Chocolate Fudge Brownie Love


The people who surround her feel the benefit of it, It makes you calm. She holds you captivated in her palm

he always talks with his hands, it drives me crazy. It makes me unable to think, less to hear a word of what he is telling me. Up and down, his arms go and all of the sudden he sits down next to me and grabs my hand. As he bores his eyes into mine I can’t do anything but listen.

“It’s done! Perfect amazing and absolutely brilliant. Better than the last one if you can compare them, they are so different…” he keeps talking but all I hear is that it’s done.

“It’s done?”

“Yes, all you got to do is write a dedication and we’ll press it. Then you’ll go on book tour and…” he was up again running around.

“But you just got it last week!” I said thinking that it would have taken her at least a few months to get it all finished but no.

“Yes, but we hardly had to do any editing at all. And I’m telling you its finished!” he grabbed my shoulders from behind squeezing. I had trouble grabbing the idea of it but he hugged me happily before I left to go out in the sunny New York. For the last months the city had been occupied by snow and cold winds, but now it was the first day of spring. It’s done! I repeated over and over again in my head. I just couldn’t grab the idea of me becoming a published writer again; I’d never pictured a book next to my first.

“It’s done!” I said out aloud and people began to stare and I kept my head down as a smile spread happily over my face. The thought of going home crossed my mind but I found myself not going to my home. Instead I went to his place, I didn’t bother knocking and just went straight in.

“It’s done!” I called out not caring he was hanging out with his friends.

What you heard, She likes to leave you hanging on her word

“Are you serious?” he called happily and got up, he knew where I’d been.

“Yes, they are publishing it!” I said and he ran over and threw me up in the air and kissed me. Amazing how he knew how much it he knew it felt for me.

“Oh that is amazing!” he kissed me again “Move in with me!” he suddenly said


“Move in with me!” he put me down upon the floor as I stared at him with my mouth open. A million thoughts when through my head and all of them were unexpectedly positive. I was spending most of my time here anyway since his apartment was much bigger than mine and nicer. Then also had we been together now for eight months and it would only be a natural step.

“Yes,” I said without thinking more. “If you want me here!”

”Nothing would make me happier! Now come on, my friends are in livingroom and they probably would want to see you again!” he took my hand and pulled me in the room.

“Hi Vera!” William called as he saw me and the one around him waved. Still there was a piece of me that struggled with keeping my cool as they treated me just like anyone else in their bands and such as. “So what’s the fuzz about?” he asked

“Vera has just finished her second book.” Gabe said proud and pulled me down onto his lap where his arms dressed my waist.

“Oh that is great!” Sisky called and looked up from a magazine where his band was on the cover. “I’m looking forward in reading it.” All of them had read my first book since Gabe had bought it to them for Christmas even though I had begged him not to.

“Yes, I guess it is!”

“I say this needs some proper celebration!” Butcher said and stood up making his point clear that he was taking nothing but yes as an answer. Though we all knew how a Butcher celebration always turned out. Too many bottles of pink champagne (don’t ask why pink, we don’t actually know), loud eighties music and dancing on tables.

“I agree, but can we please go for real yellow champagne!” Sisky said and stood up.

“How about both?” Butcher said.

“Awesome!” Sisky called and high fived Butcher.

“Vera, what is your opinion about this?” William said from the couch, I gave him a smile before opening my mouth.

“I think it’s going to be a hell lot of fun!” I put my arm around Gabe’s neck and pulled his ear to my mind. “We are going to celebrate it in our bed as well I promise you.” That put a huge grin onto his face and he kissed me as they all just shook their heads.

“You can do all your kissy faces all you want just open the door when it rings in a few hours!” Sisky said and they all left us alone.

“Were alone!” Gabe said and put his hand to my jaw, letting his thumb trace my chin and I blew happy air out of my nose.

“In our home!”

“Just like it should be.”

I figure out that happiness equals you
♠ ♠ ♠
yey another chapter!

more comming soon, sooner if you comment!