2022 - new year, definitely not a new you

you remind me of the sewer vermin crawling out of the pits of the nyc lines
excreting whatever toxic nonsense you do when you meet someone new
you’re charismatic and charming and only a few see past the facade you show
you cry about your trauma and turn peoples reactions from your treatment back on them, making them feel like the bad one
you convince your next victim of your angelic tendencies and my god, you can be so sweet and dumb and adorable
but underneath all of that is a boy who blames the world before himself and drags everyone down with him so he can get his newest love-drunk-high
you may be off the meth and the coke, but you’re still chasing the best drug you’ve found which is new love
it fades, and you get bored. and you throw them to the wolves like they meant nothing
you move on to your next needle to try and feel something again