Mordred (Concept)

Civil war is rising, breaking out like hives over the once sleeping cold valleys and leaving behind blood of both humans and lycans alike. Fear festers, declaring anyone who's soul was knitted with a beast a killer. Something inhuman and not to trust.
Maeve didn't take her chances. She was a bear, a predatory beast humans were quick to jump on and kill. Despite working in medicine and having only ever saved lives, she could feel their distrust and hate, and news of more and more of her kind being killed made her aware she wasn't safe anymore. Upon hearing of a train intending to take her safely beyond the borders, she hopped on and intended to never look back.
But thing didn't go to plan. Things ended up in flames and blood and she never reached the safety beyond. Now she lives amongst the mountains, cut off from civilisation, trying to raise a son not her own and falling for a man she knew little about, not even his real name or who he is. Finding the will to live, not just to survive, through a war that had no sign of stopping.

This is one of four pitches, so the blurb is messy and will be cleaned up eventually. Once my current live story (Hellfire) is completed, I'll see which pitch has the most votes and reads and choose that story to be written next. So if you're interested, let me know. The name is temporary, more of a project title.