Chocolate Fudge Brownie Love


Oh baby you’re a classic, just like a little black dress

Through the window the sun was glowing onto him as he packed his bag only wearing black jeans. I lay there in the bed underneath the warm cover. Neither of us spoke very much instead we just was and it was nice. These was moments, I thought that I wanted to remember about my youth. How comfortable we were in each other’s company.
He put his hand to my cheek in comfort as he took his book of the nightstand and placed it in his duffle bag. Then without any problems he sipped it shut, too many times to count had he packed for a tour so he knew exactly how much to bring whenever he had to go somewhere. I on the other hand had major problems still when it came to packing.

“That was all!” he said and sat down.

“How long?”

“Any minute!” I was going to drive him to the airport so I got up and put a sweater on and grabbed my sunglasses. It was the first time I’d be able to use my black raybans wayfers that William had bought me for Christmas since someone managed to sit on my old pair on Warped tour this summer. The keys hang on a hook next to the outdoor and I grabbed it after I put my shoes on. Neither of us spoke as we walked into the elevator. I looked at him and he looked at me, smile and he took my hand.

“You know it’s only a week,” I said and pressed the entre button, knowing that it would be the longest we’d been apart. “And there are phones and you bought me that webcam last week. Time will pass and soon you’ll be back with me!” what I said was more for me than for him. It was the words I’d want him to tell me but he wouldn’t so I did it.

“Yes, I’ll call you every chance I get! You won’t have time to miss me!”

“We’re such clichés!” he put his arm around my waist and a moment later the doors went up after taking us down 28 floors. That was another thing I loved about moving into his apartment, it had an amazing view over the city.

“Yes, and we love every moment of it!” he took my hand, threw his bag onto his shoulder and I took him to the airport. We picked up Ryland on the way and he was all into telling funny jokes he had found on the internet. The thing was that they weren’t funny at all, though he thought they were so funny were funny.

“This is the best one ever! Listen…” he called from the backseat. ” A student comes to a young professor's office. She glances down the hall, closes his door, kneels pleadingly. "I would do anything to pass this exam." She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, gazes meaningfully into his eyes. "I mean.." she whispers, "..I would do ANYTHING!!" He returns her gaze. "Anything??" "Yes,.. Anything!" She says. His voice turns to a whisper. "Would you.. study??"” and then he began laughing his head off. “I mean, seriously!” I glance at Gabe and he has a bit of a grin on his face and I can’t help but to chuckle a bit.

“At least that one was a bit funny!” I said and Gabe nodded,

“Hey, I got another one! Once, a redneck asked me : "what do you tell a woman with 2 black eyes?" and I said "what?" Then he said "Nothing - you've already told her TWICE!"” He laughed so hard this time it almost brought him to tears. Neither Gabe nor I could find anything amusing about that story.

“Ryland, No! You are officially banned from telling any more stupid, lame jokes around me and my woman! And it’s a life ban.” Gabe said and it wiped Ryland’s smile right off his face.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh? I mean he can’t help but to be who he is!”

“Okay, for two weeks then!”

“Hey, guys have you heard this one: knock knock!”

“NO!” both of us called.

“Guys,” he said with a huge grin on her face.

I was happy and still sad when I pulled into the JFK airport a few minutes later. Again neither Gabe nor I spoke as we walked into the airport and in hand. I loved being in airport especially with Gabe since we had met on a plane. Just there by the luggage coming out had I asked him out and yes, he had history here. It stung hard in my heart when we reached the check in because I had to leave him in just a short period of time, as soon as the rest of his band got here, which would be within a few minutes, I would have to leave. He put his bag on the ground and pulled me close with both his arms thigh around me. His head resting on me and I felt my tears close. Over and over again I told myself not to cry, it would only make me pathetic.

“Don’t look to the right, there is a paparazzi taking a picture.” Gabe whispered with an amused tone in his voice.

“No!” I hid my face in his jacket, I sure as hell didn’t want this moment in the daily gossip magazines.

“Hey guys!” I heard Victoria’s girl voice called and I turned my face towards her to say hello. Quickly I hugged her and Alex and Nate and then returned to Gabe’s arms. It was time to say goodbye and a tear escaped. Though it didn’t make it very far before Gabe’s thumb wiped it away. He kissed me and I was out of breath. In my ear he told me not to cry and that he loved me. Every night he promised to give me a call if not more. The others waved smiling and then they were gone and I walked out, sat in the car and drove home. I lay down on his pillow and smelled him. Suddenly my phone buzzed, showing that I had received a message an hour ago. It was from Gabe.

I thought I packed it all but I forgot my heart.

There was not a single portion of me doubting in that moment that I had hit the jackpot this time. I was not going to mess this up and I would fight until my fingers bleed. But the world might not always spin the way you like. Trust me, I would know.
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I'm not one begging for comments, aslong as you keep reading i will keep updating.
kay? :)