Out Of This World

Kiss Caustic

“Where are you off to?”

I jumped slightly before composing myself and turning around to face the door. Kim was there -my metallica hoodie sagging down past her knees- leaning against the door frame with her arms folded tiredly. I gave her a small smile before turning back to the cupboard in search of a clean tshirt.

“Hi Kimmy,” I said, reaching for a Bullet For My Valentine shirt and pulling it over my bare chest. I heard her soft footsteps walk across the floorboards and stop as she plopped down on my bed. “How was the concert?” There was a silence. I turned to look at her inquiringly. Her face was blank as she looked up and forced a smile so small it was more like a twitch.

“Thanks Ben,” she said quietly, “Hayden told me about the tickets and stuff…”

I shrugged and crouched to search for a matching pair of shoes, “It was no problem.”

“You should’ve come too, it was pretty awesome,” she told me, though her tone remained monotonous

“Was it really?” I asked, not bothering to inform her that the tickets were the only two left and how much of a bitch they were to find.


“Are you sure?” I pressed.

“Why would I be lying?” she sighed, reaching under the bed and throwing me my other checked van.

I shrugged again, “You wouldn’t be, its just you don’t sound so…happy…” I sat down next to her and began pulling the vans on. “What’s wrong Kimmy?”

“Don’t call me Kimmy,” she said solemnly. I ignored her, she liked it really.

“Kimmy…tell me…”

“Oh yeah, Roxy’s party’s tonight isn’t it?” She began digging at the crap beneath her fingernails, avoiding eye contact all together.

“Don’t change the subject,” I said gently, “Look, I’m not gonna force you, but you know I’m here to talk right?” She nodded as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest. “Hug me back,” I instructed. She placed her arms loosly around my frame, tightening her grip as the seconds, and then minutes ticked on.

Slowly she pulled away, fingers gripping the too long sleeves, “You’ll be late.” I turned my wrist to look at the time.

“I can stay if you want…” I mummbled, tilting my head to look at her expression.

“No, it’s ok. Really, don’t be so concerned for me all the time dude,” that twitch again. I hugged her once more before standing up and going to the door.

“He tried to kiss me.”

I paused in the doorway and slowly turned around. Kim was looking straight at me now, face contorted with anxiety.

“H-Hayden?” I coughed out. She nodded, rubbing her palms repeatedly down the full length of her thighs- something she did when she was wrestless. I looked at her in confusion. Her lips parted as she readied herself to elaborate, then paused, casting her eyes about the room. I walked back in and closed the door behind me, ambling over to sit down at her feet.

“I hope he’s not pissed,” she mummbled, placing her writhing fingers in her lap.

“You…you didn’t, did you?” I speculated.

“I couldn’t,” her voice quivered, “I was so cold…I hate what I am…”

“Don’t, Kimmy…” I comforted, “You’re perfect.”

“I can’t…I’m sick of this!” she hissed. I placed a hand against her frozen cheek and felt it defrost beneath my touch. “I can’t have a boyfriend, I can’t swim at the beach, I can’t go to the formal, I can’t be a normal person!” An icy tear slid down her cheek and ran between my fingers. We watched as a warm white tail of steam evaporated into the atmosphere. She let out a violent shiver.

“And I hate doing that! I don’t even feel cold but my body keeps having these stupid random spasms!

“Atleast you don’t sweat when it’s snowing,” I smiled. Kim’s lips twitched again, this time involuntarily. “We’re in this together, Kimmy.” I said quietly. She nodded before removing my hand from her cheek and holding it in her hands.

“I wish I was warm,” She whispered, folding her fingers with my hand still inbetween hers. She looked up, fixing her gaze with mine and I felt myself sinking further and further into her deep brown eyes. I sat there, staring up at her, only breaking our gaze by closing my eyes as the frost of her lips turned warm against mine.

Suddenly, she jerked back and her lips were renched away. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks but my face remained at a human temperature. We looked at each other; her eyes had expanded to twice their normal size, her lips slightly parted. I cleared my throat and she diverted her gaze back to her lap.

“F-for Isabelle,” She said, her lips forming a crooked smile.

And I was surprised to find my heart still located beneath my ribs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that was short. I hope you liked it though, I really enjoyed writing it.
Sorry the kiss part was barely even a sentence. I need to get out of the cave and kiss more boys. Or girls seeing as this is Ben's POV...actually...nevermind.
Bah Humbug!
I'm so bored...tell me something? Anything. Something scandelous!!! Or just something thats been happening during your summer. I'll reply, I always do ^-^.