t worry about it,” I smiled, “Stay here where its warm.” I unbuckled my seat belt and twisted in my seat to face him. “Thanks for everything. I had an awesome time.”

“I’m glad,” he grinned. We’d been sitting there for a few seconds, holding each other’s gaze, when we both unconsciously began leaning in. I watched his lips advance towards mine and insitinctively closed my eyes. It was then that a thought struck me, it struck me like one hundred volts of electricity and I quickly jerked my head backwards, snapping my eyes open in horror. Twisting back in my seat I opened the door and glanced back at Hayden.

“Th-thanks again,” I stuttered with a nervous smile. Hayden stared at me, stunned, before nodding absent mindedly and attempting a small smile.

Furious with myself, I pulled Ben’s hoodie tighter around my body and strode quickly over the wet lawn to the front door. I stuffed my fingers into my pockets and then into my bag before realising I’d forgotten my keys. Shooting curses at the night sky, I replaced my bag back over my shoulder and trudged around the side of my house to the gum tree- my stairway to haven.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eep! holidays are boring when all youre friends ditch you to go home.
psshhh home. who needs it?
I DO!!!
Maaah i miss my australia.
and if youre a real nit-picker, yeah she returned Ben's hoodie, but she took it again. He's her best friend- leniency towards stealing comes under the job description.