Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

Chapter 3: Haven't Met You Yet

Year one as a college was in the books. I finished my first year. Crazy Feeling. The first in my family to actually complete my the first year of college. That meant everything. I knew I had to finish it out. 3 more years left to go. What's the worst that can happen?

I was back home. Hung out with friends and family for the most part. It was the best of times and some of the worst of times. Went back to working at Starbucks for the summer until I went back to school. That's the best thing about working for a job like that, you always had a job waiting for you back home. Not to mention that particular Starbucks is where I met Jess. She was a barista there but quit after the breakup. It always had sentimental value to me. But throughout all my time during the summer, one thing kept being consistent. I always got a call or Facetime from Aria. To me at the time I lowkey thought she was crazy. I started to realize that this girl cared for me. A lot. Didn't think much of it really that summer. All I wanted to think about was making money and trying to save up for my next year.

Phone rings around ten o' clock at night. I'm just coming home as I see the caller ID. Aria Carter is trying to Facetime with you is what I see on my front screen. One thing I can say is that out of all the people I met that year, she was the one to call me the most.

I answer, "Hello Aria!"

"MILESSSSS, What's going on?" Every time she called, there was always excitement in her voice.

"I'm just getting home from work after a long shift, but made good tips."

"Oh look at you Mr. Big shot, do you just love working at Starbucks? Is it the best job you ever had?

"I mean I wouldn't say that about Starbucks but when it comes to getting tips and not seeing your ex girlfriend every single day."

"Oh that must be hard. Who is this ex girlfriend and how come you haven't mentioned her?"

I hadn't mentioned it to her nor did I really talk to anyone at school about her. It had been one of the biggest downfalls of my life. The worst of all, there wasn't apology from her nor was there an explanation. I shrugged it off to her and quickly changed the topic.

"So how's Jason, you guys doing good?"

"We're doing a good, he can be annoying sometimes about things we don't see eye to eye on. Miles are you happy that you get see me again very soon?"

She kept asking me that the entire summer and I didn't know what to say most of the time. I usually just said yeah I guess with a shrug and chuckle. She would say it so eager but when I would respond her, she would be upset when I wasn't sounding excited to see her. I wanted to play a little joke on her and see how she would respond.

"Yeah about that Aria, I'm probably not coming back to school." I jokingly said to her.


Woah, I thought. I was her best friend? I thought about it after she said that. This is the same girl who kept me in the library till almost two in the morning looking at pictures from her friend back home. And then after that would continue to talk about her best girlfriend from back home and all I wanted to do was sleep. She was my best friend.

"Woah Aria, I'm your best friend?" I asked still in shock.

"Well Duhh, you're some one I can talk too when I have no else. Please come back.

"Okay okay Im just joking. Of course I'll be back."

"Good! You better Mr. or else I'll come to New York and get you myself."

We both laughed and kept talking to about one in the morning talking about God knows what. Who knew she considered me a best friend. And that she was. My best friend.

Another semester upon us and then I was embraced with a big hug from Aria. Aria was back early for the start of her volleyball season so every time I'd see her she'd be wrapped ice bags around her shin. I would then meet a ton of new people including this new girl who would come in as a sophomore, Chloe Gilbert from Cincinnati. She had seen that I attended Temple and wanted to know more about the school. She was gorgeous. Blonde hair, blue eyes, kinda thick but it was like a cute thick. She seemed interested in for sure and she was peeking mine as well.

I had spoken to Aria about her and told her I might go for it. She told me she looks nice and I should try something with Chloe. This would be the first time since Jess that I would actually try to pursue something with someone and if it was going to be with someone why not try with Chloe.

Me and Chloe would hang out during the first week of the new semester and even hangout one night after her night class. We hung out and walked to a park with swings, looked to up to the night sky, saw a shooting star and then our eyes met and we kissed. We then walked back to campus and I immediately texted Aria saying we kissed. Aria was so excited for me to have that moment.

The moment wouldn't last as Chloe would then go and date someone else after she had told me she liked me. It was Jess all over Again.

Yet Aria, Compassionate and wonderful Aria, was there for me. To wipe my tears, to hold me and be there for me.

Aria. She was my best friend.
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