Chocolate Fudge Brownie Love


From the moment he said his name and forced himself into my life I hated him. So much of him made me loath the creature that interrupted, what was soon to become a faultless life, but not with him present it.
“I’m Mat, with one t.” he said and smiled crooked. I guess he thought that looked sexy, but not on him, it only made him stupid.

“I’m Vera, spelled just as it sounds!”

“So you just moved in or what? Did that rocker dude finally move out?” He had hands in his pockets and leaned against the mirror of the elevator as it took us upwards. Around us I had six of my books with the most fundamentals, my clothing and such as.

“Obviously I’m moving in, and the rocker dude is still there!”
”So you’re his sister?” he said optimistically still being an idiot.

“No, his girlfriend!” I was relieved when the doors slid open and I hurried out, I was though not so happy when he took a few of my boxes and offered to help

“I don’t need any help!” I said and rolled my eyes backwards in my head, trying to show him that his present wasn’t appreciated. Though why, I had just been introduced to this individual and what reason did I have to despise him?

Well now everybody's losing control, intoxicated circulation

This time he felt the sensation of dislike I sent him and left as soon as he’d helped me with the boxes. I saw how he smiled visibly amused by the fact of my annoyance; this made me lose my bad humor even more. Rudely I said goodbye and then threw the door into his face and continued into the living room where I turned up ‘Santi’ on high volume and I began packing up a few of my things. I didn’t want to do too much without Gabe, since this was his apartment as well.
After a few hours where I’d danced around in the apartment singing to William’s voice I returned to my old flat and began packing the rest of the things. It had sold very quickly, before we even had time to put it into the paper it had been sold and over the asking price as well. This only showed how hard it was to find a decent apartment in New York these days. The only catch was that I had to be out of the apartment in just two days and I had no time to fix with storage for the furniture that wouldn’t fit in the new apartment so I just had to store it in the workroom until the end of the month when I’d be able to get a storage room.

“You have so much shit in this closet!” David shouted from my bedroom where he was in charge with putting all my clothes into boxes. I, myself was in the kitchen carefully rapping all my plates, glasses and other things you find in a kitchen in bubble wrap.

“That is nothing compared to all the things in here!” Georgina who was in my closet slash storage room of everything I couldn’t get myself to throw out like books and old photography things, my old guitar that had lost a string and many things from my earlier years in the city.

“Hey, don’t mock my shit!” I called back and picked my phone up from the table. My whole face lit up when I saw that it was Gabe calling. “Hey Baby!”

“Vera,” it wasn’t Gabe, it was Nate.

“Nate, what is wrong!” I could hear it in his voice that everything wasn’t alright, inside of me I felt everything tensing up and I stopped breathing.

“You need to get here; there has been an accident…”


“No I’m just kidding with you! He is right here!” I heard Nate and everyone laughing and I wanted to punch him so hard.

“Hey Honey!” Gabe said on the other end and I was almost beginning to cry. “Vera?”

“Yes?” my voice was only a whisper and it was shaking.

“Are you okay?” his tone was gentle and velvet as he spoke with small letters. In the background I could hear all his friends laughing and having fun, Pete’s regular monotone voice a long with Victoria’s girly laugh.

“Don’t you ever do that to me again?” This time I managed not to sound so helpless which astonished even me.

“Oh don’t hate the messenger!” Nate called from the background.

“Tell him that he can be expecting a big beating when he gets home!” I said as I heard Gabe closing a door behind him and we were now alone.

“He is just having his fun, you can’t hate the guy for that?” he laughed and couldn’t stay angry with Gabe nor Nate for that fact, I missed Gabe too much though it had only gone three days and I still hadn’t written the dedication, I had the interview tomorrow but I was almost done with the packing.

“I miss you!” I said and sat down on the only kitchen chair that wasn’t yet covered by my shit.

“I miss you too!” he said softly. “I wish I could be there to help you pack!”

“Well I don’t”

“Why not?”

“Because I got a lot of shit to hide from you!” this made him laugh and we talked for an hour or so until I had to finish packing my things so I wouldn’t be here all night.

“That’s all!” I called to my friends as they drove off with the last load of boxes. Three days later it was all empty. I walked through the three rooms that had been my home and they looked so small. Though to me it had never been crowded, I had loved it, from the day I moved in and painted every wall red and put up black white pictures. Now the walls were painted in a soothing green color, they had become that way when I a year ago wanted spring to come.

I drove home after spending an hour alone in my apartment, saying goodbye to the old and then at home taking in the new. Without Gabe though, it didn’t feel right and besides I could go see him now. Yesterday he’d called and said that they would be staying an extra week because they had to re-record a few tracks. Maybe I would go, I thought as closed the door behind and looked the doors. I had no plans what so ever to be returning to this place.
♠ ♠ ♠
such a filler, sorry more and better soon. I just had had a french exchange student here but now she is gone and i will be writing more.
