Don't Panic! It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 3

They had pulled into a driveway outside an slightly larger than average house. They got out of the car and took her things in. Rick came to greet them.

“Sienna, it’s so nice to see you again.”

“Same here Uncle Rick.”

“Jennie’s walking SJ right now, she should be back in about 15 minutes. Do you want to go up to your room and start getting unpacked and when she gets back, I’ll send her up to meet you. I don’t think you girls have seen each other in about 4 years.”

“It’s been about that.” Sienna said. She took Ryan upstairs and she walked into her new room. It had red walls and a cream carpet. The window showed the huge back garden. She began to unpack her things. She set her guitar and amp up in the corner of the room. She began to unpack her books and DVDs and set them up on the bookshelf.

She heard a knock on the door. She looked around to see a girl her age with brown hair and the same hazel-green eyes that Sienna, Gina and Sienna’s mum all had. She was wearing black jeans and a red and black Panic! At The Disco t-shirt. Her cousin.

“Hey Sienna.” Jennie said, walking in and shutting the door. “It’s been a long time.”

“Sure has. Nice t-shirt.”

“Thanks.” Sienna hear pawing at the door. Jennie opened the door and a brown Staffordshire Terrier ran in, Jennie closed the door after. “Sienna, this is SJ, my dog.“ Ryan, who had been lying on the bed, stood up straight away.

“Spencer?” He exclaimed. Sienna and Jennie both looked shocked as the dog’s ear perked up.

“Ryan?” He shouted. Ryan jumped off the bed. “Ryan, oh my God, it’s you! It‘s actually fucking you dude!”

“I can’t believe it’s you!”

“Jennie, can you hear them?” Sienna asked.

“Yeah, can you?” Sienna nodded.

“Oh my God! This is so weird.” Sienna stopped, then looked at Ryan. “Wait, Spencer? Spencer Smith?”

“Yeah!” Ryan said excitedly.

“Your dog is Spencer fucking Smith?” She asked Jennie.


“This is way too weird. Guess who my dog really is?”

“Well as Spencer shouted Ryan, I’m guessing Ryan Ross?”


“Oh, I get SJ now, Spencer James.” Ryan said. “I just can’t believe it’s really you Spence!”

“I can’t believe it’s you! I was so confused when this happened to me, but then a few days after, Jen found me wandering around and she could hear me and she brought me home.”

“Same with me and Sienna, except I was in a kennel.” Ryan said.

“How long have you known each other?” Jennie asked Sienna.

“I went to the kennel on my 15th birthday so just over 2 years. You?”

“It was a few weeks before my 15th birthday, so just over 2 years too. When is your birthday again? I know it’s a few weeks before mine.”

“15th June.”

“Mine’s 6th July.”

“30th August!” Ryan said, still bouncing. “I felt left out.”

“Mine is 2nd September.” Spencer said. He was sitting on the bed with his paws on Jennie’s lap. “And you sound weird with an English accent dude.” He said to Ryan.

“Same with you, it’s really strange.” Ryan lolled his tongue out.

“Jennie, can I ask you something?” Sienna asked as the two dogs talked to each other.

“You just did.” She said. Sienna stuck her tongue out. “Go ahead.”

“You have to promise not to scream or anything though.” Jennie nodded. “Have you tried to do this at all?” Sienna said. She turned into the dog and Jennie jumped, along with Spencer.

“Holy fuck.” Jennie breathed.

“Tell me about it.” Sienna said.

“And I can understand you too.”

“Try and change too. You never know, if we can both talk with Ryan and Spencer, maybe you can change too. Just concentrate.” Sienna added, seeing Jennie’s face.

“Ok then.” She said. A few moments later, there was a light brown corgi sitting there. “Oh my God, it worked!”

“Wow! This is so cool.” Sienna said. “I wasn’t sure if you could, but I hoped it would.”

“And we can all go out together now!” Ryan said. “Sea and I go out all the time.”

“That sounds fun.” Spencer said.

“We better change back before your parents come up.” Sienna said. The two girls changed back, just a few seconds before there was a knock on the door. Gina opened the door.

“Hi, I just wanted to see how you two girls were doing.”

“We’re doing great mum.” Jennie said.

“The dogs seem to be getting on pretty well.” Gina noted. Spencer and Ryan were sitting in the basket together.

“Yeah. It’s pretty good.”

“Anyway, I’m going to order something in for tonight. Any preferences?”

“Chinese.” The two girls said together, then laughed.

“Ok then. Jen, do you wanna take Sienna out to show her around the neighbourhood? You might as well take both the dogs too. SJ loves being outside anyway.” Jennie and Sienna grinned at each other.

“Yeah ok.”

“Alright, I’ll get dinner for half 6 ok? I’ll leave you girls to it.” Gina shut the door.

“Ready for your first experience out and about as a dog then?” Sienna grinned. Jennie grinned too and nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... are you all liking this so far? You do? Yay! You know you want to give me a comment, cos you love me... Ok, if not for me, then do it for Ryan and Spencer.

Oooh, so excited, I'm going to see Panic At The Disco in 9 days and I'm so hyper about it! Just thought I'd say that.

Well, see you next chapter, and remember, comments equals a happy author!

D!ATD xoxo