Scream It Out Loud; Ryan Ross

Fifth Edition

Ryan drove into the parking lot of our apartment complex and parked in our normal spot.
He stopped the car and I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out.
Ryan got out as well and walked around to the trunk of the car and got out all of our purchases from the mall.
"I still cannot believe you made me buy a dress for no apparent reason," He said while taking his dress out of the trunk.

"Yeah well, I want to have dinner with the guys tonight and I want you to wear it," I told him while we walked up the stairs to our floor.

"Okay, be serious. Is this time for real?" He asked me getting the apartment keys out of his pocket and unlocking the door with much difficulty.

"Yep, dead serious," I told him.
We walked inside and set all of our crap down on the couch in the living room area.
I got out my cell and called Jon.
"Hey Chelsea, watcha need?" He immediately asked me.

"Are you with all the guys?"

"Yeah, we're chilling over at Spencer's place."

"You guys doing anything for dinner?" I asked him, picking at my nails.

I had to pull the phone away from my ear.
"Okay, I'm back," He said.

"Well since you dudes aren't doing anything, I wanna see you all, so come over to the apartment and we'll order pizza and hang."

"Alright, I'm down...let me tell the guys."
I held the phone away again, I knew he was gonna yell throughout the house.
I put the cell back up to my ear.
"Okay we'll be there about 5:30, that okay?"

"Yeah that's fine...oh, tell Brendon to put on his dress. I know he loves to wear that thing any chance he gets."

"Hold on, he's right here...hey Brendon, wear your dress tonight for dinner."
I heard him yell 'SWEET', and then start singing some song about how pretty he was gonna look.
"He is such a dork, well I guess I'll see you guys when you get here later," I said.

"Yep, I'm gonna go get ready, so I'll see you."


"Later Chelsea."
I shut my phone, looked at the time 4:47-, and went off to find Ryan.
He was in his room, lying on his bed with his eyes shut.
But I knew he was awake.
I was looking at him laying there when he said, "Chels, I know I'm hella hot, but you don't have to stare. I can feel you looking at me."
He opened his eyes, sat up, and patted the bed next to him.
I walked over and sat down beside him.
"The guys are coming over for dinner. For sure," I told him.

"Great," He mumbled.

"What is your problem with having the guys over?" I asked him.
He sighed and plopped back on the bed.
"I just...Chelsea look, I really have to tell you something extremely important."

"Which is?" I asked, completely intrigued with what he had to say.
He sat back up again and looked me in the eyes.
"Okay...look Chelsea I care about you a lot."

"Yeah I know, that's why we're best friends," I told him.

"No Chelsea, I mean, I like you as more than just a best friend."

"Holy balls," I muttered under my breath.

"Oh god. Did this just ruin our friendship?" He asked me looking super bummed.

"No. Not at all. I just...I've felt the same way," I said to him smiling.

"Really?" He asked me, looking as if a huge weight was just lifted off of his shoulders.

"Yeah. Really Ry," I looked at him and felt embarrassed.

"So what does this make us?" He asked me looking concerned.

"I dont know...what do you want to be?"

"Together," Ryan said almost immediately.

"Okay. Well then, I guess we're together now," I told him and attempted to get up.
Ryan pushed me back down.
"Not so fast," He told me and pulled me to where our faces were almost touching.

"Ry?" I whispered.

"Hmm?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"This," He said and kissed me.
And let me tell you, it was like fireworks.
We both pulled away at the same time and looked at each other.

"Woah," I said.


"You're good," I said laughing.

"Hey I try," He said laughing along.

"What was that for anyway?" I asked him.

"Because I've wanted to for so long," He answered honestly.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the bed.
We went back over to the couch, and Ryan got his dress out of the bag.
"You are gonna look so sexy in that," I said joking with him.

"Oh, honey, I don't need you to tell me that," He told me while putting his hands on his barely-there hips.
I just laughed at him.
"You know you're wearing your dress too right?" He asked me being completely serious.

"Um, no I'm not."
I was NOT going to wear that in front of all the guys.
I was a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl.
Not much of one to wear a dress, but hey, you never know when you're gonna need one just in case.
"Yes. You are."
Damn you Ryan, damn you.
"Why can't I just wear..." Ryan had interrupted me.

"Jeans and a t-shirt? Because I say so, and I am in fact older, so what I say goes missy."

"Fine Mr. Pretty Boy."
I pulled out my dress as well and went into the bathroom to go change.
When I got out, Ryan went in and changed as well.
I went into the kitchen and looked on the coffee machine for the time.
Damn, the boys would be here soon.
I still wonder why we have the damn coffee maker.
Honestly, no one uses the wretched thing anyway.
No one even drinks the nasty shit.
I think we only have it for the little LED light clock on it.
Beats me.
I needed to order the pizza so I called the local Dominoes Pizza.
"Yeah can I get eight boxes of pizza? Four cheese and the other four supreme?...35? Okay thanks...Apartment 119 at the Stone Plaza. Thanks again. Bye."
I hung up and found Ryan looking at me.
"May I assist you?"

"You may."

"And how is that?"

"Get me a soda from the fridge," He said.

"You are totally unbelievable. The fridge is right behind you!" I exclaimed.

"That may be so, but you love me, so you'll get me one."

I walked over behind Ryan, to the fridge, and got out a Coke for the lazy ass.
"Thanks," He said taking the drink from me.

"Hey! I wanted some of that."
He opened it and took a drink of it.
Ryan walked over to me and gave me a kiss.
I felt him open his mouth, so I did the same.
But when I did, all the soda he had just took into his mouth went into mine.
I had no choice but to swallow it, so I did and pulled away quickly.
I whacked him in the arm hard.
"You said you wanted some. You didn't specify how."
I heard the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it," I said as I went to go answer it.
As I walked past Ryan I smacked him in the back of his head.
I just laughed and answered the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the last one I have for a while, sorry. :/
I've ran out of material.