Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

Chapter 1: Fly Away From Here

Friday Morning: 5:00 AM, This day was the start of a brand new journey as I would soon begin to start his college life. Crazy, I'm the first in my family to start college, He thought. Starting college was a big step for me to be on his own and to feel independent. Driving to Temple University early in the morning with the parents and sister was a very long drive; especially after living in Queens, New York all my life. I began to look out the window and thought about what this new life at Temple. I looked and immediately thought what it would be like to meet someone have the same connection my parents had.

My parents met a college in Brooklyn their freshman year and have been married for over 25 years. It's funny cause the day Dad met mom was by singing a song to her. He told me the story of how he tried winning her over by singing Sweet Child of Mine by Guns and Roses. He told me that mom shot him down at first but he just kept on trying to be with her. He became best friends her and eventually asked her to go steady with him. That was some weird lingo back in the day. She saw how passionate he was about music and he would write songs to her while playing the guitar. Thats actually how he proposed to her. He sang her favorite song which Endless love by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross. It was Iconic, and thats what I wanted, to have a relationship like they did. I figured going to college would be the best to actually get my life started.

We check in and get to the school and do the check in and check out the dorm rooms. Dad looks at me and says, "Son this is a big day for you, you're no longer a boy. You're going to do big things here at school and who knows maybe you'll find that one special girl who'll take your breath away just like your mom did with me".

"Thanks dad, I'll do my best and I won't let you guys down. As for the girl, well dad I haven't had much luck in high school. Not since Jessica cheated on me with Richard. I'm just trying to focus on music and my studies. Nothing more". I replied back to with determination in voice.

Mom say, "Miles, don't let the actions of the past affect your future. You're going do great in school and find someone who will love you with every inch of their life. It worked for me and your father. I pray it works for you". She always knew what to say. No matter what downfall I've had in my life. She always told me fly away from here and listen to my heart and go with God. I was gonna miss her for sure.

As they began to leave, I was in room and on my own for the first time. I thought a lot about what dad and mom said. My little sister Morgan comes back and knocks on my room door and gives me the biggest hug. It was the first time she was going to be without me. She gives me a bracelet that she made me that was yellow and it said fly high. If anyone saw what I went through with Jessica the most, it was little Morgan. She was my rock.

So many people at this school and I thought how the hell am I even gonna meet someone through all this madness. My initial thought was I meet friends in class and that's exactly what I did my first month into the semester. It's funny, in the first couple weeks, there were already like 15 freshman couples. Freshman have this reputation of being in a relationship with someone within the first couple weeks. Didn't happen to me but hey as I always said before. It is what it is. There was apart of me that didn't want to stay at Temple. I knew if I went back home, I wouldn't moving on from my past. Being at Temple was my chance to fly away. I contemplated coming back home after this year was over but then I had met her.

The girl who my parents said with every fiber of my being that would take my very breath away. Her name: Aria Carter.
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Hello all, It has been 8 or 9 years since I have been on Mibba writing again. I'm so glad I started writing again and I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my personal story with a few twists and turns.