Don't Panic! It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 6

It was 2 years after Jon, Ryan, Brendon and Spencer had been reunited and they had just celebrated Jennie’s 19th birthday. Less than a week later, Bekah, Sienna, Robyn and Jennie were all going to a Panic At The Disco gig and they were excited.

The venue was less than a 10 minutes walk from them but they still left early. They wanted to be at the front to see the band they had lived with for over 4 years each. They had been encouraged to go by Jon, Ryan, Brendon and Spencer. A few hours after they had left, Jon led the other 3 out into the garden, executing their plan for the evening.

The women, on the other hand, were excitedly waiting at the barriers at the gig. When the band came on, they were screaming. They started off with one of their songs from their album, Pretty Odd, that had been released a few months previously. Brendon and Spencer had persuaded Robyn and Jennie to buy a copy so they could listen to their new work.

Throughout the whole gig, and without even noticing themselves, they had all individually been staring at one member in particular. Sienna at Ryan, Jennie at Spencer, Robyn at Brendon and Bekah at Jon. For 90 minutes, they were in heaven, hearing the voices they loved to hear singing. When the gig was finished, they waited for 10 minutes while most of the crowd got their trains and buses so there was less people to manoeuvre through. It was only when they had started to walk back that they realised that way was blocked off now. So they had to go around the back of the venue.

“I wonder how the guys are doing at home.” Sienna said.

“They’ll be fine. We’re going to be home in 20 minutes anyway.” Bekah said, shivering slightly. “It’s getting really cold now.”

“I know, I-”

“Guys, look.” Jennie said, pointing in front of them. Standing there were Panic At The Disco. They spotted them as they walked towards them.

“Hey guys, were you at the gig tonight?” Brendon asked.

“Uh, yeah. Yeah we were.” Robyn said, blushing slightly.

“Did you enjoy it?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah, it was really good.” Sienna replied with a small grin.

“Sienna!” Sienna turned around to see the 4 dogs running at them. “Hey!” Ryan the dog called to her.

“What are you doing here?” Sienna asked.

“Are these your dogs?” Spencer asked.

“Yeah.” Jennie said. The dogs kept running past the girls and towards their human selves. As soon as they reached them, there was a bright flash of white light, so bright that Sienna and the others had to cover their eyes. When they reopened their eyes, the dogs were gone and the band members were staring at them, just moments before security came out and pulled them back into the building. Sienna kept looking at Ryan and he kept looking at her before the door was shut between them.

“What the fuck just happened?” Robyn said after a moment or two of silence.

“I don’t know, they just… disappeared.” Bekah said.

“S.J! Come on, don’t piss around!” Jennie shouted. She didn’t want to shout Spencer’s name because with the human Spencer being in the building next to them, she didn’t want to draw attention to the fact she was calling to him, well, the dog him.

“Don’t. They’re… gone.” Sienna said, holding back tears.

“They can’t be gone!” Jennie said.

“How would they have just disappeared like that though?” Bekah said, looking around.

“I don’t know, but they aren’t here. They’re not coming back, I know it.” Sienna said. “I’m sorry girls, I’ll meet you back at home.” She said, bursting into tears and running off towards the way home.

Jennie, Bekah and Robyn took off after her, making sure no one was around before changing into dogs. When they arrived home, they found Sienna sitting on the door step, crying her eyes out. They changed back and walked to her. She looked up at her.

“I didn’t bring the key out, did I?” She tried to smile, but she just started crying more. Jennie sat beside her, holding her cousin.

“Sea, it’s gonna be ok.” She soothed, but Sienna didn’t stop crying.

“You don’t understand Jen, I loved him! I loved him and now he’s gone.” She buried her face into Jennie’s shoulder, who looked up at Robyn.

“Robbie, can you open the door, I don’t think we should be dealing with this out here.” Robyn nodded, tears in her eyes. When they were all in, they sat down on the couch together, all holding each other.

“Did you really love him?” Bekah asked Sienna.

“Yes I did. For about 2 years, I’ve loved him.” She replied.

“I know what you mean, I was exactly the same with Jon.” Bekah told her. “I knew from the minute we began to talk that he was something special.”

“I feel the same way about Spencer.” Jennie said.

“Why did we all have to fall in love with dogs?” Robyn said. She put her arm around Sienna. All of them put their arms around each other.

“We’re going to have to get through this though. We can’t be like this for the rest of our lives.” Bekah said after a while. She was the most sensible of the 4 of them, which was hard to believe at some points.

“You mean, we struggle through this together.” Sienna pointed out.

“As long as we’re together though.” Jennie said.
“We’ve got each other and that’s all that matters now.” Robyn said. The four of them were teary eyed again and for the next 20 minutes, cried with each other.

“Guys, I’m… gonna head to bed now. I’m shattered and I’ve gotta be at work for 8.” Sienna said, sitting up properly.

“I’m going to head up too.” Bekah said. “Sea, I don’t think you should go into work tomorrow. Not like this.”

“Why not? You were the one who said we had to get through this.” Sienna said. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Night.”

“Night.” The others chorused. Within 20 minutes, all of them had gone to bed, crying themselves to sleep.

But little did they know what was going to happen, something that was waiting right around the corner…
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I'm determined to have this whole story done before I go to my gig on Tuesday, cos I have a gig the day after too so there wouldn't be an update for a few days.

I hope you're all enjoying. And leave a comment, cos you know you love to!

Thanks to the guys who have already, I give you Panic shaped cookies! *Hands out cookies*

D!ATD xoxo