Status: Short Story

The Harvard Romance

Part 2 - Student and teacher - Eight Months Later

"Your final projects will be due next week and I know you all have been working very hard on them."

'Yes, Mr. Sawyer,' the whole class said in unison, well except me.

Ever since that encounter back in October with him, I haven't said a single word and avoided all eye contact.

I was lucky he wasn't one of the teachers who calls students out for not participating or randomly picking students to answer questions. But today I dreaded what I had to do.

I was actually struggling on this project and needed to see him during his office hours. We had an appointment after school.

"Good. Anyone else excited for the summer?"
The class all nodded or yelled yes.

Me? I looked out the window excited about the end of the year. I'd be one year closer to graduation. But I was also dreading it. Soon I wouldn't be able to watch Mr. Sawyer secretly and I'd never see him again.

The bell rang and I finished up the rest of the day, overthinking the office hours.

My notebook had all my questions and I had emailed myself the finally project, so I could open it up on his computer.

When the final bell rang for the day I headed to the bathroom and straightened myself out. I dressed nice today in a short skirt and a pink blouse with flip flops. It was a hot day for the end of May and this school never had a/c. I was lucky my blonde hair was naturally straight and it didn't friz in this humidity.

I walked out of the bathroom towards Mr. Sawyers office. His door was on the right and I stopped in front of it and knocked.

"Come in." He said

I opened the door and made my way inside.

"Hi Sydney. How's it going?"

How's it going? If only I could tell him how I was. This is gonna suck. "Fine." I said quietly and avoided his eyes and looked around his office. I had never been in here before. "You?"

"I'm great. Now why don't you have a seat so we can get to helping you." His voice was deeper in this confined room and this close up to him.

"Okay."I was proud of myself that I was actually responding for once.

"Why don't you start with what you are having trouble with." He had leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. I felt his eyes on me, watching me closely, and it warmed me from the deepest parts of my belly.

He reminded me of one of those bad ass tactical guys in the movies who knew they could kill you with a pen. The idea had me squirming as I fought the urge to jump him. Only Mr. Sawyer had ever made me feel this out of control.

"Okay." Still avoiding his eyes I took my back pack off with shaky hands and a racing heart, and sat down. I spread my legs open and put the bag down in front of me and leaned over grabbing my note book out of it. 

I was looking down into my back pack pulling the notebook out, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see my black panties between my legs, oh shit.

Mr. Sawyer had been watching me before I sat down, oh god, I hope he still wasn't watching me during my most embarrassing moment of my life. I had forgotten I had a skirt on and it had bunched up around my thighs.

I brought my legs together, quickly, hoping that, Mr. Sawyer, my male fucking teacher, hadn't seen anything. Why am I such a mess? Fuck.

Hopefully I had straightened myself out in time, and he hadn't seen anything. I snuck a glance at him and saw he was looking anywhere but me.

Sydney don' t overthink it.

I forced my mind to be tame and placed my notebook on his desk. I robotically read my questions to him. After I read them, I said, "I emailed my report to myself so we could look at it, as we go through the questions. I figured that would help."

He looked at me shocked like he couldn't believe I had said so many words to him. But then gave me the brightest and warmest of smiles, encouraging me, and said, "Of course. Why don't you come over here and log into your email on my computer and bring it up."

Right I hadn't even thought about how this was going to work. But yes of course I would have to do that.

I nodded and pushed my seat back to stand up. He did the same and stepped back away from his chair to let me sit. I planted my ass down. It  was warm and smelled like him. It was a mix of warmth and sweetness mixed with his aftershave.

I closed my eyes for a brief second and breathed it in. But I quickly opened them and scooted the chair towards the computer. I brought up my email account and found my project and opened it.

"There." I said and started to get up.

"Why don't you stay there. I'll bring the other chair around and that way we can both look and see what the other is talking about."

Wait what!?

I can't sit that close to him. My heart raced as I watched him grab the other chair and bring it to my side of the desk. He placed it next to me and sat down. Our legs were within inches of touching and I couldn't concentrate. "You need your notebook?"

I nodded. He reached over the desk and grabbed it.

"So the first question..."

We went back and forth answering my questions and me asking new ones. He leaned over me a couple times to point something out in the report. My heart pretty much underwent the most amount of heart attacks a heart has ever had.

The whole time I felt his warmth radiating off of him and smelled his aftershave. I don't think I've ever been this confused or turned on, in my life.

All I wanted to do was turn towards him and rub my hand up the leg that was only inches from me and stare into his perfect brown eyes and then lean in and have my first kiss. But I had to concentrate.

I wrote notes in my notebook as he spoke while my mind wandered only taking in half of what he said. My thoughts merged with the words he spoke. We faced each other and I nodded at what he said barely comprehending his words,  while having dirty thoughts swirl through my mind about what we could be doing instead of this boring project

"Do you have any questions so far?"

"Uh?" I stopped writing and silently read what I wrote and holy hands shook as I read what words were written on the paper. How the hell did that happen?

My notebook sat flush on my knees and I looked up and saw Mr. Sawyer was waiting for me to respond. I didn't have any questions because I didn't remember what he had said and my notes were no help.

Mr. Sawyer continued to watch me and I stared at him thinking how to respond. He looked down towards my lap and he looked like he was about to read what I wrote. Oh hell no.

"No I don't have any questions." I said abruptly.  But his eyes still went to the notebook on my lap. I moved it as fast as I could. "Well I think that's all I needed today thank you Mr. Sawyer for your time."

His brows pulled together, and his mouth opened slightly, his breathing catching. Had he read what I wrote by accident?

I went to stand up but he grabbed my hand. "Mr Sawyer?" My voice came out quiet...breathless...


My heart was about to beat out of its chest and my wrist was on fire from his touch. Tingles were shooting up my arm and sending waves of pleasure to the depths of my stomach.

He had totally saw what I wrote. I stared up at him and had no idea what to say. Was I imagining how he was acting?

He was still breathless and his mouth was still slightly open, and I heard his breathing catch.

Those dark brown eyes watched me closely and I could see the wheels turning in his head. We stood there staring at each other.

Of course he doesn't know what to say he just read some very inappropriate words in a students notebook about himself. And I'm underaged. I have no idea what I would do in his shoes. God, I need to get out here. But my stupid anxiety and excitement have no boundaries. I need to stab myself or something to snap myself out of this trance...but those eyes. Mr. Sawyers eyes, god they are beautiful and...shit I have go.

Somehow I managed to speak and fight my internal demons, "bye Mr. Sawyer. My mom will be here any minute. See you tomorrow."

He shook his head and let go of my wrist. Maybe he would play the dumb card and pretend this never happened. That would be best for both of us. It was my mistake not his and I won't see him again after the end of the year.

"Of course, Sydney." And he stepped out of my way. I walked past him towards the other side of the desk. My shoulder lightly brushed up against his chest. God why was his office so small?

I leaned down and grabbed my backpack off the floor, stood up and headed towards the door. My hand was on the door knob and I turned around, "thank you for your help today Mr. Sawyer."

He didn't look up at me but said, "Your welcome, have a good night."

And I walked out the door.