Chocolate Fudge Brownie Love


“Oh sweetheart put the bottle down you got too much talent,” I heard a soft voice sing in my ear from behind. By heart I knew that voice and loved it. Always when I was feeling a bit rebellious I’d put on her music and sing along with every word.

“Katy!” I called and spun around to hug her. I hadn’t met her in forever, not since she and Travis had broken up. It had made me really sad since she had become such a good friend. I’d meet her on warped tour earlier that summer and saw her every show. “I didn’t know you’d be here!”

“Well Gabe called and invited me, since I just happened to be in town.” She looked around in the room probably searching for her ex but he wouldn’t be here. Last time Gabe said anything about him they were on a south America tour or something like that.

“He is not here!” I said and put my hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“I’m great just hard sometimes. Last party Butcher party I was on Travis and I were… you know… still together.” She said with a faith smile on her lips.

“I know but don’t think too much about it! Have some champagne and have great time!”

“I will!” she promised and then excused herself to go and say hello to Gabe. They hugged along time and I smiled, my Gabe was truly the best.

The room had begun to spin as soon as I got up from the couch where I’d been sitting for the last hour sipping pink champagne to Butchers happiness. I thought I should perhaps talk to more people than just him so I got up, since this was a party to my honor. I wobbled a bit and managed not to spill my half empty glass but still jamming my knee into the living room table.

“Wooh, are you okay?” Butcher said laughing as he got up as well and took a grip at my arms so I wouldn’t fall over. He found that amusing as well.

“Yes, you can let me go now! Thank you!” I smiled wide and walked away from him, I managed to get myself into the kitchen where I poured myself a glass of water. That sobered me up a bit and I could now walk in a straight line though I was still a bit numb when it came to turning.

“There you are!” Georgia said and seated herself onto the kitchen counter. “Been looking for you actually!” there was a huge smile dressing her face. I hugged her since I was happy she was there. For the last months both of our lives had been moving in different directions but I didn’t want to lose her as a friend. I had always considered her my best friend, and it was weird not having her calling me whenever. “What was that for?”

“For being here!”

“You’re drunk!”

“I’m not denying that fact but it doesn’t change that I’m glad you are here! I’ve missed you!”

“I’ve missed you too, it’s been forever! I can hardly remember the last time you and I danced it out. I swear I got a lot of issues to solve.” Always when things got hard, Georgia and I would dress up and go out to the nearest club. There we’d dance until our feats began to bleed and then we’d be too happy to care about the problems in our own lives.

“Hell yes!” I said and pulled her down from the counter and pulled her into the living room where 80’s music was playing and all you could do was dance. As we began to move on the floor everyone else stopped whatever they were doing and looked at us. It wasn’t normal for people to begun to dance until at least an hour later when people were less conscious. This didn’t bother me at all but I preferred to dance when I was more in control of my moves,
Tonight was different, as we dance more people got onto the floor. Everyone sang along to the familiar words and laughed as we all enjoyed ourselves.

Because we’re living in a material world and I’m a material girl

“Vera!” Gabe said as he began to dance close to me, taking my hands and making me swirl. I laughed as a smile spread across his face and kissed him.

“You are having a goodtime?” I asked.


“So good that you won’t have to leave tomorrow?” I asked knowing what he’d say. He had no choice, he was supposed to leave for LA in the morning. Album thing to do or something just like it.

“Come with me!” he said and pulled me off the ground and out to the balcony where we could talk without screaming. It was pretty cold outside but Gabe pulled me close so we’d share body heat. “Come with me!” he said again and smelled my hair, making me feel so secure in his arms.

“I wish I could! But you know I got that reporter coming and meeting with the publisher about the cover. Also I got to write the dedication and move out of my apartment and yeah.” I said truthfully sorry for having to do all that.

“Yeah, I forgot!”

“Well I didn’t!” there was things bothering me about the future. What would it be like when Gabe actually began touring the globe for real, he’d mostly been in the recording studio working on the new album and I writing. But now he was going on tour and I’d go on a book tour on my own. Travelling around the states reading my book and signing copies, that was what the label had planned anyway.

“That’s why I love you!” we sat down at the bench covered ourselves with the blankets I’d carried outside earlier just for these kinds of situations. It was the warmest night of the year so far and I smiled as spring was coming strong. Close, I sat to him with my head on his chest. We talked to hours, all night and I loved it. In so many ways it was as it had been when we first met, when we’d be up all night talking about everything and nothing. As time passed people kept popping their heads out before saying goodbye.

“What time is it?”

“Morning!” he said and looked up at the sky. “We should probably get some sleep.”

“Yes, but I’m too tired to walk all the way to my bed.” I had hardly uttered the words before he picked me up in his arms and carried me into the heath. The apartment was empty and it was pretty messy everywhere but we didn’t care. There were bottles and glasses everywhere but nothing seemed to be broken wish was a first. He walked into the bedroom where he gently placed me on the bed and then began kissing my ears. I flushed and was suddenly filled with energy. Through the window I could see the sun raising and I pulled him close to me.

“Do you want to sleep!” he asked with his velvet voice that I found so attractive.

“I need to get up in four hours.”

“Yes, me too! But that was not what I asked, I said do you want to sleep?” his body was cold from night we’d spent outside and I hoped I wouldn’t get him sick cause that would just ruin everything.

“No, do you?”

“No!” and he kissed me and I loved his cold hard lips.

Well shut up and leave me dry. With sheep champagne and a disappearing life line, I will day thinking about you and I
♠ ♠ ♠
oh filler chapter. sorry.
more coming