Random Poems About Love

january 2020

i thought life was changing forever when you walked out that door and first saw me. my world started spinning finally. life was at a stand still before i met you. i didn’t know what i wanted to do. i didn’t know where to go. i was lost. then i met you. and my whole world started to twirl around and bloom. opportunities started to arise, the puzzle pieces started to connect together. and then you left and i feel like i went back in time and now i’m even more lost. i thought i had it all figured out when i was with you.

god, i miss him. i miss him more than the beach misses it’s waves. the sun misses its moon. the way a moth misses a flame.

what if i never get over you? what if i spend the next 20 years trying to find “the one” and i never do? what if i never feel this way towards another person again? what if he was my person but he was denying it? what will that do to my destiny?

‪i keep getting flash backs and i feel the memories of us being together‬
‪those feelings will happen again, but you weren’t the right one‬

i can’t keep justifying
your actions when
you weren’t any better
just because you were hurt
doesn’t give you a reason
to do the same to me
just because she did the same
doesn’t mean you can do it
to anyone else

i won’t give you the power
to ruin the things i love
which is why i kept your shirt
because i loved it
before i hated you

i felt the rainbow when i was with you
black blue yellow red green
every spectrum of light

i still think about you. i still think about the good times. and they still overpower all the bad times. the tears and the screaming back and forth and all the pain you put me through. i still get a high every time i remember us. it makes me feel alive.

one day you’ll wake up and realize i’m gone
one day you’ll beg for me back
one day i’ll have to choose between you and freedom
that day i’ll choose my freedom

i thought you were it
my saving grace
my shining knight
you left and i died
but he’s genuine and kind
he cares and asks
he doesn’t force me
and i’m alive again