Don't Panic! It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 5

“We’re baack!” Sienna opened the door to find Bekah and Robyn standing there. “Do you wanna help us get our stuff in?”

“Sure. Jennie! Come on!” Jennie came out of the lounge, followed by the dogs.

“Guys, stay there!” They stopped. “Just stay in the lounge until we’re done. Or go out to the garden.”

“Fine then.” Spencer said. They went back in and jumped up on the couch, all starting to talk about the last 2 years again. It took about 10 minutes for all their things to be brought in. There was already furniture in the rooms so they didn’t worry about those sorts of things. When everything was in the rooms, they came downstairs and all sat on the couches.

“So how long have you had Brendon and Jon?” Sienna asked.

“Over 2 years. I think it was a few weeks after Panic!’s album came out.” Bekah said. “I found Jon wandering around the streets and I could hear him talking to himself. I thought I was going crazy at first.” She laughed, looking over at Jon.

“I didn’t choose Brendon at all. I came home from work on my birthday and my parents had brought him for me. It wasn’t for about a week until I realised that I could talk with him.” Robyn told them.

“Was he being a pervert?” Ryan asked.

“He still is.” Robyn grinned at Brendon.

“Hey, I’m a 19 year old guy, what do you expect?” Brendon stated.

“Actually, I think you’ll find that you’re actually a dog right now.” Sienna told him.

“Fine then. I’m a dog WITH the mind of a 19 year old guy.” Brendon said. “Happy now?”

“Yes.” Sienna smirked.

“There’s something I wanna ask you both actually.” Jennie said to Bekah and Robyn. “Have the two of you been able to change at all?”

“Into what? This?” Bekah asked before seconds later a golden retriever sat in her place. Robyn didn’t look shocked either. Sienna and Jennie on the other hand, did.

“Ok” Jennie said. “That was pretty unexpected.”

“It’s what you meant though, wasn’t it?” Bekah said before changing back.

“Yeah. Robyn, can you do it as well?” Sienna asked. Her answer was Robyn changing into a chocolate coloured labrador. She changed back.

“Your turn. You knew we could do it, so you must be able to do it.” Bekah said.

Sienna and Jennie changed into dogs and then back. “Nice.” Robyn grinned.

“Yeah. So how did you find out?”

“Well Brendon and I were talking and I said how cool it would be to be a dog and poof! It just happened.”

“Same.” Bekah said.

“Sienna told me about it.” Jennie said.

“And I found out the same way as you guys really. Well, at least we can all go out together now.”

“This is awesome!” Brendon said.

“Yeah it is. If only it worked the other way round for you guys.” Robyn said sadly. She knew how much Brendon missed being human, even though he did enjoy being a dog. And she guessed that the others were much the same.

“So do I. And believe me when I say it really doesn’t work.” Spencer grumbled.

“Cheer up Spence.” Jon said. “At least you have Brendon and I back.”

“Oh shit! Someone help me!” They all laughed.

“Do you know what? I really can’t be bothered to cook tonight. Shall we get take out?” Sienna said.

“Sounds good. Pizza?” Jennie asked.

“Yeah! Although I’m a vegetarian.” Robyn said.

“So am I, don’t worry.” Jennie told her. “We can share and Sienna and Bekah can share.”

“Do we get pizza?” Ryan asked.

“No.” Sienna said. “It’s been that way for 2 years and it ain’t gonna stop now.”

“I thought you loved me?” He gave her the ultimate puppy dog eyes.

“Ok, you can have pizza, but only a little bit.”

“I bet it’s been like that for 2 years as well, hasn’t it?” Robyn laughed.

“Pretty much yeah.”

A few hours later, the four young women all got to know each other really well. It was as if they had known each other for ages. They had put the TV on but they weren’t really watching it, they were all talking still so they just put on a music channel.

“So, why do you think this happened to them?” Sienna asked. At the moment, Ryan and Jon were chasing Spencer and Brendon around the house.

“I have no idea. And it’s not like anything like this has happened before, not that it would make news or anything.” Robyn said.

“Well it’s not like this would ever happen to anyone else, let alone another band.” Jennie said, everyone agreeing.

Bekah looked over at the TV. “Guys! You’re on the telly!” She shouted to the dogs. They all came bounding in as she turned it up. It was an interview with them asking about a follow up to the first album.

“This is so weird, hearing your voices, but with American accents.”

“I know what you mean. I’ve got so used to you guys the English accents now.” Sienna said, looking at the 4 dogs.

“I think I sound weird with an American accent now.” Jon said.

“Same.” Brendon said. “And I’ve got used to being a dog now too.”

“You’d think so after over 2 years of being one.” Robyn smirked at him.

“Yeah, but I mean I am used to being one.”

“You always were a mutt Bren.” Ryan said. Brendon squinted his eyes at Ryan, which was funny for the girls to see.

“Die Ross!” He said as he started to chase Ryan. “Jon, Spencer, help me!”

“Aren’t they supposed to be mature and everything?” Sienna said to the others.

“They’re male.” Bekah said.

“Ahh, this is true. They’ll probably mature in about 10 years.”

“Guys, will they even be here still in 10 years?” Jennie asked. “I mean, dogs live shorter than humans and that.”

“But they’re human inside.” Sienna said. “So, maybe that will count for something.”

“It might do.” Bekah said, thinking about it.

“I have a suggestion. Let’s not talk about this and let’s take a leaf out of their book.” Robyn said, changing into a dog.

The others grinned and they all changed, going to find the other dogs.

Over the next few months, the four girls became very close. It was as if they had known each other for years, when in reality it had only been a few months. But it was what happened in time that brought them closer together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 5 done, only a few more to come.

Only 3 days til I see Panic, I can't wait! Tis going to be awesome, speshly if they play Behind The Sea, that song is just amazing!!!

Until next time! And remember, COMMENT BITCHES!!!

D!ATD xoxo