Don't Panic! It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 4

A few months later, Sienna and Jennie had grown as close as sisters. They had been planning to move to London, with the money that Sienna had, into a house. They were planning on getting 2 room mates as they needed to move into a house so that Spencer and Ryan (and the two of them at times) had room to run around in.

The day had come that they were moving in and less than a week later, they had their first applicant for the spare room.

Sienna opened the door to see a girl there, around 18. She had brown hair and blue eyes and was a little shorter than Sienna. By her feet was a small dark brown, almost black, haired fox terrier.

“Hi, my names Robyn Harris, I was just wondering if the room was still available?” She said.

“Yes it is. I’m Sienna Richards by the way.”

“Is it alright if I have a dog?” Robyn asked, biting her lip.

“Does he get on with other dogs?” Sienna asked. “It’s just that we, that me and the other girl living here, have two dogs.”

“Yeah, he’s fine.”

“Well, come on in.” She let her and the dog in. They walked into the living room. Jennie was sitting the couch with Ryan and Spencer. As soon as the new dog entered the room, their ears perked up and they looked over at him.

“Robyn, this is Jennie Williams, my cousin and she also lives here. Jen, this is Robyn Harris, she’s interested in the room.” At that moment, Robyn’s dog’s ears perked up at Spencer and Ryan.

“No…” Ryan said.

“Is it…?” Spencer asked.

“Spence? Ry?” The new dog asked. “Is it… Is it really you?”

“It is!” Spencer and Ryan jumped down together and over to the new dog. “It’s really you!”

“What’s going on Ry?” Sienna asked.

“Wait, you can talk to them?” Robyn asked.

“Yes, we both can. And I take it you can too.” Jennie asked. Robyn nodded.

“Come on, just tell us now.” Sienna asked Ryan.

“IT’S BRENDON!” Ryan and Spencer yelled.

“What? Oh you gotta be joking!” Sienna said. “Brendon Urie?”

“Yeah.” Robyn said. “Wait, your dogs know who Brendon is?” She asked.

“Yeah, that’s because they’re actually Ryan Ross and Spencer Smith.” Sienna grinned at Robyn’s shocked face.

“Seriously? That’s so cool.”

“All we need now is Jon to turn up and we have doggy Panic! At The Disco.” Jennie giggled.

“So I guess that room is yours then.” Sienna said to Robyn. “And I’d really laugh if the person who got the last room turned out to have Jon as their dog.” Sienna said. “We’re looking for another room mate as we have one more spare room.” She explained to Robyn.

“Bren, Spence, do you smell that?” Ryan asked, sniffing the air.

Brendon and Spencer both started sniffing the air. “Yeah, it smells like-”

“It’s Jon! It‘s gotta be Jon!” Spencer said, barking just as the door bell rang.

Sienna, Jennie and Robyn all went to answer the door with Ryan, Spencer and Brendon all right behind them. Standing there was a young woman around 18 with blonde hair, grey eyes and was around the same height as Jennie. At her feet sat a brown haired beagle. The dog perked up when he saw the three dogs standing inside staring at him.

“Spencer?” The dog said before anyone could say anything. “Ryan? Brendon? Is that really you?” He asked.

“It is Jon!” Ryan, Spencer and Brendon all shouted, trying to run past Sienna, Jennie and Robyn’s legs.

“Hold it guys.” Sienna warned them. Then she turned to the shocked new comer on their doorstep. “I think you had better come in. I’m Sienna Richards by the way. And this is Jennie Williams and Robyn Harris.”

“I’m Bekah Lane. Can you them as well?” She asked as they all walked into the lounge and sat down, the four dogs still bouncing around.

“Yep. I assume you have a certain Jon Walker there then?”

“Yes. And your dogs are…?”

“Spencer Smith, Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie.” Jennie said, pointing each of them out. Bekah’s jaw dropped.

“Shut up! That’s so weird, Jon was saying outside that he thought he could smell them.”

“That’s what these 3 said about Jon.” Sienna said.

“So, why are you here anyway, Bekah?” Jennie asked.

“Well I came about the room.”

“It’s yours. Robyn only came today as well, about 15 minutes before you showed up.“ Sienna said.

“And we can’t separate doggy Panic! At The Disco now, can we?” Jennie said.

“And I was right about the last person to have Jon!” Sienna grinned.

“It’s funny this. We all meet up and we all have Panic! At The Disco dogs.” Robyn said. “It’s strange.”

“I know. And at least they’re all together again.” Jennie said, looking over at the four dogs who were chasing each other.

“So, when would you guys like to move in then?” Sienna asked.

“Well, my parents are kicking me out today, so today?” Robyn asked.

“Perfect. Do you have a car?” Sienna asked. She nodded. “Well Jennie and I can’t drive yet but we can help you get your stuff together.”

“No, it’ll be fine. I’ll need all the room I can in the car. I’ll pop home and get all my stuff now. It’s already packed and everything.”

“Ok. Brendon will be fine here while you go.”

“Yep, I sure will!” Brendon voiced.

“I’ll go get my things too. Jonny, you can stay here.”

“I wanted to anyway. I need to catch up with these losers.”

“Hey!” The other 3 dogs said.

“Joking. Suckers.”

“You’re going down Walker!” Ryan said, pouncing onto him.

“I think they’re going to be fine for a while.” Sienna laughed.

“Well I shouldn’t be long, less than an hour definitely.” Robyn said.

“Same here. We’ll be back soon then.”

“Ok guys.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, how you guys liking so far? Good? Not good? Why don't you tell me in a lovely little comment!

I'm really hyper at the moment because I'm going to see Panic At The Disco next Tuesday, so I'm gonna try and get this whole story uploaded before then.

See you guys next time!

D!ATD xoxo