Don't Panic! It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 7

It was a little under 3 months after the night of the Panic At The Disco gig, the night that the Panic dogs had disappeared from their lives. Every night since then, Sienna had had the same dream.

It was always of Ryan, the human Ryan, returning into her life, knocking on the front door and telling her that he loved her, grabbing her and pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss. She had wished every morning that it was actually real. She knew that she wasn’t going to see him again, but she still loved Ryan.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, some people say, and that is exactly what was happening, she loved him so much more.

It was the night of Bekah’s 21st birthday and the four of them were having a quiet night in. Movies, different snacks and alcohol, they didn’t need a lot more. Well, maybe just 4 more things, or people to be precise. But they were gradually moving on. It had been difficult in the first few weeks, but they helped each other and their lives more or less got back to normal.

“Happy birthday Becks!” Robyn said, raising her glass.

“Still the oldest, but we love you anyway.” Jennie laughed.

“You’ll be needing some incontinence pants next year.” Sienna giggled.

“Cheeky bitch!” Bekah grinned, knowing they were all joking.

“To Bekah, and her buying alcohol in America status!” Robyn said, everyone toasting in the centre of them.

“So, shall we give you your present then?” Sienna asked.

“Sea, I may be an adult, but you know I’m still mentally 10. Most of the time at least. Come on, hand it over!” Sienna giggled as she passed over a bag. Bekah opened it, looked inside and looked over at Sienna. “You really think you’re funny don’t you?” She said as she pulled out incontinence pants. Jennie and Robyn rolled into laughter, along with Sienna.

“I’m sorry Becky, but it just had to be done.” Sienna laughed, wiping tears from her eyes.

“You’re just lucky that I see the funny side.”

“Moving onto your real present, we all splashed out on one present between us. We think you’ll like it though. Close your eyes.” Jennie told her. She did so and Sienna covered them with her hand too, just to stop her peeking.

There was some moving around before Robyn spoke. “Ok, you can open them again!”

When she opened her eyes, she gasped. She saw Jennie and Robyn holding a canvas with three pictures on it. One was of her normally and Jon together, another was of her and Jon, dogs together, and the last was the four of them as their usual selves, with Jon, Spencer, Ryan and Brendon.

“I love it.” She said.

“We all got one ourselves as well. But we wanted your’s for today, we’re doing all of ours as an early Christmas present.” Sienna explained.

“Girls, it’s just perfect, thank you so much!” She got up and hugged them all. “I don’t know what I’d do without you lot here.”

“Be miserable, like we would be without you.” Jennie said.

The door bell rung, making them jump. Sienna looked at the clock. “Who’s coming round at half 9 at night?” All four of them smirked. It was a classic Peter Kay line.

“No idea.” Jennie said.

“I’ll go get it, don’t worry.” Bekah said, getting up. “You do realise that our glasses are empty as well.” Robyn filled Bekah’s glass quickly before moving on to everyone else’s. She grinned as she walked out to the hallway and opened the door. But when she saw who it was, she dropped her glass, smashing all over the floor.

“Bekah, are you ok?” The man said with his American drawl. “Bek?” His voice had now changed to become English.

“What are… What are you doing here? How are you here? You can‘t be here!” She breathed. “Jon, how are you here?”

The others now came out to see why a glass had smashed and they all took in a sharp breath when they saw who was at the door.

“Mind if we come in? It’s pretty cold out here.” Jon said. Bekah shook her head. All of them walked into the lounge and when they had sat down, Sienna and Jennie began to down their drink.

“Slow down girls.” Ryan said, smiling.

“How are you here? We saw you disappear, 3 months ago! Then you stared at us until security pulled you back inside.” Sienna said.

“That night, we were staring at you because we remembered. Everything that we went through as dogs and all our memories of you four as well, just reappeared on that night. As strange as this is going to sound, hear us out. Although, I don’t think anything is going to sound as weird as us being changed into dogs for 4 years. When we disappeared as dogs that night, we went back in time, so to speak. But we couldn’t remember anything that had happened.” Ryan explained.

“You can’t be here, this can’t be real, it just can‘t be, you can‘t just reappear like this, we saw you disappear…” Sienna said, starting to ramble. She didn’t even notice Ryan come over to her until he planted his lips onto hers. She was shocked. After a few moments, he pulled away, staying close to her.

“Sienna, I’ve wanted to do that for years.” He murmured to her. She was still in shock.

“I… I…” Sienna stuttered but she could think of nothing else to say.

“Sea, please say something.” Ryan said. His hazel eyes stared into her own.

“I love you.” She blurted out before turning red. She was kicking herself inside. She hadn’t meant it to come out like that. The first time she had spoken to him in just under 3 months, and she just came out with her feelings like that. She looked away but he pulled her chin up so she was staring into his gorgeous hazel orbs again.

“You love me? Did you mean that?” He asked.

“Uh, I mean… um…” She stuttered before taking a deep breath. “Yeah, I did Ryan.”

“Good, cos I love you too.” He said, grinning.

“Hang on, why do you suddenly sound English?” She said, finally get all her voice back. She hadn’t properly noticed until now, but they had been talking with an English accent since they arrived.

“Well, something about getting 4 years of memories where you had an English accent sometimes helps.” He smirked. “I knew you loved me.”

“How did you?” She whispered.

“Because I had my suspicions but you’ve confirmed it for me just now.” He pulled her into a hug and she felt a tear slide down her face. “I promise I’ll never leave you again.” He whispered in her ear.

“You had better not. I won’t forgive you as quickly.” She laughed quietly as he pulled her into another kiss. It was gentle, yet it was filled with so much passion. When they parted, Sienna hugged him, putting her face into his neck.

“Oh God, Ryan, I’ve missed you so damn much.” Sienna whispered into his neck.

“I’ve missed you too love.” He whispered back.

Sienna looked over to see if the others were watching them, but they all seemed to be a little busy with Spencer, Jon and Brendon. She whistled and the 3 other couples parted. “Oi!”

“Wait, so it’s alright for you and Ryan to be sucking each others faces off, but not Spencer and I?” Jennie asked.

“We weren’t sucking each other’s faces off.” Sienna defended herself. It was true, they had only had a gentle kiss.

“Whatever.” Jennie smirked, sitting herself on Spencer’s lap.

“So, what happens now guys?” Bekah asked, standing next to Jon, his arm around her waist.

“I think there’s only one thing we can do now.” Brendon said, sitting next to Robyn, his arm around her shoulders and her hand on his leg.

“And what’s that?” Robyn asked, looking at him. Everyone else had turned to look at him now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Only one more chapter til the end!!!

But never fear! There will be a sequel!!! Well, it is a trilogy after all. I'm going to be writing furiously to get more chapters done, so I'm not sure when it will be up, but I'll try and get the first chapter up asap... Probably a few days after I've finished this story. But the link will be up before I update with the last chapter. I will have this chapter finished before the gig... so I have roughly 18 hours before it starts, therefore roughly 12 hours to get it uploaded. But never mind me, I'm just rambling now.

Hope you enjoy this, and please comment, I love them, and also you get Panic At The Disco cookies!!! But no Ryan ones, they're mine! :D

D!ATD xoxo