Chocolate Fudge Brownie Love


I touch you once I touch you twice, I won't let go at any price
His arms dressed me nicely as we lay on the beach in Los Angeles in the sun. Carefully I had rubbed my whole body in sun lotion so I wouldn’t get burned. So far I enjoyed my sun and didn’t care too much that I had the pigments of a redhead. I pushed my sunglasses higher up on my nose as they had descended with the sweat.

“Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah. Some call me the gangsta of love!” Gabe all of the sudden began singing. The sincerity in his voice made me laugh.

“Some people call me Maurice. Cause I speak of the pompatus of love” I continued and this time Gabe laughed by the way I pulled the o in the love out. Also he laughed by the fact that I seemed to know the song. Then of course he had to go and overdo it,

“People talk about me, baby,” with that his voice went up to faucet and he continued as he sat up. “Say I'm doin' ya wrong, doin' ya wrong. Well, don't you worry baby. Don't worry. Cause I'm right here, right here, right here, right here at home,” and then he put my hand on his heart.

“I love you,” and then I kissed him.

“Yuck!” was Pete’s exact word as he, Ashlee, an unknown red head that seemed oddly familiar and two baby carriages arrived. “Dude, did you just sing ‘the Joker’ to her?”

“What if I am?” Gabe said and smiled as I got off the ground to say hello to Ashlee. “Wait I’m not done! I need to sing the best part!”this made me blush and then he sang again. “You're the cutest thing I ever did see. I really love your peaches want to shake your tree. Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time. Come on baby and I'll show you good time,” he was just about to play the trumpet with his lips but I pressed my fingers over his lips.

“Behave,” I smiled and then actually said hello to Ashlee.

“Long time!” she said happily and hugged me close. In so many ways was she amazing, always happy and always spreading that joy around her. “Vera, this is my friend Natalie Salinger,” I suddenly realized that I knew who this Natalie was; three years ago her face had been on ever news paper in the country. Female rock star Natalie Salinger kidnapped

“Hi!” we exchanged smiles and nods. We spent another hour on the beach and I watched laughing as Gabe and Pete played with Bronx and Natalie’s Two-year-old Timothy. The little boys seemed to be amused by Pete and Gabe’s funny faces, especially the cute Timothy whose laugh was like music to the ear. The funniest thing was that Gabe couldn’t move so Pete was the one running after Tim as he went crazy for the water. Gabe was all yelling and telling Pete to do this, and to do that.

“Honey, give him a break!” I called as I held little Bronx in my arms, Ashlee and Natalie had gone to get us some lunch.

“Okay, only for you. I can be the boss of him when we leave for tour in the morning.”

From this point my life just began spinning and time went by like crazy, we were traveling all over the country. My phone broke and every part of my normal life was just lost. Instead I was having fun, driving Gabe around in his wheelchair and blowing his foot when it hurt so much that he tears filled his eyes. Though he got better and soon started walking around with a cane or the elongated cobra as he called it. Every night I would stand on the side of the stage watch him sing and get better.

Sleep for days; come over, come over, I won’t make the same mistake! I’m dying not to hurt you

I loved how I never seemed to stop smiling and never be in the way of anyone. Before I always had felt so lost around people I didn’t know, but I simple wasn’t paying attention to this anymore. I smiled for the camera as they recorded their Cobracam though hoped I wouldn’t end up on the net.

“Faster woman!” Gabe said as I pushed him forward in the chair though I knew he didn’t actually need that thing anymore but he pretended else wise. The truth was that Gabe loved that thing, it made his life so much easier, now he could just ask people to do things for him and they wouldn’t say anything snobby back to him like they did before. Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t like he did anything productive when I was completely healthy.

“I see stairs at the end of the corridor; perhaps you would feel comfortable at the bottom of it!” I gritted through my teeth not being actually serious about that, almost not anyway.

“Just get me out of here and I will be happy,” he smiled sweetly and then yelled at Pete that appeared at door. “Ey, you!”

“I prefer if you’d call me sir Peter Kingston Wentz the third!” Pete yelled back.

“Yeah, and I’m the queen of England. Drive me to my buss!” he demanded and Pete took the handles to the chair from me. With a question mark on my face my eyes wandered from Pete to Gabe. Both of them were grinning like morons and I knew that I didn’t really want to be a part of what they were planning next. I had been hanging out with them enough during the times I had been on tour of them and knew when a moving objects and the two were mixed the outcome wouldn’t be good. Actually the both of them and a food cart were the reason for Gabe’s most recent accident. I took a deep breath, sighed and turned. “Hey, hang on!” Gabe carefully took my hand and pulled me down into his lap. “You ain’t going anywhere!”

“I don’t know if I’m strong enough for the both of you!”

“Shut up midget and go!”

I’m not street but I do what I got to do! So you got a crew, well I got a crew too

Suddenly we were moving in crazy speed as Pete ran and pushed us forward. We pass a confused Hey Monday that looked like they had only woken up a minute ago; pass Patrick that held his hat so it wouldn’t be dragged along with the wind. Then we got to the cobra cage as it was referred to and Pete began circling but stopped abruptly when I man I knew far to well ended up in the way. Jamie, my publisher, dressed in a black suit that wasn’t fitting in with the touring and with his hand gestures that always distracted me.

“Hello Vera,” the look on his face was troubled and in my head a million thoughts flashed trough. What if the book wasn’t happening, what if they thought it was rubbish, what if I was rubbish.

“What is wrong Jamie?”
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Okay, so its time to make something happen in this story. I got big plans and hopefully you'll be able to read them. Today has been very inspiring to me, first I watch the and laughed, if you haven't seen it I hope you will now. Also I've been listing to nonstop cobra and fallen in love with gabe all over again. Sorry about making this so long, I need to put this in my blog instead, might be a good idea.

btw, heey new subscribers and has anyone else but me noticed how skilled i am and managed to misspell chocolate on the background. Yey for me. And if anyone wants help with creating layouts for their stories I'm happy to help. Though i will spel it right. Then I also whanted to tell you that if you are intressted of the character Natalie you can read my completed fic I'm Just the Cover On Top Of Your Bed and again sorry about making this long.

Happy Easter