Don't Panic! It's a Dog's Life

Chapter 8

“Sienna, wake up love.” Was the thing Sienna was awoken to. She opened her eyes to find herself looking into the eyes and face of a brown Kings Charles Spaniel.

“Hey Ryro.” She smiled. He changed back and kissed her gently.

“About time you woke up, I was going to start licking your face.” He smirked.

“Yeah, you would have changed half way through and started to do something completely different.”

“You mean, something like this?” He leant forward and took her lips. Their kiss grew passionate and she brought her hand up to the back of his neck to play with his hair. He had grown and styled it differently for a while. His hair now was usually straight at the front and styled at the back. He had a fringe covering his left eye too. It was basically how he had his hair a few years ago. And Sienna adored it like that. She hadn’t told him to change his hair, but when they had been reunited, he already had his hair like it. She had said while he was a dog, repeatedly if she remembered correctly, that she loved that hair style.

“Ryan Ross, that doesn’t get any less amazing when ever you kiss me.” Sienna grinned as they parted.

“That’s good to hear, Sienna Ross. Now come on, we gotta get ready. We’re due round to Bekah and Jon’s place in a little while.” Ryan said, jumping out of the bed.

“If I must.” Sienna pulled herself out of bed and they got ready quickly, Sienna thinking about all the good times she had been through in the past year.

It had been on Bekah’s birthday that they had all come back into their lives and it had never been better. They decided to move to America with them and they were all married within two months. Bekah and Jon had had a joint wedding with Robyn and Brendon and the day after, Sienna and Ryan had got married the same day as Jennie and Spencer.

They had all honeymooned in different places, Sienna and Ryan had gone to Spain, Jennie and Spencer had travelled to Japan, Robyn and Brendon went to New Zealand and Bekah and Jon went to Rome. Then they all came back together after two weeks and spent a week on the Las Vegas strip, somewhere that none of them had gone regularly, despite living so near to it.

It was now Bekah’s birthday again, and everyone was getting together at their place. An hour later and the eight of them were all in the lounge, chatting and laughing.

“I know it’s Bekah’s birthday, so you guys were all coming round here anyway, but we have an announcement to tell you.” Jon said, taking Bekah’s hand. Everyone looked expectantly at them.

“Come on then, don’t just leave us in suspense dude.” Spencer grinned, taking a sip of his drink.

Jon and Bekah looked at each other.

“I’m pregnant.” She beamed.

“Oh my God!” Sienna, Jennie and Robyn flung themselves at her.

“Congratulations dude.” Spencer said, slapping Jon on the back. “Rather you than me.”

“I’m sure you’ll have it soon enough as well Spence.” Jon smirked.

“So how far along are you?” Jennie asked.

“9 weeks.” Bekah replied.

“Guess we better get moving, give the baby some cousins.” Brendon smirked at Robyn.

“Actually, there’s someone else here that’s pregnant.” She told him. His face went white. “No, not me.” Brendon’s face regained some of it’s colour, only a little though.

“Me actually.” Jennie grinned.

“What? And you didn’t tell me?” Spencer stared at her.

“I was going to tell you later, but now just seemed a better time. Are you ok with it?”

“I’m fantastic with it!” He smirked and pulled her towards him, kissing her gently.

“Well, I think we need a toast.” Brendon said. Everyone raised their glasses. “To the first Panic At The Disco babies. And let’s hope there are many more.”

“I’ll make sure to try my hardest anyway.” Ryan smirked at Sienna.

“Keep it in the bedroom guys, we really don’t wanna hear it.” Spencer said.

“We don’t wanna hear you either. That’s why we banned you from staying the night at ours.” Ryan said to him. About 4 months ago, Spencer and Jennie had stayed the night round Ryan and Sienna’s as they had all been out together that night, and Spencer and Jennie had been getting up to no good, waking Sienna up more than once.

“What ever dude.” Spencer grinned.

Later that day, everyone had gone back to their own houses and Sienna and Ryan were no exception. By 10pm, they were together on the couch, watching pointless stuff on TV. Ryan was laying across the couch and Sienna was laying between his legs, her head on his chest. He was stroking her hair gently, something that he had done for ages. It was always a calming action for her, and him as well.

“Ryan,” Sienna started, breaking the silence.

“Mmm?” Ryan looked down at her.

“How quickly did you fall in love with me?” She asked.

“Where did that come from?” He asked, looking down at her again.

“I was just wondering, that’s all.” She said, her bright eyes staring into his hazel eyes that Sienna had fallen in love with years ago.

“It was after about a year. I never told you though because, well I was a dog at the time.” Sienna giggled. “How about you, my love?” Ryan asked, using the English accent that made Sienna’s heart melt.

“It was just after my parents died. You helped me through that, I mean Gina was there helping me too, but you helped me more. You were there for me every night when I cried. And that’s when I realised that I was falling in love with you.”

“I’d do anything to help you baby.” He said, kissing her head. She turned and moved so that she could kiss him properly. She felt his hand go to the back of her neck as they deepened the kiss.

“I have something to tell you Ryro.” Sienna said after they had pulled away.

“What is it honey?” He asked.

“You have to promise not to freak out or anything.” She added.

“Sienna, what is it?” Ryan was starting to worry now. “Is anything wrong?”

“You know earlier, when Brendon said about the first Panic At The Disco babies?”

“Yeah…” Ryan said, waiting for her to continue. “What about it?” She rolled her eyes. Men. So naive. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach. His eyes went wide.

“We have the third Panic baby right here.” She said, grinning.

“Sienna…” Ryan was shocked to say the least. Then he recovered. “This is amazing!” He half shouted. She giggled as he brought her up for a kiss.

“I knew you’d be happy. I was going to tell everyone today, but I wanted you to be the first to know.” He kissed her again softly.

“I love you so much Sienna.”

“I love you too Ryan.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I'm sorry! My internet went down the other day and so I couldn't update before the Panic gig!

But oh my god! It was amazing!!! They played behind the sea, and I was just in heaven! Ryan's voice is gorgeous!

Anyways, the end of the story! But, look up in the top right corner and there is a link to the third and final story in this trilogy.

See you in the next story guys! And remember, I likey the comments!!!

D!ATD xoxo